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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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i knew she didnt care he said walking back to the edge of the tower before i go he said sitting down and pulling out an ice cream ill be happy for a couple seconds then im going to die he says to himself portaling to memories skyscraper

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i am the leader now newbie so i would strongly recommend you lower your keyblade

vaxid walks slowly out of moon's room and into the kitchen

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"What the?!" Moonlight screemed and she appeared in a dark place.

"This place, its supreme darkness." Moonlight said. She then made a portal.

"I have to see Xander!!" Moonlight yelled.

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Moonlight ran to the bottom of the skyscraper.

"Xander stop!" She said she saw his lips move but couldnt hear him. Then spikes arose from the ground. Then a spike went right through her. She spit out blood.

'Is this my death?' Moonlight thought.

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moonlight xander yelles recalling the spikes and portaling down the tower curaga he yells healing her wound im sorry moon but i really cant live with out you thats why i need to jump he said explaining i love you he say kissing her and portaling back up the tower

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Moonlight felt no difference with the cure. She then fell to the ground and passed out.

'Does he really hate me that much he stabbed me with spikes?' Moonlight though unconscience.

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xander gave her a dark potion which woke her up moonlight are you alright he said crying on her body i cant live without you xander yelles i love you he says kissing her again

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