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Rose Riku

Innuendo Partyy!

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So... because I am a Perv Goddess...


I like looking for innuendoes in video games. ESPECIALLY Kingdom Hearts. And right off the bat I found a few in Days. What were some that you guys found? They don't have to be word for word if you can't remember. xD


One of my personal favorites was when Axel noted that Roxas was being really quiet and he said something like, "No time to talk let's get our hands dirty!" Or something. xD


I can't even believe I made a thread for this. HAHA!

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So... because I am a Perv Goddess...


I like looking for innuendoes in video games. ESPECIALLY Kingdom Hearts. And right off the bat I found a few in Days. What were some that you guys found? They don't have to be word for word if you can't remember. xD


One of my personal favorites was when Axel noted that Roxas was being really quiet and he said something like, "No time to talk let's get our hands dirty!" Or something. xD


I can't even believe I made a thread for this. HAHA!


Sora to Riku (in KH2): Riku... you gonna take that off?



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So... because I am a Perv Goddess...


I like looking for innuendoes in video games. ESPECIALLY Kingdom Hearts. And right off the bat I found a few in Days. What were some that you guys found? They don't have to be word for word if you can't remember. xD


One of my personal favorites was when Axel noted that Roxas was being really quiet and he said something like, "No time to talk let's get our hands dirty!" Or something. xD


I can't even believe I made a thread for this. HAHA!


xD when Axel said that, i squeed like the insane fangirl i am X3 haha~

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although it isn't perverted, axel's question to saix is the answer to something we've always wondered:

"Why can't you just be straight with me for once?"

but the whole "icing on the cake" thing always freaks me out.

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D; I'm bad at finding these.

o.o Re:Com Fun. <3 :


Repliku to Riku: You are SOO missing out. How could you be scared of something that can be SO THRILLING?


Axel to Vexen : It's not very often we see you topside.

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LAWHAAAL. Kaiso. xD Those make meh lol.




Dude, I've caught all of the ones that were listed while playing. I'm not even kidding. I'm such a freaking perv.


"Hehe, that tickles." - Mickey to Riku in RECOM Riku's Story.



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