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FanDom Hearts

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Thought this would be fun.


KH3..... The fabled game that will not be released until 2015. But news that the story has been completed and stored in Tetsuya Nomura secret base in Mount Fuji is leaked. A dedicated group of insane Kh fans have grouped in Japan and have decided to break in to the base, steal the kh3 plans and reveal it to the world. Tetsuya Nomura is willing to kill to keep kh3 a secret. Can he stop the crazed fan attack?


Character outline





Country of Origin:



Side: Nomura's or the nerd side

Bio: ( optional )

Special Skills: ( like lockpicking. HUMANLY POSSIBLE MANDATORY! )

Level of Fandom:



4 lines minimum.

Understandable grammer and spelling

Keep cussing to a minimum.

No quick lines

No taking control of other characters or killing other characters.

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Name: Angel Park

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Country of Origin: USA

Occupation: Actress

Personality: outgoing, spirited, and always energetic

Side: Nomura's or the nerd side: The nerd side (of course)

Bio: ( optional ): Angel has been a fan of KH since her sophomore year of high school and grew a gamers love for organization 13 particularly for Zexion and Demyx. Her dream is to be a voice-over actress for one of the characters in a KH game. Her goal from this break in is to make that dream come true.

Special Skills: ( like lockpicking. HUMANLY POSSIBLE MANDATORY! ) : hack into security to make people invisible on the cameras and microphones

Level of Fandom: A loyal freak to KH

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