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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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Kiru was laying on the couch. He sighed. So she really didn't love him. he sighed again. He didn't want to get in a fight, so he lied about liking Moonlight as a friend. He would have to accept the fact that she didn't love him. Darkness appeared in front of him and he saw her. The girl he would not ever see again. "Hello," said Ginvy.

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It really did suck. Ginvy was his first and only friend. He was about to include Moonlight on that list, but then she was cold to him again. Ginvy smiled at him. "Long time no see, huh, Kiru?"

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hey moku how do you like the pie oh and i got something to tell you i'm going to let you in on my little plan

vaxid laughs like a mad man

Hatter:oh is it laughing time already

the hare the mouse and the madd hatter began laughing uncontrolably vaxid eyes glow bright yellow

moku my friend everybody is in for a bumpy ride

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Ginvy laughed. "Of course stupid." They fought across the room, until Ginvy stabbed Kiru in the chest. Kiru slumped against a wall as Ginvy disappeared. "Well, this is just great," Kiru muttered to himself."

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