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How long to you want the Kingdom Hearts series to go on for?

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I've always figured that Kingdom Hearts 3 would be the end of the series but I've seen people say that Kingdom Hearts 3 will be the end of the Xehanort saga. To me that means that they want more/believe there is more to come after KH3. Now As much as I love this series I think Kingdom Hearts 3 should be the grand finale of this series. But that's just my opinion what about you?

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To be honest, I'm not sure. I think it can only go on for a little bit longer, it all depends on Disney. How much the Disney Worlds can keep going and how long Disney will continue to work with Square. After the Xehanort saga, I would prefer a different protaganist, rather than Sora though.

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To be honest, I'm not sure. I think it can only go on for a little bit longer, it all depends on Disney. How much the Disney Worlds can keep going and how long Disney will continue to work with Square. After the Xehanort saga, I would prefer a different protaganist, rather than Sora though.



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It was already confrimed that KH3 would be the end to the Xehanort saga. There should be many more saga's after, but realisticaly it should just end in the next saga.

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It was already confrimed that KH3 would be the end to the Xehanort saga. There should be many more saga's after, but realisticaly it should just end in the next saga.


Uhm yeah what makes you think there will be many more KH sagas? For all we know it could end with KH3. If it did continue on to KH4 I don't know how Nomura would possibly be able to make the new plot.


But then again, this is Kingdom Hearts. Anything can happen.

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Like many here said it won't end in KH3, just the Xehanort Saga. But I think we will complete the 2nd saga and it will end. If it goes any further a third saga would surely close it and it would be short i guess, I would be happy if it goes that long thoug.


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As an idealist, I'd love for it to go on for as long as possible, and how other people have said, even as long as the Final Fantasy saga.

But also being a realist, it might end all together at KH3. Guess we'll just see when it happens, though. :)

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Kingdom Hearts can only go on so far a

i want the series to continue forever and who knows maybe in KH number 8 Sora and Riku will choose their successors like Terra did :D


For the kh series to go any farther than three sagas which if they go anywhere as long as the Xehanort saga will, I think this is where the series will be going. They could also take advantage of the dark realm time traveling faster to squeeze some more games in without Sora aging as much. Anyways I'd like to see the series go on as long as possible with dignity (or at least, not any less than now).

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Make it last as long as Final Fantasy. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


And have Disney dish out some more movies too. The series can't go on unless there are worlds!


That's the exact reason why I think the series can't go on. I mean imagine for the next 5 KH games Agrabah is in the game with some kind of dark creature and Jafar trying to do something evil. They can't continue a plot like this. Eventually they will run out of ideas.

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That's the exact reason why I think the series can't go on. I mean imagine for the next 5 KH games Agrabah is in the game with some kind of dark creature and Jafar trying to do something evil. They can't continue a plot like this. Eventually they will run out of ideas.


If they add in more worlds from both Disney and Square and retire old worlds, it should be fine. *sigh* Sadly, I doubt that will happen.

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