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"Alright, time to get this fight over with." Alex said with a grin, he then began to twirl his keyblade around in his hand repeatedly to create a vortex of high pressured water. "Go, ultra vortex." Alex then sent the vortex flying towards the remaining as it drew them into it and destroyed them. "Well that was easier than what I thought." Alex then got back over to Tessa and looked at her wound. "Let me fix that for you." Alex's hand glew green a little as he grabbed Tessa's arm gently. Tessa seemed to flinch at the pain, but then the pain left her face as the cut had been healed. "Good as new, right?" Alex said with a small smile.

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Tessa noded. "We need to find the major Heartless. Come on."Tessa says. They then started to swim towards the castle. It seemed almost empty. Except for Queen Ariel sitting on the throne. Tessa stared. "Queen Ariel?"Tessa says. Ariel stared at them. "What do you two want?"Ariel asks. Tessa looked at her. "we're here to help to get rid of the HEartless. Do you know where coud all of this darkness surged from teh sudden?"Tessa asks.

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(You seemed to ignore the fact I was fighting you.)

Sunohara followed them into the throne room, and saw a woman adorned in seashells sat atop the throne. -Alright, a life for the taking, plus the two I'm planning to kill.- thought Sunohara, and shouted, "Windscar!" and a surge of light magics went up to Ariel and was about to hit her in the face. Sunohara disabled his magics of his merman form, so he could walk around, but kept the breathing magics, and pointed his keyblades at Tessa.

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Tessa got her blades at hand. Ariel freaked and her guards got all around teh room. "Don't worry Ariel. We will deffend you from this!"Tessa says as she slashed towards the boy. He blocked and tried to slash her. Tessa dodged and slammed her blade against him. But he blocked instantly. They started to clash blades over and over again. Tessa stared at him. "Please don't fight against us!This darkness is only doing bad to the world!"Tessa says.

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Sunohara looked at her as if she was crazy. "Adamant Barrage!" he yelled, slashing his keyblades downward, sending flurries of blizzard spells at her, but opened a portal in front of her and they vanished, and he ran up to her and slashed, and at the same time opened a portal behind her, sending the Adamant Barrage out of the portal and to her back.

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Breakers (Darkness):

-Name: Kazuto Asuyoma.

-Age: 17.

-Gender: Male.

-Appearence: Black hair, Red eyes, Blue trench coat, Green t-shirt, Yellow slacks, Orange socks and Purple army boots.

-Keyblade: One Winged Angel.

-Bio: A strange and mysterious young man who claims that he gets a "Thrilling Excitement." from helping anything and/or anyone that is Bad and/or Evil.

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Alex got in the way of the blast that the boy had sent at Tessa's back and took the hit for her. "Man, that stings a little." Alex said flinching in a little pain, Tessa to see that he was hurt. "Don't worry about this, it doesn't hurt at all." Alex had a small line of blood wich ran down from his forehead, coving over his left eye. "Hey Tessa, how about we use some team work against this guy. You use your Luz against him and I'll use my Oscuras spell, sound good to you?" Alex said with a grin.

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Tessa stared and noded. She got her blade charged up and ready. She rose her blade. "LUZ!"Tessa says as a brilliant blinding light came from her blade and illuminated the entire area. The Heartless started to back away and the boy tried to hide his eyes from the bilnding light. Then Alex used Oscuras right at the boy and the boy was sent back flying. Tessa then quickly hurried over to Alex. She got some cura leafs out and started to get them on Alex's head to heal the injury.

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Sunohara raised his keyblade and offsetted the light. He saw the girl helping the boy. "Windscar!" He yelled, and light magics snaked its way over to the two. He then shouted "Backlash Wave!" and whirlpools of dark and demonic energy went over to Ariel, but a barrier appeared around her. When the whirlpools cleared, he saw Ariel holding a trident, and she rushed at Sunohara.

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Alex felt himself healing slowly as Tessa put the cura leaves on his head. "Sorry, I guess I'm a bit clumsy." Alex said with a slight smile, he then turned back to the boy. "Alright, time to teach this kid a lesson in how to respect your elders." Alex then swam over to the boy and clashed blades with him. "What is it that you want here? You couldn't have just come here to kill me and Tessa, so what is it that you want?"

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Tessa stared at the boy. "I'm gonna kick this guy's ass."Tessa says as she swims right at him. The boy blocked an attack. Tessa's eyes suddenly went black for a second. She grabbed the boy and darkness emitated from her. "Let's go!"Tessa says as she was being covered in her father's darkness again. She spun the boy around fast and hard and she threw him off and had him slam against a rock. She swam up to him and pinned him against the rock and got her keyblade to his neck.

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Before Tessa could do anything else did the young man say "Whatcha gonna do next dumbass *****" as the young man then pushes Tessa away while getting up and then says "Next time don't go charging in at someone when you don't know who they are and what purpose they may have until AFTER you get to know them!" Said the young man.

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The man then vanished and left Alex and Tessa to themselves. "What the hell was that all about?" Alex then swam back over to Tessa. "That darkness was acting up again, everything alright." Tessa nodded, looking as if nothing had happened. "Well ok, if you say so." Alex then held his head as it ached. "Man, I should have been more carefull when I was fighting that guy. I guess you could say I under estimated him."

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Tessa noded. She then looked around. "Let's free this world of this darkness."Tessa says. She rose her blade. She then started to spin it around and she gave a spin and rose her blade. The blade got covered in light and the light spreaded. Making everything go white as the darkness cowarded away. The light faded and the water was clear,everything was back to normal...for now. Tessa smiles and looks at Alex. "Well. That's another world now."Tessa says as she started to float around.

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Alex felt lighter as the darkness that surrounded the world was destroyed. "This feels wierd, it's almost as if the water has become lighter and isn't dragging me down anymore." Alex looked at Tessa as she floated around, he then put his hand to his chin as he stared at her. "You know, you look pretty cute as a mermaid." Alex said with a smile as he stared at her again.

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(That's not firetrucking fair. It's even against the rules. Every goddamn RP I see you in, you break a rule, and now it's directly affected me. And 'a rp everyone can have fun on' you just ruined the fun for me. You controlled my character, without asking and without permission. You shouldn't be on to talk about fun on an rp, because you just ruined it.)

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