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KHCoM Should I get it?

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I honestly found the gameplay in CoM to be better than Re:CoM. In Re:CoM, it's just Roxas' gameplay from KH2 reskinned as Sora with a card limit, but in CoM the game is built around the card gimmick, so it actually feels like it was meant to be there.

The presentation in Re:CoM, however, is lightyears ahead of CoM, taking very ambiguous scenes in the GBA version and actually making it clear as to what's happening.

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The card system is still awful, but: Now that its all in 3D, you have much more freedom to run around and actually dodge attacks and target exactly who you want to be attacking, making it so much likeable.


All the important scenes that take place within Castle Oblivion are fully rendered scenes with voice acting, but scenes on the worlds themselves are still very much like they were in CoM. It's a decently long game, even with the ease of Riku's side (although his has interesting plot going on, in my opinion).


More fun? Definitely. Should you get it? Sure!


And once you beat Sora's side, you get all his scenes in theater mode and once you beat Riku's side, you get all of his. You basically never have to replay to watch the content again at a later date and its much more fun on a TV than on YouTube. The only reason you'd want to replay is if you actually wanted to challenge some of those bosses again.


Prepare for some odd disappointment if you've played KH1 recently. Sora and Riku's voice actors got older, so its a really awkward transition to listen to. I think the rest of the voice acting was really hit or miss. Larxene and Vexen had wonderful voice actors, although I'm not fond of Marluxia's and I think Axel's voice actor was trying far too hard to sound sexy with his lines and not actually reading them the right way. If you liked Ansem, Seeker of Darkness from KH1, his voice actor is (as it has been since KH2) different. Not necessarily bad different, just different. (Myotismon from Digimon different.) He pulled off the lines well, but he's no Billy Zane.


I love re:CoM. It's better than 358/2 Days in my opinion.

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The card system is still awful, but: Now that its all in 3D, you have much more freedom to run around and actually dodge attacks and target exactly who you want to be attacking, making it so much likeable.


All the important scenes that take place within Castle Oblivion are fully rendered scenes with voice acting, but scenes on the worlds themselves are still very much like they were in CoM. It's a decently long game, even with the ease of Riku's side (although his has interesting plot going on, in my opinion).


More fun? Definitely. Should you get it? Sure!


And once you beat Sora's side, you get all his scenes in theater mode and once you beat Riku's side, you get all of his. You basically never have to replay to watch the content again at a later date and its much more fun on a TV than on YouTube. The only reason you'd want to replay is if you actually wanted to challenge some of those bosses again.


Prepare for some odd disappointment if you've played KH1 recently. Sora and Riku's voice actors got older, so its a really awkward transition to listen to. I think the rest of the voice acting was really hit or miss. Larxene and Vexen had wonderful voice actors, although I'm not fond of Marluxia's and I think Axel's voice actor was trying far too hard to sound sexy with his lines and not actually reading them the right way. If you liked Ansem, Seeker of Darkness from KH1, his voice actor is (as it has been since KH2) different. Not necessarily bad different, just different. (Myotismon from Digimon different.) He pulled off the lines well, but he's no Billy Zane.


I love re:CoM. It's better than 358/2 Days in my opinion.


I know sora and riku's voices got different, I've watched like all of the cutscenes on youtube (and i haven't even beaten sora's story on gba yet lol major soilers)

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Yea you definitely need to buy it. I bought it for the cutscenes. I played the original and the gameplay was better. it's kind hard with the camera angles in re:com. but i still love it.

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