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I just realized how many ways my name has been spelled o-o

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Name: Nicole (correct way.)

Incorrectly: Nichole.


Then there's my nicknames!

Correct-- Nikki

The ways I've recieved:





Nicky (oh, come on! That one's for a guy-- Nicholas)


And for "Nick", it's been spelled Nik (by my ex gf) and Nikk (by my friend Nathali) -____-


This is why people stick to calling me Roxas or even Ro. I guess 'Ro' is easier for them to spell xD

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D: My real name is Tammy.

people try to spell my name as:






but... its just awkward to me for it to be spelled any other way than Tammy.

Then they ask: "Is it short for something like Tamara? Temara? Tamika? etc."

I just say, "..It's Tammy. That's what's on my birth certificate, so that's what it is."


o.< aparently people have come up with 500000000 nicknames for Tammy and a bunch of people call me different things and its very hard to keep up with xD. But I like it when people call me by my last name because I know when it's me most of the time (my last name isn't very common here). My favorite nickname at the moment is from one of my guy friends who calls me Tberry. But only he can call me that. :3

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My real name is Gabrielle,

Ways it is spelled wrong:

Gabriel (


Nicknames: (I have many but I'm just going to use one... xD)

Gabby (right way)







All of my nicknames: Gabby, Gibby, Gabe, Gabbers, and Axel. I'm mostly called Axel in cosplay cause that's the only one I have right now. ^^; .


Yea so most people call me Gabby, but I'm called by all those names above sometimes... xD

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lets see...my real name is Mallory. what annoys me is that people call me VALERIE. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png

and then they asume my name is spelt like Valerie, except with an M, making it Malerie. Which annoys me.


and then some people spell it Malory or Malorie. But that wouldn't be Mallory (pronounced: Mal-lor-E) it would be pronounced Ma-lor-E. And quite frankly, I'm not anyone's "Lorie."


*in pissy mood, just ignore*

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My real name is Gabrielle,

Ways it is spelled wrong:

Gabriel (


Nicknames: (I have many but I'm just going to use one... xD)

Gabby (right way)







All of my nicknames: Gabby, Gibby, Gabe, Gabbers, and Axel. I'm mostly called Axel in cosplay cause that's the only one I have right now. ^^; .


Yea so most people call me Gabby, but I'm called by all those names above sometimes... xD


Looks like we have the same in common my name is Gabrielle too ...


The error is the same like yours


and sometimes even they pronounce wrongly that's the worse

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people mispell my last name all the time.... its wilkinson(long isn't it) it annoyed me when I was younger but now I don't care too much.

they have spelled it:





(i think u get the point)


oh, on a side note I actually go by 5 different names:


Justin(real name)


J-Dub(yeah I have some crazy friends)



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My name's Skyler...

I've met three out of gazillions of people to spell it right.










I can't remember the others.

Half of these are from teachers alone, lol... -falls over-

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Heh, my name is Gabriel too.


They tell me:


Gabitron (School Friends)


Gabriel Andres (Violin Friends)


Bermudez (My last name)

Bermiclez (Ok.. I received some time ago a newslater or something at the idiots USPS wrote "To: Gabriel Bermiclez..)

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Aww, lol thanks xD. Wow can't believe people tell you Cooper as your last name.

I'm alright for me to call me sort of nicknames.. but sometimes it gets tiring and I really wish for them to call me my original name "Gabriel" lol.

Marianne sounds a great name. Feel bad for you for those people who spell it like that http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif. Sometimes they don't how how the heck to spell my last name lol.

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