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Multi Editors Project anyone?

MEMBERS OF STUDIO ONLY VOTE! Which song to you want the to be the MEP song?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. MEMBERS OF STUDIO ONLY VOTE! Which song to you want the to be the MEP song?

    • "Sorrow" by: Flyleaf
    • "Diary of Jane" by: Breaking Benjamin
    • "The Kill" by: 30 Seconds to Mars

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sure why not! but ill need to download sony vegas 8 or somethn i dont have enough $ to buy it xD


Do you at least have wmm or something? xD




i volunteer to time splitting OOO: bear in mind i wont make them COMPLETELY equal in seconds but ill try to make it as equal as i can...


yeaa but ill have to update and I REFUSE! cos it'll take forever also i have a song if anyone wants to knowwww

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personally i think we have enough...:3


and id like to make music suggestions (yeah shoot me in the middle cuz theres lots) i wont be hurt if u say none of em d work xD










(kk...i know like none of u have ever heard of this artist...but theres absolutely no kh amv to any of this artists songs(i looked)so if we did do it wed be the first ppl. *edit* plus this is one of my fav songs :D)





lol thats it :D


*edit* its is fixed xD

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uuuuuhh, Axel... ur vids arn't working, lol


@ Cella:

Hmmm, well, i never thought of what the leader would do. I guess we don't really need a leader. We just need KaiSo to edit them all together.


oh, does everyone here have a YouTube account? I guess it would be so that you can upload ur MEP part if you want. Who's YT account are we going to put the video on anyway? I guess the person who has the most subscribers, lol. (I only have 120 or so)



Ok, I've updated the first post again so some thing can be brought to attention. We don't have:

Studio Title

Due Date

MEP Song

MEP Title

Intro Song

Intro Editor


And what kind of footage should we allow? KH and FF of course, but does anyone else what to use something else? or should we just keep it to a SquareEnix minimal?


ok, since we have enough members, here are the songs that i thought of. The are by popular bands so I'm pretty sure all of you guys know these songs/artist. Now, if one of you guys want to suggest a song, go right ahead.


"I Will Not Bow" by: Breaking Benjamin (this is their newest song)



"Monster" by: Skillet (YT has a copyright issue with Skillet, but there's a way to upload a AMV with a Skillet song I think)


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We dont really need an intro though, do we? xD we can put stuff in the description.


/you can if you want, im just against intros LOL



We could put it on kaisos or kairis, lolol. they have like 48674985695896465435 subs.

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we don't really have to have those long 30 second intros in my opinion. I could whip one up real easy if someone wants us to have one. xD

@Cella: we could put it on mine... we might get the most views that way or Kairi's would be okay too. xD




the MEP title would be easier after we have the song. xD maybe

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@ Luzzie and ShinobiJoi

Well, I guess you guys can join, but that's it! no more! lol


ok, as for the song, some ppl like "The Kill" but the song is overused. Do u guys still want to do it anyway? I liked "Sorrow".

Does anyone like Foo Fighters? I was just looking through my library and i found this song.

"The Pretender" by: Foo Fighters


Or this song, which is a little over used as well, but i like it

"Diary of Jane (single version)" by: Breaking Benjamin


And of course we're still open to suggetions. Axel and I aren't the only ones who have to suggest anything.


@ Larxene

I think we should let KaiSo make the intro b/c she has more editing experience. But yeah, the intro doesn't have to be 30 seconds, like maybe around 10 or 15. Something like that. What would be a good intro song?


What do you guys think we should call ourselves? Since we are all apart of KH13, maybe something that resembles the Orginization or something. Idk, does that sound cheesy? Maybe we should just do something simple like "KH13 Studios"

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haha yay someone liked one of my suggestions XDD


well... i think that since its kh13 i think itd be cool do something orgy XIII-ish... but kh13 studios would be fine too....


and for intro song i think the first like 30 or 20 seconds are pretty cool in my opinion...sounds intro-y-ish



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Well, that does sound intro-ish (lol) but I think its too long and idk if it can be shortened right to sound good.

What do you think about the first 20 seconds of this?

"Exit Calypsan (Into The Ice Cave)" by: Falling Up



Or if that's too long, maybe something else. Well, since KaiSo is making it, what do you think the intro song should be KaiSo?

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Really cella? U don't like the idea of an intro? I thought they make an MEP look professional, idk. If KaiSo doesn't want to make it, I will and I'll keep it short.


I like Diary of Jane too!


ok, I edited to first post if anyone want to see where we're at in all this.

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