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Casey Anthony trial

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I think she's gotten arrested already.

Not sure? That's the last I heard.

She really should be put in jail, she did it, there's no doubt.

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I think she's gotten arrested already.

Not sure? That's the last I heard.

She really should be put in jail, she did it, there's no doubt.


The trial is still going, she hasn't gotten a verdict yet

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She got a verdict

Not guilty


I know, they said they didn't have enough evidence to link her to the murder.... WTF IS THAT?!!

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wow usa where you can lie steal and murder and get away with it

no offense im in usa but it just seems like that right now

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wow usa where you can lie steal and murder and get away with it

no offense im in usa but it just seems like that right now




It's not America, after looking at the case it seems the persecution failed to bring up clear evidence. They went in too much to get her guilty of first degree murder (much harder to prove) where they could of easily got her guilty of manslaughter (much easier to prove).

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I was so angry when I heard the verdict today! If they weren't going to charge her for murder they NEEDED to charge her for child abuse! I was more upset with her being not guilty for that than not being guilty for the murder! She openly admitted to drugging her child once and regardless on if she killed her child or not she went out and left her child alone. If anything I truly think her parenting skills were pretty poor from what I saw.


I heard something from one guy that was something like:

While she may truly be "guilty" of killing her child, it's just that the jury did not have enough evidence given by the state to go by that connected her directly to the crime for her to be guilty on the judicial standpoint because the people in charge of finding the shit were terrible. So even though she may have truly done what she did she gets to go free. :I --- It pisses me off so much.


I'm so annoyed by this and apparently so were her parents. I mean after the verdict was read they had a pretty pissed off look. :U

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*sigh* As much as I don't like it, thats the way it is now, I've heard worse happening of murder casses where they arn't guilty and are much much worse. But seeing how her daughter was murdered and she most likly did it she should be finned or something

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Because her car totally did not smell like dead bodies and had human remains in it.



I don't understand how they just

It's stupid

She lied, made people up, she said she hated her daughter, looked up chloroform, 'household weapons', and neck ringing before her daughter went 'missing' (WHICH she failed to report), said she accidentally DROWNED IN THE POOL AND THEN HID THE BODY TO COVER UP THE 'ACCIDENTAL DEATH', and so many other things that just



Yeah that's why there was duct tape on her mouth when they found her.

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karmas gonna get her i think shes gonna have guilt with her until she cant stand it no more and she commits suicde

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I believe this case has no direct evidence leading towards "she did it", however it is possible that the prosecutors have not supplied enough evidence. Our systems aren't screwed up.. however, they could be tweaked.This child deserves justice, no matter who did it, forget Casey Anthony!!!!! We need to think about how the child would feel if she had a say so.. and she probably wouldn't necessarily kill her mom, unless she did do it but she would bust her butt to find out who did.

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I've never followed the trial but so far, it seems that maybe the evidence doesn't add up to the juries so they might think otherwise. She may be free but shes not gonna lived a good life in the future. Reputation just sank around her.

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It drives me nuts to think that she got away with murder. This always comes back to haunt them in the end, though. I mean, how easy is it going to be for her to make a life for herself now? Everyone hates her. Then she'll always have the guilt. If it doesn't bother her now, it will eventually, especially when she gets old.

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There's no point hating her. None of you are related to her, so why hate her when you don't know her personally. Sure, she took an innocent life to further her own selfish desires, but there is no point singling this woman out. These sort of things happen everyday, thousands of people do it and get away scott free, would you hate them too if the media concentrated on each one seperately?

Just mo here.

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There's no point hating her. None of you are related to her, so why hate her when you don't know her personally. Sure, she took an innocent life to further her own selfish desires, but there is no point singling this woman out. These sort of things happen everyday, thousands of people do it and get away scott free, would you hate them too if the media concentrated on each one seperately?

Just mo here.


It's not nessecarily that we hate her, just that it's hard to stomach that she killed an innocent little girl and was acquitted. It's not an easy thing to accept justice being denied when it's obvious she was the killer. And yes, it is frustrating when others get off without punishment, but I think something really stirred people with the Casey Anthony trial. The fact that she'd kill her own helpless child for her own gain.

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It's not nessecarily that we hate her, just that it's hard to stomach that she killed an innocent little girl and was acquitted. It's not an easy thing to accept justice being denied when it's obvious she was the killer. And yes, it is frustrating when others get off without punishment, but I think something really stirred people with the Casey Anthony trial. The fact that she'd kill her own helpless child for her own gain.


Heh, when I read this thread I thought ppl were raging. There's nothing new here though, as I said these things have happened and will happen. The Nazi's did worse than this to 6 million times the people and the majority of them got away with it. The Nazi's didn't even kill them for their own gain, they had nothing to gain from them, they only viewed them as inferior.

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