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Tessa's eyes widened a bit but she was not surprised...a request such as that could be espected from Malificent. "I..."Tessa says. Malificent stared smiling. "I...will never do it. If I have to fight for teh rest of eternity,then so be it. But would never harm Alex."Tessa says. Malificent stared. "Then maybe I should improvise."Malificent says as she started to move her hand over the sphere. Tessa then helded her shirt where her heart should be a bit. "A man of darkness. A woman of light. Two children giften with equal powers of darkness and light. You have darkness in there...I just need to find it."Malificent says. Tessa looked up and attacked at Malificent.

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"MALEFICENT!!! LET ME OUTTA HERE!!!" Alex was swinging his keyblade at the sphere, but every time Alex attacked the sphere it would shock him with thunder magic. "I can't get out." Alex then put his hands to the sphere and stared at Tessa as she fought Maleficent. (Tessa, I know you would never hurt me, but...) Alex then remembered to when Tessa was about to answer. (... It was almost as if she had to think about it.) Alex then shook his head. "What the hell am I thinking? She would never do that." Alex then looked over at Tessa. "Tessa! You can beat her, I know you can." Alex said with a slight grin.

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Tessa slashed at her repeteivly. Malificent backed away. "You inncolent child."Malificent says as she made green fire around them and summoned Heartless. Tessa slashed through the Heartless and used Thundaga on Malificent. Malificent got hit and growled. She then focused more and Tessa fell on one knee. "Let your darkness flow girl!"Malificent says smiling. Tessa grunted and then glared at her. "You want to know how dark I can be?"Tessa asks as she was englufed with darkness and had yellow Heartless eyes. She then in the blink of an eye she re-appeared infront of Malificent and lifted her up. A slight mirage of her father appeared behind her,saying and doing everything Tessa did. "YOU CAN HAVE IT!"Tessa yelled along with the mirage as she used Dark Thundaga in a massive way. The schocks went right through Malificent for a few minutes. Tessa letted go and calmed down. The mirage and the darkness vanished away. She walked away,pass by Malificent who was laying on the floor face down. Tessa jumped and slammed her blade on the shpere from teh outside. It cracked and shattered,releasing Alex. "You allright?"Tessa asks.

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Alex looked at Tessa. "I'm fine, but that darkness..." Alex says a little conserned. (She looks as if it was nothing at all, but you can't be too carefull.) Alex then looked back at Tessa. "That darkness, where did it come from? I've never felt any darkness come from you until now." Alex says a bit worried. "Are you sure that your ok?"

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Tessa smiles. "I'm allright. That darkness was nothing."Tessa says smiling. She got her hand on where her heart should be. "It's just darkness inherited from my dad. My mom's pure light got me the most and hid the darkness away. When Malificent tried to make it come out. I letted it out and it showed Malificent what she wanted to see. Now it's back inside where it should be."Tessa says. She smiles. "No worries,allright?"Tessa says.

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Alex looked at Tessa with a worried expression. "Ok, but don't use the darkness so much. I already fell to it once and I don't want me or you to go there again." Alex looked back at where Maleficent was, she was gone. "We'll find her sooner or later." Alex then turned back to Tessa and noticed she still had her hand to her chest. Alex smiled as he shut his eyes and put his hand on top of Tessa's. "I'm always with you, right here."

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Tessa looked up and smiled. She noded. She then looked down. "We should get going and working...we have lots of worlds to save from the dakness."Tessa says smiling. She made a portal of light. "Lets go."Tessa says as she walked through and ended up in Agrabah...or atleast what was left of it considering it was completetly dark and tainted. The place was sandy...as always. "Ok..."Tessa says as even though there was darkness,it was still hot.

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-Witch side are you on?Resistence (Light) or Breakers (Darkness)?: Breakers

-Name: Xavidis Strife

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Appearence: Very tall, long white hair, red eyes, wears a black jacket unzipped with the sleeves rolled up and a red t shirt under it. dark blue jeans, and black combat boots

-Keyblade: Scythia - twin long scythe looking keyblades that combine to become a massive axe. I don't summon them but i wear them in an X on my back when not in use.

-Bio: a fast powerfull teen who's willpower is unparalleled by anyone his age. he was recruited into the breakers at a young age (around 11) because of his unique abilities to control the darkness.

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did i do something in bad grammar? i'm sorry that was not my intent.


Xavidis was sitting in the top of a tall tree near the headquarters of the breakers. he was curious as to when his next mission would be. he was getting restless from the lack of action lately and needed a job to do. it had been about 2 months since his last attack on the resistance camp not far away, and after he had wiped it out of all resistance members and returned to the HQ he wasn't assigned anything else. he heard a noise in the woods behind him and jumped to his feet and pulled out his weapons. "false alarm" he said as he sat back down. it turned out to be nothing more than one of the clumsy guard heartless. "sigh" i'm wondering if this is where i'm supposed to be after all. it felt so right at the beginning but now it just seemed to be getting old.

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Juan had left tristan in charge of his home worlsd after it was being rebuilt. he was now able to use the family phoenix to go where he needed to. as he rode he felt a great darkness. breaker he said. and he turned to a world that seemed to be full of forest.

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Alex looked to Tessa. "Doesn't look that bad here, but there's..." Alex put his hands on his knee's and began to breath with a little bit of difficulty. "... it's too hot here!" Alex then saw the city. "Hey look, a load of buildings with shade, perhaps we should go that way for no reason at all." Alex began walking before he even finished talking, heading for the city of agrabah.

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Tessa stared at Alex and smiled. She walked towards the city along with him. She stared around and looked from side to side. The city seemed...empty. Even the bazzar,teh most busiest part of the place. "Would explain such. This place is completetly covered ind arkness."Tessa says as she looks around. Then she turned to see a familiar face of darkness. Heartles. They started to pop out everywhere. Tessa smiled. "We;ve got Heartless."

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as Xavidis was sitting in the tree, he felt a presence like a rush of wind through his core. "crap, the resistance, i've got to tell the others." he jumped down fifty feet and landed on his feet. he stood up rubbing his legs, "gah, I'm really out of practice." he ran off towards the compound to notify the others of this new presence he had detected. "it's gotta be the resistance..... hey, i might actually have a mission now!" he smiled to himself as he dashed into the compound. he gathered five other lower ranked breakers just in case the presence was stronger than he thought. "this should be fun" he thought, "be alert!" he yelled at the others who were messing around, "it might not be a bad thing if these guys got knocked off". he muttered, too low for the others to hear him. "bring it on".

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Juan landed the phoenix and prepared for battle. he began walking through the forest as lost as eve. suddenly it occurred to him that he had just entered an enemy base with no kind of plan. he squatted and began thinking of an emergency back up[ plan. once he had gotten one he began to walk toward the source of the darkness he had found once again.

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Alex grinned slightly. "This should be fun, after ridding myself of all that demonic power, I think it's time I started using my own strength again." Alex then summoned his keyblade wich now had a sort of glow to it. "Well that's new." Alex then began to swipe his blade through the heartless with ease. "We'll be done with these guys in no time." Alex said with yet another grin.

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Tessa saw the Heartless attack. She swung around and defeated the Heartless with ease. Tessa smiled as after a few minutes the both of them were finished with the Heartless. Tessa lowered her blade and looked around. "I have this bad feeling of this place...I dunno why...It's strange..."Tessa says as they walked around. Then they stopped at the gates of the castle. They then saw this strange man just standing there staring at the gates. "Well,it's the first human we've seen in this place. Let's check it out."Tessa says as she walked towards him.

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Xavidis felt the presence coming closer, he almost felt giddy with anticipation. "this isn't natural," he thought to himself as he smiled with an evil grin,"am i supposed to feel good about hurting and or killing somebody?..... oh well" he kept grinning. Closer and closer the presence grew, then it stopped. "hm, that's odd" he said to himself. "people get some cover, this isn't right" as they others vanished into the corridors of darkness, Xavidis jumped 30 feet up into a tree and waited, the presence began moving again. he laughed to himself "must be an amateur that didn't make a plan before trying to infiltrate an enemy area. "well it's not the first time i've seen that." he chuckled to himself again, then waited for the enemy.

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Alex looked at the man that was looking up at the gates, he then looked at Tessa. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea. I have a bad feeling about this guy." Alex then looked at the man again. "Alright, I'm going to see who this guy is." Alex then walks forward. "Hey, what are you doing? Do you know why there's no one here?"

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The man turned and smirked. "Isn't it obvious?The darkness spooked them away. They're all hidding behind this wall. Witch gives me enough chance to me to look for that accursed lamp."The man says. Tessa stared. "You're of darkness,and something tells me that your intentions are also dark."Tessa says. The man stared at them. "I am Jaffar. Now is you escuse me,I can't ve distracted bya bunch of kids."Jaffar says as he walked away. Tessa then summoned her blade.

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Juan had noticed the people that were watching him. he wasn't worried though. this was perfect. he hadn't fought a breaker since the castle of beast when he had to fight about three of the strongest at the same time. he continued walking as if he wasnt aware he was being followed but he soon realized that it would be impossible for him too any further. he was just too excited. he stopped."you can come out now. i'm itching to play."

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Xavidis hurled himself out of the tree and landed facing away from Juan. "hm," he chuckled, "so you passed that test, now tell me what you're business is", he remembered the reports of the incident at beast's castle, this seemed like the one that they described. "I've heard you got rid of three breakers at beast's castle a little while ago, is that correct?" he knew it was but he was testing the ego of this new foe. the ones with a big ego always fall harder. "well they weren't the best, contrary to what you may think. they were not new but they weren't out best. they weren't say............. me" he turned around slowly "I'm going to ask you again, but only once. What is your business here."

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Juan smiled and turned around "I don't know anything about a beast castle" Juan lied"I am Juan Carlos blah blah blah. and as for my business here..." Juan was assessing the situation. this guy was cocky but he wasn't lying about being strong. Juan had just recovered from his last battle and though he had gained a significant power boost he didn't know just how powerful he had become. it was time to test his true new strength. " well for lack of a better phrase is to kick your butt."

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"hm" he chuckled, "Make my day" in a whirl of color he pulled his twin scythia, glowing purple with dark energy. "well since you passed the first test let's see how you do with this one!!!!!" he rushed at Juan with inhuman speed, courtesy of the dark energy flowing through his very being. he slashed repeatedly as Juan kept parrying away his strikes. after a few attacks Xavidis leapt back 50 feet and stopped. "you know you and i aren't very different. Strong, quick, maybe just a little egotistic in your case." he pondered a thought for a minute. "If you join the breakers we will make you stronger, faster, smarter." join us and you'll have any and everything you want."

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"I've got a family to build and protect so i think I'll pass on you're offer." Juan said still dodging. He was fast but Jester had taught him how to avoid speed. the less movement he made the better. music spells would be of little use at this stage of the battle so all he could do is bide for time. the moment he saw an opening he summoned his first keyblade. and parried his opponents scythe. "you're fast for someone who carries around such a large weapon, but your form is lacking. also you've got no rhythm. LOL" Juan said. stepping back.

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