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Where do babies come from?

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When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much they make unicorn rainbow sunshines and nine months later the meaning of life and every special person is born.

except you.

Yeah, you reading this.



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When a man and a woman love each other very much they decide to have a baby!


First the man steps up on woman's shoulder. Both proceed to sing



The second step is the man uses his left hand to break the jaw of the woman.


Next the man pees, then poops in the womans mouth.


Afterward the woman must eat a mixture of baby vomit, and baby food, this is known as "The paste of fertility" and must be consumed.


Then the stork needs to be called.


When the stork arrives he will use his beak to cut open the womans stomach and will pull out something that looks like this...


Posted Image


Then the stork carries the substance all the way to a baby making factory.


After processing the baby looks like this.


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The stork must then shove the baby down the mothers throat where it will rest for about 5 episodes of spongebob. Then the mother gives birth and you have a baby.


Posted Image


And that children, is where babies come from.

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