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Dark Memories

Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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Moku looked at Moonlight angrily and said "Hey, males are stronger then girls. It's proven on that." Moku said showing his muscles to Moonlight and got his keyblade out and did some action poses with the keyblade.

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vaxid hear moku whispher to him

hes the new guy and yea more people=more drama hey xander moku you guys wanna go get some food i know a great place that gives out free ice cream

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hey i take offence to that xander said looking at moon and were you gonna draw my light out or what and you might want to do it to the new comer as well

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Moonlight laugged.

"Vaxid,Moku, Xander. Exit the castle go do whatever. Im gonna have a long long chat with this one." She said licking her lips.

"After all i do have a taste for vision." Moonlight said laughing.

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um.. no thanks moon im gonna help out with this one besides he looks scared i might be able to help him. welcome to the family number 5 xander said shakeing his hand

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Moku got pale at the thought of her eating his eyes. He put his hand over his eyes and shivered. "Can we at least go out for a second and come back. I mean we have to stay in this castle forever and never leave. That will kill me!" Moku said loudly.

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lets go guys its obvious that our leader wants some alone time with the newbie

vaxid lifts his forks in the air and pointed toward the door

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Moku leaves the room with Vaxid and was thinking about never leaving the castle ever. The thought scared him since he has to stay with these people forever. He shivered at the thought and continued to walk with Vaxid.

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