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The Transcendent Key

Kingdom Hearts: Apocalypse-The Final Days-

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Serah glared at Xehanort. "You really should retire now," she gripped her keyblade. "Don't worry Kasai. I'll help you," She promised pointing her keyblade at Xehanort.

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Kasai sliced her cheek and started to feel wetness of tears in his eyes. "I don't want to be darkness anymore! I want to be light!" Kasai shouted and grabbed his keyblade and pointed it as his chest. "And I won't let you use me anymore for your selfish reason!!!" Kasai shouted and Vanitas appeared next to him and sliced his arm knocking his keyblade out of his hands. "We will use you if we want!! Stop being such a cry baby!!" Vanitas shouted at him.

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Moonlight and Vanitas had then become one and the light had died in Moonlight. Xehanort laughed.

"Yes! The tranfusion has worked!" Xehanort said as he laughed.

"Now you two, go to every world and cover it in unforgivable darkness." Xehabort told them.

"Yes master." Moonlightvand Vanitas said their voices overlapping one another.

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god damnit moon xander yelled kicking her hard enough to break her leg make up your mind im getting sick and tired of you switching sides everyday

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"Moonlight is gone now." They said. (They is moonlight and vanitas.)

"Her heart resides in darkness. Thats is where it belongs." They said looking at Xander.

"Back away kid, we have a mission to complete." They said as they disappeared before their eyes.

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Aaron looks in shock as Moonlight is possesed, and he summons his Keyblade. " I know that the woman i love is still in there, and i will save you", he says. He looks towards Xehanort in anger. " You wil pay for this Xehanort!", he shouts as he turns into his final form. He thinks: - I have to save her but i can't hurt her to much. I have to be carefull. Please Moonlight, I know you can fight back."

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"Where am i?" Moonlight asked walking around.

"We are on the inside." Vanitas said.

"Vanitas! I want my body back to myself!" Moonlight said as she summomed her keyblade.

"Fine! If you wont give it back then ill destroy you for it!" Moonlight yelled as they started to clash blades.

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xander summons his x-blades xehanort he yells swinging his them at xehanort remembering his nightmare ill kill you he yelled kicking him to the wall you wont kill her he roared at xehanort stabing him in the arm

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Vanitas fought back even stronger and moonlight fell to the floor. Moonlight groaned in pain. She then shot light at him which slowed him down and she started attacking.

"Give up Vanitas!" Moonlight said transforming into her dark form.

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Serah ran at Kasai seeing him in pain from Vanitas's blow. She looked at him and started healing him, hoping he wouldn't strike her. While she was healing him she began to pour some of her light in him. "You'll be okay," she said to him hoping he would hold onto the light. "I need your help. WE have to defeat Xehanort," she finished.

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Aaron starts battling Moonlight." Please come back to me my Moonlight. Don't let the darkness consume you. I love you!!!", he screams as he tries not to hurt her to severely. He feels Moonlight's heart. " I will free you my love, please hold on", he says as he continues battling.

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guy a little help here he yelled as xehanort pinned him to the wall stabbing his stomach ugh he yelled spiting blood on xehanort you freak he yelled

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Moonlight listens to the battle outside.

"Are you kidding me? Oh well we better finish this quick Vanitas!" Moonlight yells as he struck her in the stomach. She then started to bleed. She was enraged.

"Now youve done it!" Moonlight yelled rushing toward him.

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"Whats going on, who is controlling me?" Kasai thought to himself

"It's me, Xehanort, your father practically." a voice said.

"Go away Xehanort, I want to be light not darkness anymore!" Kasai shouted at the voice.

"But I loved you when no one else did, come to me child!" Xehanort said.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!" Inside him he felt the warmth of light and it surronded him.

"Pure light won't save you here!" Xehanort shouted and struck him with darkness. Kasai shouted in pain but he noticed everything was in his head. He could probably control everything.

"You don't conrol me anymore Xehanort!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" Kasai shot light back at him and he shouted in pain. Light filled the room and he was alone and he felt the warmth of light inside him again.

"Did it work?" He thought.

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She then strikes Vanitas with all her might and he flashes off.

"What?" Moonlight looked at him. He then struck her from behind. She spit out blood and fell tobthe ground.

"Pathetic!" Vanitas yelled atbher as he was thenbstruck by light.

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Kasai's shoot open and see's Aaron take a final blow, "AARON!!!" He ran toward them and knocked Vanitas to the floor. "DON'T KILL HIM TAKE ME INSTEAD!!!" Kasai said gritting his teeth. He touched Aaron's wound and light went through it. "Cool I can finally do that!" He shouted and ran toward Vantias with his keyblade in hand and struck down.

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Vanitas then disappeared and moonlight came back to her real body she then could feel the damages she took by Aaron and Vanitas. Moonlight was then struck by Kasai. Moonlight grapbed for breath and fell to the ground with the x-blade and Chaos ripper in her hands.

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