CodedbyDays 12 Posted September 24, 2009 Just thought that I'd say my spoiler-free reactions for those who don't know what happens so they know what to expect: Scene 1: That was surprisingly...lame. 2: We've already seen this from the trailers... 3:WTH? This was already in kh2!! This isn't... wait! He said something! Rrrrrgh...what? 4: Lol. That's scene's for the riku fangirls 5: Wow. I did not know that she could do that with her vocal chords. 6: Kinda boring. I mean, we've already seen it, at least most of it... 7: It's not that funny, guys... 8: I'm so confused DX 9: That's...sweet? Creepy? I'm not sure... 10: God, Roxas! Turn around!! Turn around!! 11: Wow. I kinda feel sorry for her. 12:Oww... 13: Quick your rambling already, geez. (Does not know much japanese) Wait a... what did he just say? o.m.g. ???! (Usssssooooooo daaaaaaa!) 14: Again, kinda creepy in my mind. 15: Yay! Another 10 second scene that we've already seen in trailers! 16: Already seen this in kh2...though it's still sad... 17: Another thing we've already seen... 18: More demonstrations of great vocal chord ability. 19: Again, more rambling...geez. Most of the things that kh characters say can be summarized in light...darkness...heart...memories... I mean, serious----- *Takes a minute for her to realize what she's seeing* OH MY GOD!!!! Seriously, OH MY GOD!! I did not see that coming. 20:*starts sobbing* 21: That's odd, creepy, yet sweet symbolism. 22: Best. Fight. Ever. 23: Yay! More fighting action! 24: (Top screen) We've seen this, but it's still good. (Bottom screen) The good old times~ 25:(Top screen) Seen this. (Bottom screen) Didn't I just-- wait, that's too sad! 26: Roxas, waking up from a nightmare that his feet grew about 20 sizes. 27: I'm totally disappointed that axel wasn't standing on a pointy building... no, jk. I love the ending. So what do think your reactions will be? What were your reactions to the scenes if you've already seen them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
im-axel-fear-me-NOW 10 Posted September 25, 2009 oooh coolio 8D 1: wha....? the same song....? 2: hmmm....i wonder who that new member is...*coughcough* 3: *gasp* who have u been to see hmmmmm??? 4: OMG!!!!!!!! HES FLOATING!!!!!!!!! 5: xion should be a metal singer!!!!! and riku clean ur mouth out! 6: eh... thbth sora 7: axel ur so darn smart 8: wow...someone ate something weird before going to bed... 9: what the-? whered she come from!? 10: what the heck!? whered u come from!!!!??????? 11: wha...? axel only has one line!? 12: omi-! axel the evil spirit of saix has possessed u!!! DX look away from the light! 13: O.O guh...gah... u...ur name axel.... DX ITS OK BUDDY I STILL LUV U!!! 14: omigosh!!! theyre such a cute couple!!! 15: oh yeah rikus determined all right 16: its ok axel u have mee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8D 17: dang i luv those coats!!! 18: what the- WHAT HAPPENS TO AXEL!!!!!!!?????? 19: ....eeeeeeeeew DX he looks suckish! 20: ....*sniffle* THEY ALWAYS KILL OFF THE GOOD CHARACTERS!!!!!! DX 21: ...*sniff* *tries to resist the urge of hugging the computer screen cuz axel looks like he needs a hug* 22: yay...theyre stalking roxas... 23: thats it he luved xion he misses her hes luv sick he needs a girlfriend 24: thats nice.... 25: ...*sniffle* xion why must u die DX 26: yeah u just forgot ur best friend u jerk DX 27: axels all alone now thanks to u JEEERK D:< i...i think about axel a lot dont i...? *huggles axel* Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PrincessToriAlly15 2 Posted September 25, 2009 I don't know how'll I'll react...But I'll freak out whenever Riku comes on! Kkkkkeeeeyyyyyaaaa! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sneezes 73 Posted September 25, 2009 5 words: I loved every single cutscene. 83. I'm such a spoiler with myself . I actually was VERY suprised by a few of the scenes, but that's what makes Kingdom Hearts better. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
r3troRoxel 9 Posted September 26, 2009 Just so you know, these are all gonna be totally biased, seeing as how I'm a huge supporter of Axel/Roxas and Riku/Sora, and despise Roxas/Xion, Axel/Xion, and Riku/Xion. 1. Aw, come on... I was hoping for a cool intro video like in the beginning of KH1 and KH2, but noooo. >_< Instead, we got what looks like a fan intro for Organization XIII. Pathetic, Square Enix. D:< 2. Wait, where would Xion sit? o_O Aren't there only 13 chairs...? Maybe she sits in the corner... or on someone's lap. EWEWEWEWEW. >A< And why does Roxas have Axel escort him in there? Is it because Roxas is a drooling vegetable at birth, or for... (shifty eyes) other... reasons? > (shot) Xion doesn't have anyone with her... probably because no one likes her. 3. Hold on... ._. Did I just see Xemnas, the supposedly macho (I mean, he really is a wimp.... >_> His boss fights are ridiculously easy. Plus, all he does is get other people to fight /for/ him. LIKE SAIX. (sobs)) leader of the Organization put his hand on Roxas' shoulder and slowly slide it off? o_o YES! >D FINALLY, MY XEMNAS/ROXAS IS CANON! 4. Wow... basically a flashback of the next scene that we get to see. Wtf was the point of that? >_> 5. Xion is such a wimp. Seriously, if she's supposed to be Sora's memory clone thing, shouldn't she be able to withstand one of Riku's falcon punches? She also apparently can't stand a chop to the neck from Axel... pathetic. And she's a total spaz, too... all that random screaming... o_o; 6. Already seen this in every single trailer... Ugh. QUIT RECYCLING CLIPS, SQUARE ENIX. D:< 7. Scientist!Axel FTW. What were they laughing about anyway? They have creepy laughs... ._. But it's all total flirting... So no harm done. OMG, Axel's face at the end makes me wanna cry... >A< 8. Xion, what on EARTH did you eat for breakfast that morning? Dude... this scene makes no facking sense. SQUARE ENIX, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU MADE THIS CHARACTER?! That's all I wanna know! 9. Alright, let me just say one thing... All these times where Riku is cradling Xion in his arms and stuff, that basically means that he's cradling a Sora clone in his arms... So it's always a guy... Or a hermaphrodite. TAKE THAT, RIKU/XION FANS. RIKU/SORA SHALL ALWAYS PREVAIL. 8D 10. Wtf...? A 10 second clip of Roxas... running... and Riku... watching... I thought we were gonna get actual CUTSCENES in this game, Square Enix, not tiny little scenes that could have been accomplished without the FMV! Ugh... disappointment. 11. Okay, Xion... if your 'dream' is to be like Axel and Roxas (meaning gay boys), it's already accomplished. Xion is practically a boy (being Sora's memory clone thing and all) and since she's Sora, that makes her gay for Riku, so she technically already is like Axel and Roxas... Or she just wants to get a sex change. Xion, you have odd dreams for a young teen. 12. Dude. I love/hate this scene with a passion. I love it because it's got total Axel/Roxas, (Axel is so obviously jealous, plus, he attacks Xion for trying to hurt his Roxy. X3) but I hate it because Roxas is being a annoying, clingy little bitch to Xion. Ugh, this isn't even the 'sad' part of her story, (even though her whole tale is supposed to be angsty and tragic... all it is is cheesy and basically a rehash of Roxas' existential crisis in KH2... Square Enix, could you have made the plot any worse? God, she's such a firetrucking Mary Sue.) the part where she 'dies' is. Why couldn't the scene where Roxas leaves the Organization be as dramatic as this one, with Axel grabbing at his wrist, begging him not to leave? I mean, they're basically destroying the original canon, anyway... PLOT HOLES GALORE. REJOICE IN THIS GAME'S SWISS CHEESE NATURE. 13. TOTAL SAIX/AXEL PROOF. LIKE NO JOKE. (Even though Xemnas/Saix is totally better... Dom/Sub ftw!) And Axel's real name is amazing... Lea... This also has Axel/Roxas proof... 14. UGH. ENOUGH WITH THE firetruckING RIKU/XION INTERACTIONS. THE BITCH DIES. END OF STORY. THERE WAS NO ROMANCE HERE. (If anything, it would have just made Riku/Sora more canon...) 15. Already seen this scene about a billion times in trailers, so nothing new here... Dammit, Square Enix. 16. See above... Jesus Christ, this is annoying. 17. Like I said earlier, since they're already destroying the canon of the rest of the series, couldn't they at least have changed this scene a little bit? (Which reminds me, I'm sick of them just using scenes from KH2 again! GET NEW MATERIAL. Well, they did, but it sucks.) Axel could have more desperate and clingy, and Roxas could have said something like 'Just watch me.' after Axel says that he can't turn on the Organization. God, so many awesome ways this scene could have played out... 18. TRAILER SCENES. JESUS CHRIST. MAKE THEM STOP. 19. This is so anti-Axel/Xion it's not even funny. You know it's true. Axel does all of this for his beloved Roxas... <3 20. ... this scene is creepy in so many ways. Sora... with Xion's voice. What... the firetruck, Square Enix. 21. HAHAHAHA! YES! FINALLY, THE BITCH DIES! Although there are those awesome an unnecessary face-touchings and hand-grabbings and CRYINGS (Yeah, Roxas... you cry over the person who actually gets to /live on/ INSIDE OF YOU, but you don't cry over Axel, who killed himself to basically save you, and because he couldn't live without you... Makes perfect sense, right? Yeahhh, no. Roxas, you're a firetrucking bitch by the end of this game. I hate it.) that just make me wanna SCREAM... SHE'S A DUDE. ROXAS, THE ONE WHO IS PRACTICALLY MOLESTING YOU IS A DUDE, AND IS ALSO YOUR OTHER HALF. MASTURBATION MUCH? 22. Holy crap, this scene makes me cry. It's a billion times sadder than Xion's death scene... Roxas finally gives Axel the winning stick (which he had been saving JUST FOR HIM, and was even about to give it to Axel in /front of Xion/. That's love right there.), but GUESS HOW HE DOES IT. Puts it in an envelope in Axel's room, right after Axel failed to bring Roxas back... Yeah, real nice, Roxas... just give him a reminder of the pain he just went through, that'll make him feel REAL good... Jesus Christ. 23. Not much to complain about on this one... Roxas looks totally badass. He's a bitch, but a badass one. 24. Alright, wtf is going on here. Somehow... since Xion phased into Roxas, (seriously. What was the point of that? They didn't become whole again, Roxas just got some memories or something... I dunno, the whole concept is dizzying, convoluted, and idiotic...) Riku is losing memories of her...? WHAT? >_> Ugh.... this game has the shittiest plotline ever. I mean, it's more about Xion than Roxas, who's supposed to be the protagonist! AND I WANTED AXEL/ROXAS FANSERVICE, DAMMIT! Yeah, I got it, but in a TOTALLY different way than I imagined... Oh, well... at least the Roxas/Xion fans aren't all bad, since Roxas is basically loving on a boy/himself... which makes him still gay. 25. So... Xion can now talk to Riku in his mind...? Alright, what the firetruck. What the flying firetruck is wrong with this game? And this is just a scene from KH2FM... even though it's nice that we'll be able to see it in English... Which reminds me, WHY DIDN'T THEY PUT THE WHOLE SCENE FROM KH2FM WITH AXEL AND ROXAS ON THE CLOCK TOWER?! WHY?!! THAT SCENE WOULD HAVE BEEN THE BEST THING EVER IN ENGLISH. Square Enix first said that that scene would be the intro to the game, but then they decided that the scene where Roxas is named by Xemnas would be the beginning, and the Axel/Roxas scene the end... but then, all they did was cut it up, destroy most of its content, and put it in the horrible intro. We were firetrucking ROBBED. 26. DiZ has a terrifying Japanese voice. Enough said. Also, wtf is up with even more Xion voice over? I don't know what she's saying, but I'm sure it's awesome, just like everything else that comes out of her firetrucking mouth... 27. Ugh... ANOTHER firetrucking identical KH2 scene... pisses me off. 28. Wait, if this is the first day, and Roxas is saying 'We haven't gone to the beach yet', (I saw that in some translation) what reason would he have to be saying that anyway? Hayner hadn't even mentioned the beach yet... Unless Roxas just came to that conclusion on his own and was going to suggest it to his fake little friends, but was distracted by the nonchalantly accepted stealing of the word 'photo'. (Seriously... they think it's weirder that the photos are gone than they do the fact that they CAN'T SAY THE firetruckING WORD.) That would make sense, considering that this game MAKES NO firetruckING SENSE AT ALL. God... crappy end to a crappy plot line. Makes me sick. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites