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Even after using curaga, Phu Phu didn't wake up. "Yeah he's probably not going through another dark portal any time soon." Hazel stated. Several large heartless appeared after she said that. "Then again... Let's go to another world, that's safer." she said. The biggest Heartless of the group came running toward Hazel and Phu Phu. "Or maybe just any other world we can get to!" Hazel said as she picked up Phu Phu and franticly ran into a dark portal she made appear. "Phew. You had better wake up soon, Phu." Hazel said. She looked around and said, "Oh my gosh! Did I really bring us to the realm of darkness?!" She tried to open a dark portal, but it didn't work. "Oh...crap..."

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This was it. Jast had had enough. She came for a fight, and she was getting one! The skies over New York darkened, black clouds covering a freshly purple sky. If this didn't draw out the resistance, nothing would. The people around her started to look up, a few screaming. Jast calmly walked down the streets, icing over anything that she pleased.


Sec had taught her how to conquer entire worlds, and she would use that to get what she wanted. Sure, a Resistance member or two would be nice, but she was really hoping to flush Alma out. At this point, she just wanted something! A dark wind picked up, buildings crumbling as the rubble flew up inot the dark portal in the sky.


Jast usually wasn't one for capturing worlds' hearts, but it seemed as good a place to start as any.

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Alex had saw the gummi ship leave the world and then he followed. "I found them." Alex then landed away from them so they didn't notice him. "Hmm... so these are the ones from the resistance that took out the breakers in Twilight town." Alex's cloak then disappeared and he wrapped his tatoo back up in a bandage. "Ok, time for some recon." But before Alex take a single step he completely froze in fear. "That feeling... it's an extremely powerfull breaker." Alex felt shocked that there was some one this strong. "Move... move god damn it." Alex then began to take small steps and soon enough he was back to his usual walking pace. "If those two are here to take care of that breaker, then I should go and give them some back."

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Hazel tried and tried to create a dark portal, but couldn't. "Please wake up, Phu Phu." she said. She sat down. "Yep I'm gonna be lost to the darkness again..." she sighed. The Breaker that had been following her appeared in a dark portal beside her and said, "Wow, you don't know where your true loyalties lie do you?" the Breaker said. "Haven't you had enough!?" Hazel yelled. "I'm just here to inform you. When you came here, to the realm of darkness, you were scared and called on the light to save you, but before, when you were surrounded by Heartless, you called for whatever would save you. The light did nothing. You were saved by the darkness, so as you can see the Resistance is the wrong side. Bringing light back to the worlds will solve nothing." the Breaker said. "Shut up!" Hazel yelled, sitting beside Phu. "My job here is done, seeya." the Breaker said as he opened a dark portal, and left. "So we're stuck here until I find out how we can leave..." Hazel sighed.

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Tristan walked with Tessa looking for the breaker when the world started to crumble. Tristan and Tessa broke off in a sprint towards the chaos. People were running away screaming. Tristan drew his keyblade and finally saw the breaker. "Hey what's your problem" Tristan yelled at the Breaker. She turned to him and she looked really twisted like she go sick thrills out of other peoples pain. Tristan stood with Tessa and waited for a reply.

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Alex had been following the two closely until they burst out into a sprint. Alex looked forward and saw the breaker, it was a girl. "What the...? A girl is the one causing this much damage? But there's something about her I don't like." Alex couldn't get the image out of his head, it was her eye's. Her eye's were filled with the desire to crush anyone who stood in her way. "Those eye's... there is only one person that I've seen with eye's like that." Alex had a quick flash back to when his parents were murdered by a certain breaker who had the same look in his eye's. "I don't ever want to see someone like that again, someone like her took away everything I had once and I'll make sure it won't happen again." Alex then began to climb up a tilted building and watched the girl closely, waiting for an oportunity to strike.

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"Children? I destroy a world and I get children?!" Jast laughed, the wind picking up. "I guess it doesn't matter, since you can obviously use the Keyblade. I was just hoping for Alma..." She reached forward, frosted air coalescing in her hand. It solidified, the bladed bow in her scarred hands. "Your hearts will do just fine." She reached back, the bow drawing with her hand. Even though she held no string, she released the illusory grip, freezing magic clipping Tessa's hair.


"Damn. Missed..."

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Tessa's eyes narrowed. This girl was dangerous,the energy,the feeling,the look in her eyes. Tessa summoned her blade and looked at the girl. She looked at Allen and noded. She looked back at the girl. "Well let's see if you miss this."Tessa says. She then got her blade and shotted Aeroga and then used Thundaga towards her. She then charged right at her by shooting some Fira attacks ofn the way.

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Tristan angry by the attack on his sister. Tristan ran towards the Jast with his hand extended blasting the ray of light from his hand. Tristan jumped up and had his new claws out and ready to attack. Tristan kept shooting the rays out of his hands. Tristan got closer and closer to the enemy "Who are you?" Tristan asked as he jumped down instead of attacking the girl.

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Jast spun around, glaciers sprouting up from the ground. The wind and lightning splashed off of the ice, the fire burning through. The glaciers shattered as Jast swung her bow through the air, blocking the spell. "Fire won't work, kid!" The ice dust in the air concentrated, shooting out from the buildings around them. It formed a ring in the sky, the air chilling quickly. Tessa closed in, Jast dropping the bow. She grabbed the girl by the throat, launching her through one of the pillars. "Why do they always resist?" She picked up the bow, closing in on the girl's brother. She snapped the weapon in half, the two pieces becoming swords. "Why can't you all just die?!"

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Tessa stood up fron the ground and looked up angry. "(She just did not launched me through that pillar!)"Tessa thinks already a bit pissed. She had the actitude pretty mixed up. She then got her blade ready and charged at the girl. She got her blade and shotted more Thundaga and kept throwing a whole bunch of magic attacks at the girl. She then got close enough to make a clash with her so she rose her blade and brought it down towards her.

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The lightning grazed her shoulder, Jast countering the assualt. "Child's play!" The blades twisted between them, the ice expanding overhead. Around them, the world was collapsing at an incredible pace. The ground shifted as a nearby building shattered, debris flying into the air. "Who do you think you are? I'm in the Cult of Skaro!" She trapped the blades, pulling Tessa in closer. "I'm the best there is!" A wall of ice shot up between them, the Fimbulvetr blades shattering. It was almost done. All she had ot do was hold them off...

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this is my character


Side: resistance

Name: Juan bufón de la corte príncipe de la mafia

Age: 17


Appearance: Juan has tan skin, brown eyes, dark hair,he wears jeans and a red t-shirt with the word believe on it, and a gray beanie.

Bio: Juan was born into a mafia family that was brutally murdered around the time he was two. he spent most of his with his master jester who taught him about sword fighting. jester also taught him how to play the guitar. he also taught Juan that there's nothing that the music and light can't do so you should always use them for good. one night as Juan was playing he heard jester scream. he quickly ran to jester only to find that he was being sucked into the darkness he tried to grab him out but it was too late. Juan joined the resistance to bring peace back to the worlds. and hopefully to find his lost master.


Keyblade: the bond of flame.


(if there's anything wrong please tell me so i can change it.)

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(Everytrhing looks ok,accepted.)


Tessa jumped back and stared. "Best there is huh?Then I guess enemies are not as strong as they used to."Tessa says. She just stared as she spun her blade around a bit. "If you think you're teh best there is,you should have been how my dad fought,you would learn a thing or two...make that a whole bunch of things."Tessa says as she got her blade and charged again. She used more magic,considering this was one of her specialities,and she stretched her hand and sended more magic at the ice wall making it melt and making an entrance for Tessa to pass through and get to the girl. Tessa was persistant...very.

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"I admire your persistance girl." Jast sidestepped, Tessa flying past her.Jast reached back to summon the Fimbulvetr when she felt something. A presence. Could it be...


"Alma?" The ice pillars crumbled, the ring over their heads shattering. The rubble flew into the portal above them, another of the buildings breaking apart. If that really was her, then these children were nothing. "Sorry, kiddie, but I've got bigger fish to fry." Jast clapped her hands above her head, a massive ice crystal forming around her. She was gone when it shattered.


New York was being torn apart around the heroes, civilians collapsing. They faded into darkness, their hearts drifting into oblivion. The world was doomed, and so were they if they didn't escape...

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Juan sat up playing his guitar while looking at the sunset atop one of the buildings. he suddenly realized that there was a heartless below the very building he was standing on."Geez how do i gt myself into these situations?" he exclaimed putting his guitar away.once his guitar was secure on his back he summoned the bond of flame and jumped down. when he landed he noticed that there were more than just a few heartless but now hundreds. " so, yeah i probably should have stayed up there" he said " oh well. ENGAURD!!!!!!! " One of the heartless came rushing toward him for a frontal attack. but he evaded then countered with a strike to the back of the heartless destroying it. another one attacked from the side so he cast fire, his strongest magic, destroying that heartless" Hah!" he boasted "If you want to beat me you might want to try all attacking at once!" suddenly the heartless all attacked him at once engulfing him in darkness."Me and my big mouth he thought as it got darker and darker. Suddenly flames engulfed everything that was once darkness and all the heartless were gone. "Hah!" He boasted again." NO one dares to to try and battle the flames of passion.... But just to be safe I'll go somewhere else." he said and made his way towards the middle of the town.

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"Damn it, she got away." Alex stood up from his crouched position as he saw the two resistance members. "They seem pretty anoyed that she got away." Alex jumped down and walked towards them. "Hey you two, are you the ones who took care of the guys at Twilight town? If you did, then I take it that you are the resistance. I'm Alex, I'm also part of the resistance, nice to meet ya."

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Tessa stared as the girl dissapeared. Then she went besides Tristan and looked at the boy. "Hi Alex. Yeah,that was us back at Twilight Town. I'm Tessa,and this is my twin brother Tristan. And yes,we're also part of teh resistence. Nice to meet someone from the resistence also."Tessa says as she shakes hands with Alex. She looked around at the city. "That Breaker made this place go like a puzzle and break into pieces. She had some power,but next time she won't get away."Tessa says as she looks around at the disaster.

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Jast slammed her fist into the wall. She was wrong... No, she couldn't be! Alma had to be here! She had felt her!


Maybe Thay was right. Maybe she really was losing her mind. Or maybe this was a trick...


Jast shoved people out of her way as she hurried through the streets of Twilight Town. She had been drawn here, there was no doubt. All that was left to do is find out who's been imitating her sister.

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"Yeah, next time I'll make sure personally that she doesn't go anywhere." Alex then looked around at the city that was collapsing. "Man, what an over whelming amount of power." Alex turned his atention back to Tessa. "So, do you think it would be alright if I joined you guy's, I really have nothing else to do?" Alex waited for them to answer back.

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Tessa thinks. "Well,we could use some help. We may be two but even with that it's difficult,very."Tessa says. She thinks and then looks at Alex. "I guess you could tag along,you seem nice enough."Tessa says. She then looks back at Tristan. "What do you say?We will need all the help we can get with teh darkness around the worlds,especially with Breakers like Ms.Personality of a few minutes ago."Tessa says.

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"Yeah I am perfectly fine with it, the three of us together would make a great team." Tristan said. He threw out a the gummie block and looked at the crumbling world. "Hey Tessa when you and me did that berserk power we got rid of the darkness on our world but maybe if all three of us did it we could probably re build the world." Tristan said looking at his sister and Alex hoping they would do it. It killed Tristan on the inside when stuff like this happened he could let the world and people die. Tristan said as he stabbed his blade into the ground and spun around it letting light flow out and go over the world. Him doing it by himself just revived the people but with Alex and Tessa it could rebuild and restore.

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Tessa thinks and nods. "Sounds good to me. Let's bring this world back to life."Tessa says getting her blade ready. She then looked at Alex and spun her blade as she then stabbed it in the ground. "So,Alex,wanna help us restore this world before we go?We can't leave it like this just like that. We will need to leave with a good impression ya know."Tessa says joking a bit. Her attitude was a mix of seriousness yet playful.

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Alex smiled and felt glad that they had aloud him to com with them, he then answered to the question. "Hehe, sounds like a good idea. So what should I do? Do I need to do something in a certain way or what?" Alex felt curious at how they were going to restore everything to how they used to be.

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As Juan walked through the city he found himself in a maze of rubble and ashes. Juan soon realized he needed to find others in the resistance. he began to run and as he did he found heartless spawning. "Tch, guess I'm gonna have to take a detour" he said running toward a building. as the heartless were gaining on him he started to charge his key-blade. soon he found himself running straight into the wall of the building but before making impact he jumped onto the wall, his keyblade now charged and he fired a powerful fire blast in the direction opposite of the heartless. the force from the shot served as a motor pushing him toward the heartless like a meteor, destroying the heartless around him. "Man, I have got to find wielder soon." Juan said and began to run again. soon he found a group of three people one of which had her keyblade in the ground. he soon found him self approaching them.

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