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KH2 I need a Challenge.

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Ok, so I have Kingdom hearts 2 final mix. I have beaten Kingdom Hearts 2 17 times in my life. I have only beat Kingdom Hearts 2 final mix 2 times. I need a challenge, as you know this has critical mode, and an ability that makes you not level up. So tell me what you want me to do. Whether it be completeing the journal 100%. Or something, just make something up, and I will pick the best one and do it.

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beat the game journal 100% on critical lv 1 with just the regular kingdom key and with no armour or abilities (just the lv 1 one) and no using drive modes. good enough?

but if you seriously do that i will tell the gamers edition of the guiness world records book we got a keeper!

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Kingdom key only, no level up, don't use abilities, no magic, and only use potions(no hi potion or mega potion, elixir, etc.).

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get to level 100 (or 99 depending on the level cap) on destiny islands (thats a really annoying challenge btw), then use only the kigndom key and no potions or using the cure spell on critical mode, and for the final boss battle you have to unequip all your abilities. hard enough?

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Critical mode get the journal 100% and defeat final boss with kingdom key and without any abilities and lvl 1. Then defeat all the organazation members that you find at the secret room in hollow bastion with the same way again (no abilities,level 1,kingdom key)oh almost forgot...you can use guard ability and you have to use only potions no cure spell and use only valor form... ONLY valor form..hard enough?

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After you do everything everyone else has suggestion, you must then fight Terra (Muahahaha). Lvl 1, Kingdom Key, no accessories, blah blah blah. I've heard some funny stories of the different ways Terra has completely owned Sora. I'd like to hear some more. Good luck.

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Critical, lv 1, no spells, Kingdom Key until you get Sweet Memories (which is a priority above all others!), no armor or accesories (what do you need AP for? You're not using abilities either...), no Drive or summons, only Potions.


Send me the report!

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Beat he game in Critical Mode, level 1, Kingdom Key, no items, no accessories, no magic, no abilities, no Limits, no Drives, no Summons and in under 15 hours

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Beat Sephiroth (or Terra) on critical with no magic or potions, Lv. 1, Kingdom Key, no abilities, no armor, etc. etc. etc. >: D


Actually, there the chance of beating Terra without magic being impossible. If he seals your attacks, you'll be screwed and can't fight back...


So you can use Fire for that.

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Go to the Hall of memorince and fight all the Organization members with out items or limits, or drives (unless thats to hard for u)

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Actually, there the chance of beating Terra without magic being impossible. If he seals your attacks, you'll be screwed and can't fight back...


So you can use Fire for that.


Alright, magic's ok, but no Cure >: D

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