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KH2 Favorite part of the KHII Opening?

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Hey guys, I'm pretty bored right now so I just decided to make this. Sorry if there's already a topic like this. First time on the KHII side.



Mine is 2:54 to 3:05. I just love Namine so yeah. >_>


If you asked me what part I liked that didn't involve Namine, then I'll probably say 2:37 to 2:46 or maybe 3:20 to the end.

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Oh, there's so many parts I love... X3








3:28-end (X3 I love how Riku and Sora are holding hands as well, and the amazing timing with Roxas falling out of Sora is just awesome...)


Man, I was hoping we would get one of these big CGI deals for 358/2 Days, since it supports the graphics and stuff, but noooo. D:< We get a lame intro that looks like someone made it in their free time.


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I love all of it <33 There isn't anything I don't like of that video 83


@ r3troRoxel

I KNOW. I would've thought that the intro would've astounded me and have been wonderful with the awesome sauce effects...

but I then I watch it and stare at the screen. "What?? THIS is the intro??".

I bet anyone could've done that in their spare time >.>


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The part where Kairi looks up (in her KHI-form). x3 It looks good in AMVs. xD;


You beat me to it.




i also like when sora's about to fall asleep in the pod thing and its showing his face and his hand. owo

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The part where Kairi looks up (in her KHI-form). x3 It looks good in AMVs. xD;


You beat me to it.




i also like when sora's about to fall asleep in the pod thing and its showing his face and his hand. owo


Lmao. xD Whoops.


Omg that part too. *o* Ahhh. *faints*

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around 03:32 i love the part where sora gets trapped in the pod and then falls asleep and then he's flying over the ocean...i just love that!!! and definitly the part where sora is holding riku's hand!!!!!! *think of yaoiness and faints*

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When Sora gets caught in the "orb" he'd slept in for a year, the way he's looking at Namine and so on made it kinda great.

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Its hard to say which part I love best. But I guess the in-sync fight scene with Sora and Riku against Ansem and Marluxia. Plus the scene when Sora falls from his pod after being trapped. (That scene has helped in many KH AMV's :P)

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i don't know why but i like the beginning when Kairi, Riku and all Destiny Island become dust, and then Sora is in hollow bastion.....


I love that scene too 8D

also the scene when that awesome music comes, and they beat up bunch of heartless, but Donald and Goofy ruin the whole scene Dx


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The part where Kairi looks up (in her KHI-form). x3 It looks good in AMVs. xD;


You beat me to it.




i also like when sora's about to fall asleep in the pod thing and its showing his face and his hand. owo


Lmao. xD Whoops.


Omg that part too. *o* Ahhh. *faints*


haha same here i was gonna say that it seems every amv 90% that clip is going to be there xD


i also love the part where kairi and namine say music will tie <3 like you icon thing ! :D


and where namine says angels in flight and lastly when roxas comes in * omg in love lol fleees *

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I like the part when one second, Sora, Kairi and Riku are laying on the beach, the next, Roxas crashes and falls down the water.

I also liked the part where they mixed up Sora's and Riku's fights with Marluxia and Xehanort. (At the time, I didn't know who Marluxia was, so I was confused, but I wasn't aware of CoM yet. xD )

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I like the part when one second, Sora, Kairi and Riku are laying on the beach, the next, Roxas crashes and falls down the water.

I also liked the part where they mixed up Sora's and Riku's fights with Marluxia and Xehanort. (At the time, I didn't know who Marluxia was, so I was confused, but I wasn't aware of CoM yet. xD )


yeah, i ended up buying the second one first, so i didn't know what the heck the cg cutscene was 'talking' about, like i had no idea who riku was and i was wondering who the heck ansem was and what was up with riku falling slowmo and changing into ansem


plus, on the cover, i thought roxas was the character in the position of riku (in the sense how there is the main character and then the older more sophisticated friend who doesn't know why he's hanging out with him) and it took me for ever to realize the faded sketch on the side of the cover with ansem (diz) and riku (ansem in coat)


i also was wondering who marluxia was and why riku was fighting with himself because of earlier in the cutscene, and the kairi reviving sora was deeply confusing


and then after defeating demyx and the dead organization members being revealed confused me because i didn't know why they weren't shown, also, i didn't know why sora donald and goofy were asleep,


man i really wish i had played them in order


wow, this was long and confusing

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