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Text kh days-blade of existence

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ok sorry for keeping you waiting for this :D







Xoliane looked to blade of existence, that was finally in her hands. Blade was placed to class vitrine and it was clowing with its mysterious briliance.

"Xoliane!" Haxrik said and came closer to her superior.

"We have sighted three timelines in one place. One that belongs to Sora and other one from deep past and third one from ancient times."

"Great! But how come three timelines be in the same? How can three great keyblade wielders live in same time?" Xoliane asked.

Hixrik shrugged her shoulders.

"Maybe they are both inside Sora. He is the connection of everything and we need him, so we can take over present, Roxas timeline."

"To conquer Sora to conquer timelines. Well be in RoC really soon..." Xoliane laughed.

"RoC?" Hixkar asked dummyly.

"Dont say you have forgotted what it means!" Xoliane argued and waved her hands.

"No matter... we already got Roxas... he will lead us to Sora..."



Xion and Axel were wondering around the Traverse town. They both looked worried and they were looking for clues about Roxas whereabouts. However, town was awfully quiet like it has been since worlds were restored and all residents returned to their worlds.

"You really think Roxas is here?" Axel asked.

Xion didnt answer. She didnt look at Axel. Acctually she didnt notice him at all.

"Um...Hello there "miss be so silence", earth calls you!" Axel said loudly and Xion turned her annoyed face to him.

"What?" Xion asked.

"Your being so quiet. Are you thinking too much?"

Xion stopped walking and looked around the second district.

"We need to find Roxas..." Xion said, but Axel interrupted.

"Well, Sherlock! We DO haf to find him! We DO need to find that guy, the blade and stop Xigbar from following you!"

"Axel listen. We need to find Roxas, cause something weird inside me is telling, that he is in trouble. Acctually i feel like there is lots of peoples who are targeted by Banisheds." Xion said.

Xion hearded meow voice and turned around and sawed black cat, that had keyhole shaped stripes in its back.

"Hello there kitty." Xion said and tooked cat to her hands.

"Whats your name?" Xion asked.


# "Kuma" #


"Huh? Did you hear that?"

"What?" Axel asked and started to look bothered.

"Kuma? Is that your name?" Xion asked from the cat. Cat just stared her, but Xion smiled and nodded.

"Say hello to Axel."

"Ah, come on Xion! We dont have time to stop playing cat and mice!"

"Then we take Kuma with us!" Xion smiled.

"Oh brother...Xemnas will kill me if Demyxs cat allergy is revealed to him." Axel muttered.

"Lets go Kuma!" Xion said happily and Axel looked horrified.

"Kuma? What about me?" Axel asked.

But Xion didnt listen. She walked away with cat. Axel bended down and followed.



"Let...me...go!" Roxas shouted.

He was tied to chair and Nev was walking around it again and again, really slowly.

"Once you tell me where the connection is." Nev said.

"What are you talking about? I dont know what in the Saix is connection!" Roxas shouted and tried to get free from ropes.

"You know what im talking about!"

"Oh yeah, what!"


Roxas feeled strange. Like he was just saying his own name.

"Sora? What did you say?" Roxas asked.

Nev stared at him very scary looking.

"Take me to Sora..." Nev said.

"Listen! I dont..."

"TAKE ME TO SORA!" Nev shouted and turned over the chair and Roxas felled to floor.

Roxas tried to stood up, but didnt manage to do so.

Nev made ropes around him fade and grapped Roxas hand.


Nev watched to Roxas eyes and sawed an manor in Twilight town.

"I see..." He said and pulled Roxas with him.

"Hey! Let go!" Roxas shouted, but Nev letted go, when they have camed to place, that looked like jail.

Nev pushed Roxas to gage and locked the door by Roxas own keyblade.

"Ill come back soon..." Nev said and vanished.

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Naminé was walking around her room. Its been a while, since she last time touched to her scetch book. She just looked outside the window and sighed.

Door opened and DiZ appeared.

"Shouldnt you be in work for Soras memories?" He asked.

"No im not..." Naminé said and turned her face to DiZ.

"Its just... i cant feel his memories any more...Their gone."

"Gone? Dont be silly? How can memories just dissappear like that?" DiZ asked angrily.

"Maybe..." Naminé thinked.

"Maybe its just, that Roxas and Xion are too far away from Realm of Light. its like, time itself would have been messed."

"You dont think Xemnas blade?"

Naminé shaked her head.

"This is it blade of existence anymore... its something that Xoliane dos... something in RoC..."Naminé said quietly.

"Xoliane? RoC? What are you talking about Naminé?" DiZ asked, but before Naminé could explain anything, Nev crashed througt the window and captured Naminé to his hands.

"Where is he?" Nev asked.

"Who are you?" DiZ shouted.

Nev pointed his finger toward DiZ and stopped him.

"W- what did you do?" Naminé asked.

"I tooked his time. He cant move anymore or live forward to see the future." Nev said calmly.

"B- b- but..."Naminé stuttered, but Nev putted his hand on her mouth and tooked her to entrance room, where they walked througt the room and Nev opened the door to library.

He throwed Naminé to floor and then throwed pencil to her.

"Draw the key to Sora!" Nev commanded and Naminé, crawled to table and drawed heartless symbol, nobody symbol and somebody symbols. Suddenly floor started to move, revealing laboratory from under it.

"Come!" Nev commanded and Naminé walked to him and looked horrified.



"GAAAAAAH!" Roxas tried to brake the bars of door by his hands, but it was no use.

"Stupid Nev... I HATE YOUUU! HEAR MEEE!" He yelled.

"Held your breathe kiddo." Someone awfully familiar said. Roxas watched to shadows and sawed Xigbar.

"Xigbar! How did you end up here?" Roxas asked.

"I sawed, when that pale-face tooked you here. So i thougt i would be use of help." Xigbar said.

"I also brought Demyx, cause Saix ordered him to go with me. I dont know why... but now i lost him and i dont wanna be alone, so i quess i haf to free you..."

"Your joking right?" Roxas asked.

"Yeah. Except im serious about Demyx. I cant find him anywhere."

"So what are you waiting for? Brake the door!" Roxas shouted.

"Stand back Tiger!" Xigbar said and summoned his arrowguns.

"I told you to not call me that!" Roxas grated.

Xigbar loaded to overfull and released an rain of red glowing arrows, that all stopped to barrigade, that appeared in front of door.

"Oops. Out of ammo kid." Xigbar said.

"We need a key... keyblade! Xigbar listen, can you find Xion and bring her to here?" Roxas asked.

"I dunno kid, Poppet isnt easily foundable."

"Come on! You said your master of hunting! Prove it to me then!"

Xigbar sighed and vanished to dark corridor.

"Xigbar? Well i quess i just need to wait for him... or else i haf to hope that Demyx founds me..." Roxas sighed.


"Stop that! Your hurting me!" Naminé shouted.

"Release the one with the keyblades power! Free him from the prison of this vounded heart!" Nev casted. He has been locked Naminé into green, glowing sphere and Naminé was squirming inside it as balls of light camed out of her hands and vanished to pod, where Sora was sleaping.

"You cant... wake him up yet... he isnt...ready!"

"Who cares. Xoliane wants him, so lets free him from that slumber!" Nev said and released Naminé, who felled to floor.

"I quess, he has now all your powers to wake up..." Nev said and summoned Roxas keyblade and shooted light to pod.

It slowly opened and Sora felled from inside it.

"You...will be... sorry..." Naminé said and turned to white statue as her non existing lifetime was taken from her.

Nev snorted and tooked Sora to his shoulders.

"Im coming my queen."


Luxord walked down the corridors of Castle that Never Was. Kingdom Hearts wasnt grown any inch, since Xion suddenly runned off and it seems, that Roxas hasnt fighted any heartless either.

He sawed Demyx, who walked a bit strangely.

"Hello Demyx. Home already?" Luxord said.

Demyx rised his face and Luxord sawed his red eyes.

"What the- "

Demyx roared and attacked him.

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Xion and Axel ended up into fight with tens of Shadows and Gargoyles in third district.

"Fire!" Axel casted and blowed up three Shadows.

Suddenly, Kuma opened its mouth and colorless pulse ring flewed to sky where it dissappeared.

"Are you hungry Kuma?" Xion asked and sat next to cat and was immediatly attacked by eight Shadows.

"Xion! Hang on!" Axel yelled and throwed his sachrams and managed to drop every Shadow off from Xions back.

"Thanks Axel." Xion sighed.

Kuma stared them both and Xion was almost sure it smiled.

"That cat kills us!" Axel shouted.

"No its not! Its just a little hungry." Xion said.

For Axel, Kuma didnt looked like he would want any food. It just stared him stupidly... and was looking so much like Roxas? Axel shaked his head. He was coming crazy!!! He was looking to cat, that looked like someone, who was similiar to Roxas!

"Are you okay?" Xion asked.

"I think i need a loooooong vacation! This is getting too weird!"

"Aaaaaah!" Xion screamed and pointed to top of building.

Axel rised his head and sawed an huge, grey wolf with red stripes in its feets and back. It had keyhole shaped picture on its forehead. Similiar to keyhole stripes in Kumas back.

Wolf roared and jumped down to district and started killing heartless around Xion,Kuma and Axel.

"Say im not crazy Xion..." Axel said, but Xion didnt say anything.

Wolf turned its face to them and begined to glow. It turned its shape to an boy, who had weird looking old time clothes, colors referring to using of darkness and piece of armor in his right shoulder.

"I knew you would show yourself, Kuma." Boy said.

"Who are you?" Xion asked carefully.

"Im Umbra. I came here to slay my enemy, Kuma. Keyblade warrior of bright depths!" Umbra said drammatically.

"Kuma? Is keyblade wielder?" Axel laughed.

"Listen up kid. This is a cat. It cant fight or wield keyblade and it looks so stupid to even be imagined to be human."

Umbra stared Axel, like he would kill him by looking into his eyes.

"Seriously!" Axel laughed some more.

Umbra summoned his keyblade and still stare at Axel.

"By the upcoming keyblade war that my masters plans! I haf to kill that cat... and you for being in my way." He said.

"Man this guy is maniac." Axel whispered to Xion and summoned his sachrams.

"Come on then, fight!"

"You will redret that!" Umbra smiled and dashed straight on Axel, who dodged the hit of keyblade and tried to strike his sachram to Umbras waist, but he dissappeared and appeared into air.

"Too slow my friend!" Umbra shouted and hitted keyblade to ground, when Axel dodge rolled out of way.

"Fight back you miserable chump!" Umbra started shooting shadow-rays from his keyblade and Axel hardly managed to dodge all of them. Umbra teleported to his back and striked him against the wall.

"No!" Xion shooted fire into Umbras face and he started screaming.

Xion pulled Axel to dark corridor and snapped her finger to make it vanish.

"Whats wrong?" Axel asked.

"That guy is too dangerous... we need to find Roxas from somewhere else."




"Wake up!"

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Wake up!"

Sora woked up and looked around. He was in tiny cell, with someone, dressed into black cloak.

"You arent servant of Marluxia are you?" Sora asked.

"Im Roxas. How do you know Marluxia? He died almost seven months ago." roxas said.

"Huh? Seven months? Naminé promised to put my memories back together fast." Sora said.

"Where is she anyway? Where am i?"

"I could ask the same question." Roxas said.

"And i could answer to same question."

Roxas and Sora both rised their heads and sawed an woman. She dressed into white cloak and her hair was brushed to spiky ponytail like. Her face looked old.

"Good evening Roxas. Sora. Im Xoliane. Leader of minus 13." Xoliane said.

"Your Banished are you?" Roxas asked.

Xoliane nodded.

"We are nobodies, who hardly exist in non-existence. We are what never could have happened."

"Okay..." Sora said and looked confused.

"What do you want? You want use blade of existence to rip all gores of the worlds? Or is there anything else?" Roxas shouted.

"Yes there is. We... i mean i, want to get full control of whole existence. Im using blade of existence and four timelines to get into Realm of chaotics." Xoliane said.


"Yes. You see at this moment, four timelines exists in your present. One of those is yours and second and third one are Sora."

"Wait. you mean i have two timelines?" Sora asked.

"Yes. Your own and one that exists inside your heart."

Roxas was quiet.

Sora looked really confused about this timeline and strongly remembers his past, so he doesnt acctually exist at this timeline so much. Cause this isnt Soras present or future. Or at least it doesnt suppose to be...

"How can third one exist inside Soras heart?" Roxas asked.

"You´ll see..." Xoliane said and walked away.

"Okay, we need to move on!" Sora said and rised up.

"Huh? But Nev tooked MY keyblade! there is no change to you summon yours!"

"You dont know me." Sora smiled and summoned his keyblade and unlocked the door.

"Coming or not?" He asked from Roxas, who looked suprised.

They both runned down the corridors and then Roxas sawed something inside another cell.

"Saix? luxord? Xaldin? What happened to you?" He asked.

"Hmph. Laugh all you want, we dont care." Xaldin said and looked away.

"Im not laughing! Whats going on?"

"Demyx. Xoliane has posessed him. He attacked to us in the castle and brought up here. Xigbar, Axel and Xemnas are ones who isnt yet attacked, but i think they will be soon." Saix said.

"Why do you have X shaped scar in middle of your face?" Sora asked.

"None of your business, Roxas." Saix answered.

"Um, Saix? I know you dont really care about me at all, but im Roxas."

"Why do you make such a stupid arguement Roxas?"

"Come on! Are you teasing us?" Sora asked.

"We need to go into castle and warn Xemnas about Demyx!" Roxas said and opened dark corridor.

"Come in Sora! You need to help me."

"Okay, but you have a little explaining while we travel to there!" Sora said and stepped inside.

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Xemnas was standing in Altar of Naught and looked straight into Kingdom Hearts.

"Why wont you grow my kingdom hearts? Why wont you complete us and fulfill your purpose?" He said and rised his arms.

"Hey, Mister Lord Superior Thingamajig!"

Xemnas putted his hands down slowly and did knew without watching, it was Xigbar who speaked to him.

"They are almost in Proof of Existence! They attack with huge amount of power!" Xigbar said.

Xemnas turned his face to him.

"And what do you think you are suppose to do then?" He asked coldly.

Xigbar bended down and went back to downstairs.

"Heed me my nobodies! My minors, who dont fully exist! Protect this castle of yours and defend your superior from these filchy Banisheds!" Xemnas shouted and in a second, air was full of nobodies, that flied to inside the castle.




"Hmm... interesting..." Professor Finkelstein said, when he scanned Kuma.

Xion stood behind him and Axel was stealing books from bookcase. Xion told Axel to search for someone who can take a look of Kuma and Axel suggested Dr Finkelstein of Halloween Town.

"It seems there is weird energy inside him. It prevents his heart to let him transform into his human self." Finkelstein said.

"What can we do?" Xion asked.

"Lets see..." Finkelstein napped book, that Axel was going to boot in his pocket and readed it quickly.

"It seems we need to mix though-shard, adamantin and bright crystal to potion in place where memories are forgotten... but it seems complete ROBBISH for me, so lets find another way..."He gived book back to Axel, who ducked to him and putted book to his pocket.

"Wait! This is enough! thank you doctor!" Xion smiled and pulled Axel and Kuma to outside.

"What are you doing (Xemnas will like these potion books for sure)?" Axel shouted.

"He thinks its robbish cause he dont know about those other worlds..." Xion explained.

"Yeah, i remember how i introduced myself as an electric man, so he could let us in." Axel said, but Xion didnt listen.

"We have already adamantin, so lets go search for though-shard and bright crystal and then we haf to go into..."

"Castle oblivion?"

"Yes! In there we need to mix the potion and drunk it to Kuma. Lets get going!" Xion said and opened dark corridor.



Sora and Roxas walked down the corridor to common room. They saw Demyx looking out of window to kingdom hearts.

"Demyx?" Roxas shouted.

"Dont bother." They heard mans voice saying.

Roxas and Sora rised their head and sawed a man, sitting in the roof like there would be no such thing as gravity existing.

He dropped himself, turned around in air and floated to floor.

"Who are you?" Sora shouted.

"my name is Rixta. Im number four leader of minus 13. im here with my little friend so Xoliane can freely take over Kingdom hearts." Rixta said.

"Not gonna happen! Xemnas is still here! And me too!" Roxas yelled.

"And... i help too!" Sora said and summoned his keyblade.

"You are gonna fight with just one keyblade?"Rixta laughed.

Roxas glared at him and summoned his keyblade without noticing.

"What a-?"

Rixta was suprised too. He snapped his fingers.

"Demyx! Bite!"

Demyx skin started to turn black and his red eyes growed along his body, thats shape turned to similiar of Behemoths.

His Teeth growed sharper too.

"Not bad, Rixta, but i face things like this once a day." Sora lazily said and attacked toward Demyx.

Roxas striked Rixta, who flied against the wall. He summoned his mooncane and started fighting back.

Sora jumped into Demyxs back and striked his keyblade to back of his head.

Demyx roared and throwed Sora into air and runned to under him.

"Roxy? little help?" Sora shouted.

"Gravira!" Roxas casted and Sora left floating into air upside down. Demyx was just meters away fromSoras head.

"oh great!" Sora muttered and tried to hit Demyxs flat nose by his keyblade.

"You stupid kid! You forgot that i almost dont exist in non-existence! You cant beat me!" Rixta laughed.

"We´ll see about that!" Roxas striked Rixta and Rixta tried to strike him, but he dodged it easily and kicked Rixta against the wall. His mooncane dissappeared.

"Join us Roxas! Together we will become complete! We will exist and rule all times!" Rixta shouted.

"No thanks!" Roxas said and used final strike to Rixta, who started mentalic screaming and dissappeared slowly.

Roxas turned around. He was ready to help Sora.

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"Quicker Axel!" Xion shouted. She was carrying Kuma on his hands, while Axel was running through the forest. He was carrying pile of bright crystals in his hands and escaping from very large snake-like heartless.

"Could you help me a little!!!" Axel shouted and turned to right and climbed into branch of huge tree, by using high jump.

"I told you! Its immune to my powers!" Xion shouted back.

"I shouted to Kuma not you!" Axel said sarcaticly.

"I heard that!" Xion shouted.

Axel looked down to snake-like heartless that opened its mouth and dashed into air. Axel dodged it by jumping onto higher branch.

Snake heartless head started to shine, at it DIVED to inside the tree.

"What a-?"

Suddenly Axel feeled how branch changed its shape and snake heartless appeared, replacing the branch. Axel was shocked and eventually dropped one of bright crystals.

"Oh my lucky day that is..." Axel said and jumped down from snake and dashed closer to catch the bright crystal.

Then something striked him right into his face and he felled much farther, dropping all of bright crystals.

He felt to his butt and rised his head, only to see how Umbra dashed under of each bright crystal, capturing them all.

"Hey! Give them back!" Axel shouted.

"Hehee... What you steal as young, you own when your old." Umbra laughed.

Xion sawed him and floated down from bay.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Lets say..." Umbra said and he started to change his shape. His ears moved to top of his head, growed and changed furry. his nose and mouth growed farther from his face, growing bigger and sharper teeths. is clothes turned to fur and his hands turned to feets. He growed an furry tail and his eyes turned yellow and pupil sharpened. Umbra roared.

"Give me Kuma and you can have your crystals. Give him not and i kill you all!"

"Never!" Xion said and summoned her keyblade.

"Keyblade... Fascinating weapon isnt it. And yet you dont hold its true powers..."

"Shut up!" Xion shouted and dashed toward Umbra, shooting rays of light from it.

Umbra was shocked about rays of light, so he turned to shadowly wolf-like smoke and runned really fast to behind of Xion.

Xion turned around, just to block Umbras attack and throw him into ground by doing so.

Axel felt how something snaked around his ankle and after two seconds, he was in air upsidedown. Snake-like heartless was growing four more tails, tieing Axel up against the tree.

"Hmyun!" Axel tried to shout, but one of snake heartless tails gagged his mouth.

Kuma appeared between Xion and Umbra, challenging wolf to fight.

Xion looked around for Axel and then sawed him tied up into tree.

Snake-like heartless was just ready to attack, when Xion suprisefully cutted of its neck, releasing its heart and Axel too.

"Its immune to my powers? How do i have feeling you are making me to do all the hard working?" Axel asked.

Kumas keyhole shaped white fur in his back started to clow. Umbra jumped and freezed into air.

Xion and Axel stared at him, Axel waved his hand in front of Umbras face.

"Kuma used stop-magic alright." Axel said.

Xion gathered all bright crystals and opened dark corridor.

"Lets get going."





Roxas and Sora jumped to air, putted their backs against each others and started to spin around in air, shooting rays of light from keyblades. Demyx felled to floor.

Sora landed back to floor and was ready to strike his keyblade to Demyx again.

"No!" Roxas shouted and grabbed Soras keyblade.

"We cant kill him!" Roxas shouted.

"No you dont, but i will..."Said voice. It was woman, dressing up white cloak.

"Be gone!" Xyama shouted.

Demyx turned back to his original self and started to lose colours and vanish after that.

"What did you do to him?" Roxas shouted.

"I freezed his lifetime thats all. Now he will remain in Realm of Empty Time forever. Like that Naminé, Nev stopped..." Xyama laughed sadisticly.

"Are you sure you are not related to Larxene, cause your laugh sounds same?" Roxas answered sarcasticly.

"Wait! Naminé? What did you-?" Sora asked.

Xyama throwed an gem to Soras hand. Gem was blue, shaped like clock, with thirteen squares around it and lightning shaped thing, coming inside of it to outside.

"That is time shard of your preciouse Naminé. Now! Throw Through Time!" Xyama casted.

Gem started to glow really much. Sora and Roxas sinked to light.

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"Whoa!" Sora and Roxas appeared from light sphere and both felled onto ground.

"What a...? Whats goig on?" Sora asked. There was large amount of high mountains and rivers undre them. It was night.

"Meteor shower..." Roxas said quietly and looked how shooting stars flew trough the sky.

There was way to upper level of that mountain and Sora told Roxas to follow him.

They heard noices from other side.

"Anyone wanna spar?" Man with brown hair, similiar to Xemnas asked.

"Is that you Roxas?" Sora asked suprisefully and pointed the boy, who just summoned his keyblade and challenged man to a fight.

Sora was shocked and so was Roxas too.

There was also woman, with blue hair.

"Those two grown ups seems to be a little familiar to me..." Sora said.

"I think we should not interfier. Who knows what this is about." Roxas said and took time shard out of i´his pocket.

"Throw Through Time." He whispered, but nothing happened.

"Hmmm... maybe this isnt about where we are...Sora said.

"Maybe... Xyama sended us into past..."

"Makes sense. Me and two familiar persons for you, this spell and... time shard..." Roxas looked at gem, but it didnt even glow.

"Impressive isnt it?" Xyamas voice asked.They turned their faces to the sound and sawed something that looked like Xion in weird dress.

"Kairi?" Sora asked.

"No my dear. Its still me. You like what do you see?" She asked and pointed everything.

"Return us!" Sora shouted.

"You really think im gonna do that?" Xyama-Kairi laughed.

"Listen up boys. I cant yet touch you, cause im too far in the future. But i can appear as replica or illusion for you."

"Why? Do you like bullying us around?" Sora asked.

"No. You two haf to collect all Naminés star shards, because that rotten girl sended them through time and i didnt want to get lost, so..."

"We cant return without another of these?" Roxas asked.

"Yes... but two of them isnt enough. Collect four of them and i will quide you home." Xyana smiled.

Sora and Roxas watched each others. They didnt have much change.



Xion and Axel were at vulcanic path this time.

"Go on Kuma!" Xion cheered, when cat finally catched an heartless. Xion then destroyed heartless and used lucky strike, in order to get some though-shrd from it. Luckily it worked! Small gem was lying in the ground and Axel collected it.

"Ok. We got ten of these already. Lets head to Twilight town, so we can buy some potion." Axel said.

"I´ll go! You wait here... umm how much potions cost?"

"120 munny. I bet you have that much."

Xion nodded and vanished to dark corridor.

"Isnt that great? Just two of us?" Axel asked from Kuma, who stared at him.

"So umm... you got into place like this really often?"

"I bet he does..." Someone said.

Axel knewed it was Umbra, even before he turned his head to him.

"You just dont wanna quit, you obsessed pawn!" Axel shouted and summoned his sachrams.

"You cant effect on me by the weapons like that." Umbra smiled.

"Havent you forgot our last fight?" He asked.

"Maaaayybeee..." Axel said.

"And how fast i was for you?"


"Will you give me straight answer!?" Umbra shouted.


"Who do you think you are you rotten simpleton?" Umbra summoned his keyblade.

"Im Axel...Flurry of dancing flames!" Axel said and throwed his sachrams to air but Umbra was able to dodge them.

"GOT IT MEMORIZED?" He shooted huge ray of pure fire to Umbra and he was throwen against rock by that.

"So, here is our...AAAGH!"Xion screamed, when sawed Umbra, lying on the ground.

"No time to lose! Lets head to the CO!" Axel shouted adn runned to the dark corridor.

"How am i suppose to ever understand this?" Xion asked from Kuma and then they two followed Axel.



Riku walked through the swamp. It was weird, he was there again.

"Whos there?"He shouted and turned around, when hearing noices. From the darkness, Haxkir appeared. Women in white cloak.

"You wanted to meet..."He said.

"Sora is in our hands right now. You haf to do what i say or he is gone like Naminé is."Haxkir said.

"What! What do you mean? How could Naminé be...?" Riku shouted.


"What do you wanna me to do?"

"Y see...we have needs for one book... a book that appears to belong for..."

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minus 13 is begining to launch their plan. But thats not everything we know about their suspicious plans.I can tell that few of future chapters reveal more and more about their plans, so stay tuned for more.

You bet!!!

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"...Xemnas." Xigbar said.

"Yes? What is it this time?" Xemnas asked.

"It seems that we are only left in here. I cant find Saix or others from anywhere."

Xemnas snorted.

"Why am i thinking im only one here whos not afraid of Xoliane and her simple minded weakling minions?"

"Well, we cannot afraid. For that, we need a heart." Xigbar said.

"That is excatly what i meant idiot. Now go and find each one of them!" Xemnas shouted and pushed Xigbar to dark corridor.



Xion walked through the front door to white, bright room. Castle Oblivion was curious place. Rumours tells, that somewhere out there, is room, that Xemnas seeks desperately. Though Marluxia and Axel searched whole castle from every single room to every single tower.

"Does it matter, that in which floor we mix up that human restoration potion?" She asked.

Axel tooked book out of his pocket and opened right page.

"There is no mentioning. There is acctually no mentioning, if it is house, where we should mix it up." Axel said.

"So we can mke it at anywhere we like?"

"Quess so..."

"Lets head to thirteenth floor. It feels good place to do this." Xion said and smiled to Kuma.

"I hope you are cute as you ar now! Do you have all ingredients Axel?"

"Yup. Roxas adamantine, bright crystals, though shard and potion plus this book, which im gonna give to Xemnas." Axel said and putted book back t his pocket.

"Man this is heavy one..."

"Lets go then." Xion said and runned toward to another door.



Riku was on Xemnas library. Who could have though it was so easy to sneak in.

Then he found the book "Chaotiks Terminumis". Name sounded weird, but he propably would have able to rescue Sora by it...

"Haxkir!" He summoned.

"Finally... i though i would be waiting forever..." Haxkir shouted, when appearing.

"Heres the book..." Riku said and Haxkir napped the book from his hands. She opened white, glowing sphere and throwed book inside it and then sphere vanished.

"Now. Give me Sora!" Riku shouted.

"I afraid that he escaped from us, so there is that kind of problem..." Haxkir laughed.

"What? But he isnt ready to be awaken!" Riku said angrily and summoned something to his arm, that was behind his back.

"Thats not my problem. You are just so naive. Like a puppet, but only much dumber!" Woman laughed her crazy sounding laugh.

Riku pointed her by DiZs device. Haxkir watched it and her laugh turned to desperate scream, when Riku launched the device.

After two minutes, Haxkirs memories were sucked to inside the device and she felled to floor and vanished.

Riku didnt wanna see any of that woman again, so he throwed DiZs device against the wall and it breaked into thousands of pieces.

He was tricked! Minus 13 is going to pay for it...



Sora and Roxas were in front door of weird looking castle. It was huge, like five buildings were floating in air, chains connecting them to couple of thin mountains.

"You think one of time shards is here?" Sora asked.

"There is no other place." Roxas said.

Door opened and old man, with black clothes and weird looking face, appeared frm behind it and walked away from them. Roxas was quite sure, he didnt even noticed them.

"Wonder who that was..." Sora said and entered into castle.

That mans presence felt so familiar for Roxas... And for Sora, he felt like something in his heart was in fear. They climbed the steps to upper level of huge room, where was three thrones in back of room.

"Enjoying your freedom?" Someone asked.

"Nev? But how did you?" Roxas asked, when he noticed Nev, sitting in middlest of thrones.

"I can travel through time because i have my keyblade. You see, if you are nobody, who doesnt exist in non-existence, you are allowed to break laws of nature..." Nev stated.

"Like i do! Once, i felled from space to tree house and i was comletely ok when i landed, though i was having quite big headache after that." Sora said.

Nev tooked time shard behind his back and begined to play with it, for annoyance of Roxas and Sora.

"Funny, how little things like these can be just found, lying all around..." He said and acted like he would throw it to out of window.

Sora and Roxas both summoned their keyblades and dashed. Nev smiled a bit and summoned his keyblade. He blocked Soras attack, by throwing him into air and Roxas by spinning to behind Roxas and tackling him.

"Fire!" Sora shouted, but magic flewed directly through of Nev and hitted Roxas to stomach.

"Oh yeah. I almost forgotted... i cant touch Banisheds." He said.

Roxas striked his keyblade, in order to hit Nevs feets, but Nev jumped and used jump strike, which Roxas dodged by dodge roll.

Nev used light reid, throwing his keyblade like a boomerang. Roxas napped his keyblade from air and dashed again toward Nev, striking him away. Nev dropped time shard, which Sora noticed.

"I got it!" He shouted and runned toward time shard.

Nev tried to catch back his keyblade from Roxas, but didnt manage to do that and was instead, throwed against the wall.

Roxas smiled and throwed Nevs keyblade away. He tooked first time shard and went to Sora. Together they rised both shards and casted: "Throw Through Time!" And together they vanished into shining light.

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Sora and Roxas appeared to somewhere, which looked much like corridors in Hollow Bastion. They were in same colours too.

"What do you think? Is this how far in future?" Roxas asked.

"Well i suppose we are year or two in future..."Sora said and stood up. "What if we use them again?" He asked and collected both time shards from floor.

"No. We could easily went into past again or into far future. We need all four to get full control of time travelling." Roxas said.

"Okay so lets get going." Sora said. They walked through the corridors and ended up into room that looked like audience balcony in theathers. Under the balcony was huge room, that was filled by machines and in middle of it was huge class dome, that was full of ragefully striking energy.

"That is... blade of existence!" Roxas whispered and pointed inside the dome.

There was blade, that looked exactly like blade of existence. But something was wrong. It looked like energy around it was out of control. It looked like its gonna explode. there was scientists in room.

"Xehanort! Its unstable! We need to leave this room!" One of scientists, with blond, long hair shouted.

"No! We must take over the power! We must build this blade right now and here or i will never discover secrets of heart like Ansem did!" Man, called by Xehanort answered. For Roxas, this man looked like Xemnas. Even more than the one in last timeline they were.

"Even! Go get those kids from the balcony! I think they might be helpful..." Xehanort said and pointed to balcony, where Sora and Roxas were hiding. Man called by Even runned to upstairs and before Sora and Roxas were out of the door, two strong guys captured them.

"Whats this, a cosplay?" Man with black hair asked from Sora, pointing to his clothes.

"Hey! This is how i wear okay!" Sora shouted.

"There you..." Even appeared and stared at Roxas.

"So, you have returned."

"What?" Roxas asked.

"You are one who saved Ienzo about year ago. Come in, Xehanort needs your help." Even said. "Dilan! Aeleus! Walk them in!" Two men tooked Roxas and Sora to downstairs of laboratorio.

"What is this about?"Roxas asked, pointing to blade of existence.

"Ah. You see, this is blade of revelations. Xehanort created it in order to unlock full secret of heart, but right now it seems unstable to control. Xehanort is so stubborn that he refuses to leave his project, when its almost completed." Even said.

"Full secret of heart? Is Xehanort some kind of anathomist?" Sora asked.

"No child... he is apprentice of great Ansem the Wise, who studies darkness inside the heart."

"Ansem? Did i defeated that guy in futu... OWW!" Sora shouted, when Roxas hitted his stomach.

Xehanort watched them two. "Have we met before?" He asked from Roxas.

"Possibly in futu- ouch!" Roxas whined, when Sora stepped onto his toes.

"Here. You two cast the spell." Xehanort said and handed golden time shard for Sora.

"What spell?" Roxas asked.

"Just stand really close the dome and rise shard to make force field." Xehanort said.

Roxas and Sora did as Xehanort said, but when they did force field, they felt funny. Dome was hot, even though Roxas and Sora stood two meters away from it.

"Its gonna explode..." Sora whispered.

"At count of three..." Roxas answered.

"One...two...THREE! Throw Through Time!" They casted and dissapeared.

After that Xehanort shouted deep, "NOOOOO!" and dome exploded, destroying blade of existences beta version.




"There you go..."Xion said and mixed though shard powder to potion.

Kuma looked patient, but Axel walked around, looking nervous.

"Xemnas kills us! You ranned off and Roxas has been missing for days now...blade of existence is missing and now im here with girl, who dreams about cute cats turning into cute boys..." He muttered.

Xion shaked the bottle few seconds and then opened it.

"Here you go Kuma." She smiled and drinked the Human Restoration potion for cat.

Kuma licked the potion for minutes and then suddenly large amount of smoke puffed out of cat. Smoke covered whole room and both, Xion or Axel couldnt see anything.


"Im okay!"

Then smoke dissappeared slowly.

Xion sawed cat no more... instead of that, she sawed an boy, about at same age as Roxas. Boy had huge, pointy orange hair and blue shiny eyes. He wored half of brown leather jacket. Under it was green sleeveless shirt. His hands was covered by cloves, which was tighten by leashes. He was wearing double belts (meaning he had two belts, one above and one below.) and black pants with weird looking symbols (keyblade masters symbols) on the outer side of ankles. Thre was old looking sneakers in his feets.

There was no doubt about it!

This boy was Kuma!

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