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Lolita Fashion!

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Lolita fashion is something I've taken an interest in and this is a thread for anyone else interested in Lolita fashion and to give each other tips for creating outfits and building wardrobes.


What is Lolita?


Lolita is a very hard style to define, but in my opinion what really defines it is it's childlike innocence and old-fashioned elegance. It's distinctive style is most obviously from the Victorian and Rococo eras, but you will see a lot of influence from the Edwardian period and even some 40s and 50s American clothing styles - any time period in which fashion was elegant and beautiful. The bell-shaped skirt provides the typical silhouette, but it is neither what makes something lolita nor is it required of all lolitas. There is no one item of clothing or a color or trim that embodies all that is lolita - it is a unique aesthetic that's hard to perfect. To some there's a lifestyle attached - not only wearing the clothes as often as possible but also taking part in lolita activities and following a certain code of etiquette - but to others it is merely a clothing style. Lolita can be an escape from the mundane, or an attempt to return to a more innocent time in life. It's something a little bit different to everyone, but what lolitas have in common is a shared desire to wear really awesome clothes.

There are several different types of lolita, gothic lolita, sweet lolita, punk lolita, etc.

I'm more drawn to sweet lolita.


Some of the major DONTs in Lolita that I know are

1) using fabrics like satin.

2) BAD LACE. i.e. Raschel Posted Image

3) cat ears. THAT IS NOT LOLITA.




7) Don't buy on ebay unless you're experienced. ALWAYS look at reviews on egl and such.

http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-cool.png Stay away from lace monster dresses. There is a thing called too much lace.


Some Lolita DOs:

1) ACCESSORIZE. Just don't go overboard.

2) Bodyline is the a great place to get lolita stuff from.

3) Qutieland has quite an assortment of brands and replicas. They get positive reviews and I would recommend them.

4) Taobao is good (same brands as on Qutieland, sometimes cheaper even), but you will have to use a shopping service such as this.

5) Themed coords are adorable. Such as Doctor Who lolita, Harry Potter lolita, circus lolita, etc.

6) Do something cute with your hair! Elegant curls, braids, etc. If you have short hair, maybe wear a cute hat, or a appropriately sized bow! (Big bows with short hair look slightly odd). You can even use a bunch of cute hair clips if you're doing OTT Sweet!


If you have anymore, feel free to add on.

Also, wigs are another topic. Two tone wigs are cute, soft curls, and etc., work for sweet lolita on other types.

Simple things like that can keep you from being called an ita, which is, well, a BAD lolita.


Some BAD examples of Lolita (ita basically):

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some GOOD examples of Lolita:

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I will add more to this post as anyone else gives me some Lolita tips or I come up with more.

If you have any pictures or yourself in Lolita, feel free to post. Also if you have any questions about whether something is either ita or lolita, you can ask here as well.

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y wuld u no get anythn from milaanoo day r da best plaec 2 ggett lolita && cosplayyy shit dey giv u errythin on tiem && perfectly maed y u no liek millanooooooo



i like lolita. i enjoy the country one and punk one. >:

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Turning people to the lolita side, one cake at a time <3


((yescake... cakeiscuteshhh))


I plan to be ordering some things from bodyline soon as well as getting a wig or two to go with my dresses. 83 i would like some help though trying to decide what accessories i should get as well, as well as things like socks and shoes.

lemme put the things i want/going to get under a spoiler



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so guys, bumping this thread because well i got my stuff from bodyline today (:


this is the dress and blouse i got

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unfortunately the skirt i got has a broken zipper, but i will be getting it fixed! but no picture of the skirt


i got some jewelry too. the prettiest one was this one


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isn't it gorgeous!


i tried on my dress as well

this is me in it (:


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so i had an excuse to wear lolita in public (OMNICON~) and I have some pictures I took c:

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i took off the white knee highs and white flats i had on when i took this picture so which is why i cropped out my legs


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okay so the things i had on

Dress: Soft Cream JSk from Bodyline

Accessories: Claire's, Hot Topic and some I already had

Hair Bow: The bow came with the dress, I just slipped it onto a headband

Shoes: Thrifted

Knee Highs: I had them lying around somewhere

Petticoat: Handmade (of course you can see the petticoat, but it's the reason for the poof in my dress)

Make up: Foundation, powder, blush, light colored lipgloss, minimal eyeliner, a bunch of mascara. All from clinique.


Not perfect, but I really liked it, and so many people complimented me on dress and everything c:

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hi, it's me again.

I'm planning my next coord, because I'm getting my dream dress for Christmas! I'm getting it from qutieland, which has LOVELY dresses and a bunch of brands. Unlike bodyline, their dresses are ordered to be made and they take a while (a month or more) but the reviews are good. They also have several different brands and different size options for all the dresses!

Anyways, this is the coord I'm planning.


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The dress is $70, the wig is $60, shoes are $37, and the socks are $6. Plus shipping, I'm gonna spend about $200 on everything, which is pretty good (seeing as $200 would only get me one dress from Angelic Pretty).

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Your coords are amazing. :>


When I did brolita, I ordered my shit from taobao because I was an ass.

Looking at this stuff makes me jelly and want to start lolita'ing again. :'<

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;3; oh thank you. i don't think my coords are that good aaaa i'm really flattered.


i heard taobao was good too tho? just depends i guess? Idk i need to look into it.

you should! o:

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I adore Punk/Gothic Lolita. I love them. Especially the Kimonos. <3



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Or just Punk/Gothic Lolita in perse.



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where can i get that awesome gothic lolita dress in the end D: i want it so bad and i have looked everywhere but i cant find it x(

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where can i get that awesome gothic lolita dress in the end D: i want it so bad and i have looked everywhere but i cant find it x(


that's fanplus friend!

their dresses are a bit pricier than bodyline AND quitieland

I couldn't find that specific dress, but i found one much like it, right over here http://www.fanplusfriend.com/servlet/the-809/Gothic-Lolita-Elegant-Short/Detail

the material looks weird to me so i dont like and would definitely not get it myself,,,,

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I begged my dad to buy me this one skirt from Bodyline, and he was like, "D8< WHO WOULD WEAR THAT CRAP? IT LOOKS STUPID. I WOULD MAKE FUN OF YOU. NO. IT'S TOO EXPENSIVE FOR SOMETHING SO STUPID." ;~;

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