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Final Fantasy website

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I had the idea to create a Final Fantasy website. Now, honestly, I've never played a Final Fantasy but I still think this would be fun. The idea comes from wanting to cover these things:


- Final Fantasy's inevitable appearance at Tokyo Game Show 2011 (September)

- Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Final Fantasy Typo-0 releases (December)


Which means, if I want to do this properly, I should launch the website in September. I want to know what everyone thinks about this, it's another project of mine which means it would be like a sister-site to KH13, and they would share a forum etc. KH13 will of course remain the "main" site and receive the majority of my attention, but this Final Fantasy thing will sorta be added onto it. Think of it as KH13 expanding if you like.


Any ideas for names? I have FF-XIII.com at the moment, but I'm thinking I could do better (maybe).


Again, I'd just like to promise that this won't affect the amount of effort I put in for KH13. :P The FF website would just run off the code I'd developed to run KH13, so there's no extra effort required there. Any extra features I develop for the FF website would also appear on KH13, and vice versa. Obviously there's effort required in recording the games, say XIII-2, but I need practise recording PS3 games for later, when KH appears on that console, right? So yeah, don't be worried about that.


Any comments? Questions? Anything?

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That seems to be cool.. Will it include EVERY Final Fantasy? Because I've played the Final Fantasy XII normal and the DS version.. So I could write the story and other stuff about it.. Sounds good to you DC?


And I liked the idea. What about ff13.com?

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I also love this idea! Honestly, I've never been on a FF news site. So this would be amazing for me to get my KH and FF news together (somewhat). I totally think you should do it! And as you said, KH3 will probably be for PS3 so you could learn to record for it now.


XIII-2 and Type-0 do look amazing. I like the idea of it being a site for the Fabula Nova Crystallis games. But if you choose to expand it to other FFs (besides the XIII ones), I'd be happy to help! Here's a list of the FF games I've played.


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, VII, Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, XII, XII: Revenant Wings, XIII, Dissidia, Dissidia: Duodecim.


I haven't played VI, but I know a lot about it. I've also played some of Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions.


Also, I've seen the Spirits Within movie as well as Advent Children/Advent Children Complete. I've also read the corresponding VII novels: Maiden Who Travels the Planet, and On the Way to a Smile. And I've seen the two VII anime episodes: Last Order and Case of Denzel (Case of Denzel is from the On the Way to a Smile companion novel). I also know a bit about Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII and where to find playthroughs of it. I’m really well versed in all of these games. LOL. I've done reports on FF, so...

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I've been hoping since the day I joined the site that KH13 would expand its horizons to something other than Kingdom Hearts, because lets face it: KH news is usually few and far between, wheras Final Fantasy almost always has something going on. Even if it starts with only the FNC series, I'm all for showing FF some love.

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Hmmm. A good name, let me think...

If you want to follow the name tradition, ff-any number would be good.

But if you want to take the name to a different route, how about Moogle XIII?

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Hmmm. A good name, let me think...

If you want to follow the name tradition, ff-any number would be good.

But if you want to take the name to a different route, how about Moogle XIII?


Good idea.

Hmm. If this site would be for keeping people updated on the FF XIII series, then we could tie the title of the series (Fabula Nova Crystallis: Final Fantasy) into the title.

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The only ones i havent played are, III, VI, VIII, XI, and XIV

And FF-XIII is a pretty good name, but i think people might think the site would be dedicated to final fantasy 13.

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