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Happy that we finally got some news?


145 members have voted

  1. 1. Happy that we finally got some news?

    • Yes, it has made my day. :)
    • Ehh not bad, but of course I'm wanting more.
    • No, it's not enough!

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Yes, I'm ecstatic. Especially since it's news about how my most anticipated game for 3DS is almost halfway finished, has numerous ties to KH3D, and that they are considering an HD remake.

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I was hoping for more honestly. I mean, all of that we already knew about except for it being 50% completed and an HD remake. I was hoping to hear about some new worlds or maybe an estimate of when they'll be done with it, possibly see some promotional art. But a little news is still better than none! http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

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Am I happy about this? It's news, what do you expect? There's still time for them to remaster the games for the 10th anniversary.

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This can't even be considered news, come on. We already knew it was ''mysterious'', we basically seen Sora jumping as high as the ceiling of the buildings in TT, so climbing on top of them was a massive surprise..We could guess that it would contain a secret movie, he said before it was on par with a main title. We could've guessed that the game was half way through development seeing as how it could possibly be in development since after the Japanese BBS release. He had said before that it will lead into KH3, so obviously there would be clues in 3D for it. And worst of all, no mention of BBSV2 or TGS.He didn't even tell us why KH didn't show up at E3, or comment on the survey results. About the HD remake, he had said before he had interest but simply didn't have time so that's nothing new either. Dumb interview.

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I was very happy with the news. We now know that it is 40% to 50% done. That there will be another secret movie to unlock. That it leads up to KH3 which also means that KH3 is most likely finally next after KH3D. The only thing i didn't like is that we still don't have a date to when it will be coming out. But it did make my day. :) (:

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  On 7/13/2011 at 5:13 PM, deathnight55 said:

I was very happy with the news. We now know that it is 40% to 50% done. The only thing i didn't like is that we still don't have a date to when it will be coming out.


You just answered your own question.

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not bad couldve said some more and what is the game has it been revealed and since they started working on khddd last summer and until now its only 40 to 50 percent means its not going to be released until 2012 so probably fall or winter 2012 for japan and for us winter or spring 2013

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It mostly told us obvious stuff like you will learn more about KH3. Lol I wasnt expecting that would be learning something about the game after it. Well we will probably learn more in september.

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I'm happy to see the news. The games half-way done. Once they get closer to completing it they'll start giving us more info about it. Now we just have TGS to look forward to.


BTW, what was the new title announced?

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I'm not happy at all, because most of this stuff we could've guessed like Mog said. As for the characters that appear in Traverse Town, what was the whole point of that comment? I already know who they are due to the number of letters censored, but that just makes the already confusing plot details we have about DDD more confusing, and it wasn't necessary.

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No, it wasn't enough. There was little new news there other than a percentage of completion for KH3D and confirmation of what I had already figured out, that this title was going to focus on the data that AtW placed in Sora.

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you know, i loved that tetsuya revealed that kh isn`t going to finish yet, and maybe we`ll have some remakes (good for me, ive only played the NDS ones), AND something about 3D, maybe after he put the voices we`ll hav some trailers. I WANT TRAILERS!!!

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