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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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Kiru had a dreamless sleep. He woke, shivering for some reason. He realized something. He didn't deserve to see. He summoned his keyblade, and stabbed his eyes out.

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Kiru stood up and walked out of the room. He could still tell what was what. It was liking entering a true world of darkness. And he had never felt so alone.

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Kiru knew one thing. He didn't care if Moon killed him. He was going to release Kingdom Hearts. He eventually arrived at the door, opening it. He walked in, immediately felling the emptiness, like his heart. He wondered if he still had one. He wandered the rooms, trying to find a specific one.

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He eventually found the one he was looking for. He saw the shape of his mother. A heartless was creeping up behind her. It then stabbed her in the back. She said one last thing. "Kirumiza, I love you."

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whats with all the racket keep it down

vaxid sees moonlight in xander's arms

0h you two are haveing a tender moment i'll just go

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