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Azure Flame

Which Ultima Keyblade do you like the most?

Which Ultima Keyblade do you like the most?  

98 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Ultima Keyblade do you like the most?

    • KH1
    • KH2
    • BBS

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Kh2. That one was awesome. And so hard to get! I've had the game for two years and STILL don't have it.


How the f......udge did you managed that????

After 25h gameplay I was in the Castle That Never Was, and as soon as I was there I trained my Final Form which automatically got me enough materials for Ultima, Save The King and Save The Queen and costed me like 1hour.


I gained 6 Orichalcum+ throughout the game since they are hard to miss and rushed throug hthe last cup to get the 7th.

If you count from the point you are in the Casle That Never Was it takes you 2 hours to get the Ultima Weapon.



I voted for the KH2 Ultima. It's range is huge, the effects it makes when you attack look gorgeous and using magic with it is very satisfying espacially in Master-/Final Form.

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BBS was similar to KH2's therefore it is unoriginal, but KH2's was cooler in the first place


It's actually like a mixture of KH2 Ultima and the Wayfinders.


Anywho, I voted for KH2 because I like the colorscheme and look of it better. And I felt it was the easiest to get. And it kinda tricks you too, saying you need 13 oricalcum+ when there are only 7 in the game. But if you max out your synthesis level, you cut it in half to 7. And as someone else said, most of the items you need are found at TWTNW. The earliest you can get it is as soon as you get to the Castle That Never Was, where you get the last Oricalcum+


And it's the only Ultima Weapon with an ability, MP Hastega.

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i dont like any they firetrucking suck cause you need to go on a shit fetch quest to get them they are boring i got the 1 in KH 2 but in kh 1 it is allmost immpossible to get it cause you have to synthesize 24 items to get it in you'r list


Yeah, but they're the strongest weapons in the game too, so it makes up for it.


And in BBS you have to clear Villains Vandetta. I haven't even gotten up to that yet on anyone.

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Yeah, but they're the strongest weapons in the game too, so it makes up for it.


And in BBS you have to clear Villains Vandetta. I haven't even gotten up to that yet on anyone.


i beat the mirage arena , but only with ventus and let me tell you it wasnt easy so i leveld up using the mega flare thing to lvl 99. but i choose the kh2 ultima weapon because its awesome for a number of reasons.


p.s. lol beating the vanitas lingering spirit and m.f was easy but i was level 50 for that

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You could have put up the other games. Like 358/2 Days and Re:coded.


Well, Days doesn't have an Ultima Weapon other than the panel that boosts weapons. It's version would be Omega Weapon. As for Re:Coded, that ultima is the KH1 Ultima, as with CoM/Re:CoM

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Kh2. That one was awesome. And so hard to get! I've had the game for two years and STILL don't have it.


lol seriously ? xD It was pretty easy rly xD I got it without having any difficulty and I suck creating the rare things xD It was the first and last time I made the Ultima keyblade though xD


So Kh2 is for me o/

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Yeah, but they're the strongest weapons in the game too, so it makes up for it.


And in BBS you have to clear Villains Vandetta. I haven't even gotten up to that yet on anyone.


in bbs bbs english and bbs final mix but im stuck on no heart in final mix

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