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Keyblade Assassins-Worlds At War- (Rp)

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Moku went to Vaxid's room to see what cool stuff he has since he wasn't there. He jumped into his room by shadows and saw a will and testament of him. "I leave my pie forks to Moku and my keyblade too ...... ew is that his snot!" Moku shouted as he wiped his hand on Vaxid's bed. "What the heck is this?" Moku thought out loud as he walked out of Vaxid's room. "Maybe he's just being an idiot again," He said looking at the wall where the diagram was. He could still see "Number IV did this" on the wall. Moku laughed at little cause no one believe he did it and thought about what Vaxid did in the castle, like steal Moonlight's pie. Now Moku was worried about what Vaxid meant and ran from shadow to shadow to find Vaxid.

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back at number one's office

ok now that xander light is gone i have som....ACHOO!!!! ok either someones talking about me or my lifetime supply of color pencils are in danger......

0h umm number 1 number 2 i came here to tell you guys that i hate babies they creep me

vaxid has a flashback hes in a house babysitting

rock aby baby *Bam Bam shoots babies*

daydream ends vaxid laughs

yea the jeffersons we're pretty mad that day

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Moku finally got to the office of Moonlight and saw someone talking with Moonlight with Vaxid and Xander. He focused on the man that was talking to Moonlight and walked over to Vaxid and Xander. "Who is this? Does he know Moonlight? Please tell me he won't bring anymore drama in this castle. We got enough all ready don't we?" Moku asked Vaxid and Xander quietly.

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