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Is there any way i can fix this?

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Ok.My mom and dad fight (alot).And they fight for nothing...NOTHING! 2 summs ago my mom and dad had a fight over my bro b-day party.So When they where fighting.We where in a car...On our way home..So my dad got mad and got out of the car and walkd home.My summer houes.

So this time.WE WHERE IN A Restaurant!!!My mom start making joke and my dad got mad.

So my dad start YELLING in the restaurant.Then he lelf and got the car me my mom and my lill sis who just turn 10.Got into the car and my start went off.(once again).Then he got out of the car(what a nice man leaveing his wife and kids in a car ALONE).I love my dad but i'm mad at him right now.

But before they start yelling.My dad hit my in the arm.So i moved to me my.My mom look at my dad.

I don't want to say the rest.

And now im in my summer houes.Where most likely my dad will come.And start a fight again.

Most of the time.I won't care cuz they fight ALOT.

But this time my mom said."Sam is going with me.Vinny is staying with dad.Where are you staying alexis.


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Just say " If you and Mom love each other then you will go to counseling. " Because it sounds like it could get physical. If that doesn't work then just say i'm gonna start cutting myself and put fake scratches on ur arms.... It'll bring them together if that doesn't work then message me

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well its sounds like your parents need to sit down and talk with eachother to find out whats wrong in their marriage ,or what they need to work on. If they dont wanna communicate with eachother then id suggest you find a way to bring them together( and NO dont cut yoursellf or hurt yourself because chances are they will blame eachother for it. maybe ask an aunt or uncle even a close family friend to help findout whats causing them to fight so much. You can even ask them yourself tell them the truth that their arguments are affecting you, and your siblings most likely, but the most important thing here is to get them to communicate! :)


-Best wishes!

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I'm a gypsy we don't do that.If it don't work out they leave each.Only one will get a boy(the boys are the best in gypsy's minds>.>)

And one will get the girls but my mom won't put us thown that so she going to let us pick....I don't know who to pick if they do break up:(

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there are probably gonna b a bunch of retards on this topic saying whatever even though they dont know what there talking about but i really dont know so im not going to say anything accept my parents are divorced and they divorced when i was 5 they would fight all the time and my dad decided to leave i didnt c him for 3 years i got really depressed and i cryed every day 4 half of the time he was gone i really hope the same thing doesnt happen to u

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No one wants their parents to behave this way, but they do. It sucks, but the reality of it one day you'll be an adult who supports herself and you'll be able to leave them behind. Until then, stick with the parent that you feel safest/supported by. For me it was clearly my mom. No kid should have to pick between parents because no matter how stupid they act, parts of you will love them both no matter what. Think selfishly and do what's best for you though, your parents' problem isn't related to you and there isn't anything you could do for their relationship.

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I know how that's like, when I was 6 my parents almost got divorced, I didn't understand then.

But my sister convinced them to stay together, I think. She was really sad, cried every night. They decided to sit down and talk it over. They're still together, for over 17 years.

Although it might take courage, you have to speak to them and maybe try to bring them to talk to each other, calmly. If it doesn't work out then... Sorry, you'll just have to accept their divorce.

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Well I know exacly how they feel but not how YOU feel.... I... *Sigh* cant say it....... Dot know why..... But dont hurt your self.... One more thing you are Depress YES Bad kind of depress....

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