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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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im gonna stay with the new guy it might be a good idea because i dont want things to crazy he said looking from moon to the new guy and for gods sake moon he pressed his thoughts in her head your mine not that snivleing brats

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ok moku guess were we're goin thats right to Wonderland its all sorts of pie cakes and tea there

0h and i gotta go make a rabbit skined rugged my feet gets cold

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Moku shuddered again at the thought of him skinning a bunny. "What about Moonlight eating our eyes? Oh I got an idea!" He lit up at the idea. "We can ask her for a mission at Wonderland and then go there and do what we want there and come back. We won't get our eyes eaten that way." Moku told Vaxid.

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yea ok moku where do it your way and while were at you distract xander and i'll knock him unconscious

vaxid and moku walks back to the office

yes my queen you called

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fine lets go xander said feeling betrayed opening a portal to wonderland get going ill be there in a couple minutes he said running quickly to his room and packing a bag

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Moku got a bag of some of his stuff that he will need for his "mission" and waited for Vaxid and Xander to come out of the portal. "Come on guys get in here before I leave without you!" Moku shouted at them.

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xander went to twilight town the clock tower she betayed me he thought to himself he held the orb of light in his hands so pretty he muttered to himself he put it away opening a portal to the world that never was im grabing a coat how stupid he said putting it on and traveling back and eating some ice cream

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"Hmph. I may be a female but im not easy to flatter so ill jave to drain your light." Moonlight said looking at him then leaning on the wall.

"And while they are out you can get some training done weakling. Since it seems Xander is not coming back." Moonlight said.

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Vaxid finally walked through the portal and the portal closed. "Okay, minus killing a bunny and I'm in. Lets go get some tea and pie!" Moku shouted and walked off through multiple doors.

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