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Video First Attempt at AMV/GMV :D

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So heres my first attempt, if you can please give me some tips ^.^ After all I'm new to this AMV-fad.


I borrowed the video from this site.



Btw, I used Windows Movie Maker.

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okay i'll give you some advice dont use them trailer clips unless you have sony vegas cause i can tell you them boxes around the screen are annoying with wmm stick to the games main clips another thing before you make another video get more clips have aleast all the kh2 clips before you make another vid and when picking a song have a look into songs other kh editors have used pretty easy to work with songs and when using the songs stick the clips to the song so say the song goes i unlock the door show a clip of sora unlocking something with the keyblade ya get me

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okay i'll give you some advice dont use them trailer clips unless you have sony vegas cause i can tell you them boxes around the screen are annoying with wmm stick to the games main clips another thing before you make another video get more clips have aleast all the kh2 clips before you make another vid and when picking a song have a look into songs other kh editors have used pretty easy to work with songs and when using the songs stick the clips to the song so say the song goes i unlock the door show a clip of sora unlocking something with the keyblade ya get me



^ Basically what he said. The main clips are better than the trailer clips so aim for the main clips. Also try to fit in the clips with the lyrics its better that way. It may take some time, but its worth it all. You know having a good clip and all. :D Just some tips.

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The only thing I would suggest is trying to cut the clips more. For example, don't have one scene going for more than a line (if that makes any sense). It makes the video look much better. :3

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