Omega15 12 Posted October 9, 2012 i wonder if roxas will show up to try and persuade xion to turn to the light. keep up the good work Dark sora and i cant wait for the next chapter 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 11, 2012 i wonder if roxas will show up to try and persuade xion to turn to the light. keep up the good work Dark sora and i cant wait for the next chapter Thanks, I really appreciate that you like my story so much! And thanks for everyone for reading! I appreciate all of your patience and support! 2 doom and Omega15 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 13, 2012 Ladies and gentlemen, here is Chapter 25, I hope that you all enjoy it! Please comment on it! Thanks for reading! Oh, and I just wanted to let you guys know that I plan to end the story at Chapter 50, but if it looks like there’s room for a little more, I’ll keep writing the story. Hehe, you know how it is with stories, they take a life of their own. Well then, here goes nothing! Chapter 25: Apocalyptic Darkness The air is thick and rough. The gathering clouds of smoke swirl on the sky, as Port Royal is slowly being burned to the ground. The debris of the houses and buildings collapse from the Unborn Behemoth’s relentless attacks, and the villagers flee in panic. Ventus and Kyle run amongst the crowd, making their way towards the gallows, defeating Unborn along the way, also making sure they get the remaining villagers out of town before it burns down completely. Ventus and Kyle keep running, until Ventus stops in his tracks, shocked and unable to breath. Kyle wonders what’s wrong, and when he stares towards what Ventus is looking, he sees Ethan holding Trish by his side. Ethan: Well, well, well, it’s been a long time Ventus… Ventus: You traitor! Let go of Trish! Ethan: Still trying to get a hold of her are you…? Well, I’m sorry to say, but you won’t get your hands on her. Not now, not ever! Ventus: Let her go! She doesn’t deserve any of this! Trish: Ventus, your alive! Ventus: Trish, did Ethan hurt you!? Trish: No, he hasn’t, but he’s just too mean! He changed! He’s not the brother I once knew! Ethan: … Ventus: I’ll ask this one more time, let go of Trish or I’ll have to fight you! Kyle: Ven, are you sure you want to do this? Ventus: Don’t worry Kyle, I can take care of this, just stand back and relax, and if anything happens, just stay safe with Lunar. Kyle: No way! If things get rough, I’ll stay by your side, I won’t abandon you! Ventus allows himself a heartwarming smile. Ventus: Thanks, that means a lot. Kyle: Your welcome. You’re my best friend. You rescued me and you helped me get back on my feet. Ventus: Right! Best friends, to the end! Ethan: Hmph, how touching. Are you done now? Ventus: Grrr…let Trish go! Ethan: If you want her, come and fight me! Ventus sees the town continually burning down and then gets his gaze back at Ethan. Ventus: Kyle, douse the fire while I take care of Ethan! Kyle: Right! (Start Song Here) Ethan summons his Keyblade and throws Trish out of harm’s way and creates a barrier so that no one may pass. Trish is unable to do nothing, and she watches in sadness as she sees them, not knowing if they will even come out alive of this battle. Ventus just grins and summons his Keyblade and prepares for battle. Ethan stares at Trish, his eyes filled with the hatred that he feels towards Ventus. Ethan: Don’t worry sis, I’ll kill him and you’ll see once and for all that I was right. Trish: No! Don’t kill him! I love him! Ethan: See…? Even now he has you so ensnared that he’s making you believe that he loves you. Ventus: I do love her! And I’m going to knock some sense into you so you can see all that you’ve done! Trish: Ven! Ethan: You can try! Ethan laughs in a sinister way and he disappears quickly and reappears and starts to strike Ventus with his Keyblade. Ventus dodges and blocks his attacks and counterattacks, but shows restraint so he doesn’t hurt Ethan too badly. “There’s still good in him, I can sense it, he’s just misguided.”, he thought to himself. Ethan runs at lightning fast speeds and casts multiple axes made of stone and water knives. Ventus cleverly dodges them all and uses his Strike Raid attack to break the stone axes. Ethan smiles and fires long beams of darkness. Ventus jumps and rides each beam and strikes Ethan quickly. Ventus uses his Fever Pitch attack to weaken Ethan, but it’s no use! Ethan just laughs maniacally as Ventus starts to get weary. Ethan: Is that the extent of your power? Hmph, you’re such a disappointment. Ha, Trish, look at your noble hero! He’s so weak he can’t even take me on! Trish: Stop it you jerk, stop this! You know that this is wrong! Ethan: I still can’t believe that you defend your “lover” and you don’t take my side. Ventus: Hey, I’m not done with you! Ethan: Huh? As he looks back, Ethan is shocked by the giant wave of Water that falls upon him. Ethan struggles and holds his ground, and then he looks at Ventus. Ethan: Ha, it’ll take more than that to stop me! Before Ventus can react, he feels his heart pulsating with vibrant power. He falls to the ground, and he slowly falls to the ground. Ethan and Trish’s voices seem to go farther off the more he falls, and then he realizes…this is his doing. Vanitas: So, you’re in a tight bind. Ventus: What do you want now!? Vanitas: Sheesh, just wanted to start a conversation. Do you have to be that rude? Ventus: W-what? Vanitas: *Sigh* You can be such an idiot sometimes. Why don’t you just give up? Ventus: Because I’ll never give up! I’ll fight for Trish even if I have to die! She means everything to me, and I’ll fight for the things that matter, like my friends! Vanitas: … Ventus: I’m not like you Vanitas, unlike you, I have friends to protect! Vanitas: …You think that just because I’m your darkness means I don’t have any feelings? I suffered too you know…every time an Unversed would die, I would grieve…I would feel their pain…their sorrow… Ventus: Vanitas… Vanitas: *Sigh* There are things you don’t understand kid, and I don’t expect you too, but for now, just accept my help. Ventus: Huh? What? Vanitas: You’ll thank me later… In a blinding flash, Ventus regains consciousness, but when he awakens, he sees that Ethan and Trish are looking at him with shock. Ventus can’t help but wonder why, and then he realizes…he has Vanitas’s clothing, and his mask is concealing his face! Ventus: What the heck just happened!? Vanitas: I’m lending you my body you stupid kid. Since you won’t let me out, the least I can do is help your sorry butt in this situation. My body and my powers are yours to use, or did you forget that we are half and half? Ventus: You mean…we’re one Vanitas: At least the idiot finally gets it. *Sigh* Just do me a favor and don’t scrape my helmet, it’s a trademark of my appearance. And don’t expect me to help you all the time, don’t get used to it. Ventus: I’ll keep that in mind…thanks. Vanitas: Whatever, just fight Ethan and get your girl back. Ventus: Right! Ethan and Ventus clash and waves of light and dark energy swirl around them, and Trish watches in amazement and shock as the events unfold. (End Song Here) Back in Halloween Town, Riku and Dexeres run through endless darkness, trying to determine exactly where the heck in Halloween Town they are. They look up and see the menacing Unborn, Death, as it slowly creeps down and slashes them with it’s scythe. They dodge it’s attacks, and they focus all their concentration on it. Dexeres: Huh, this thing is actually proving to be quite a challenge. Riku: Hmph, nothing we can’t handle. Dexeres: You’re right. All right, let’s do this! With a flick of his wrist, Dexeres summons dozens of Samurai Nobodies, but Death quickly dispatches them. Dexeres looks at Riku with disappointment. Dexeres: Well, it looks as though that was a waste. Riku: We can’t give up, we just have to keep fighting! Dexeres: Look, the lantern that the Unborn is holding, look closely at it! Riku does as Dexeres says and looks at the lantern, and when he looks at it, he sees the souls of Halloween Town’s citizens, crying out for help. Riku: All of the citizens! They’re in there! That’s the creature that the Mayor was talking about! That’s what took away their souls! Dexeres: Then we have to kill it if we want to save them! Riku: Agreed. They both slowly pinpoint at Death, trying to see how they will attack it. Riku lunges forward and Death dodges, but little does it know that this was just a distraction. When it looks back, Riku gives off a smirk and unleashes his intended attack. Multiple copies of Riku appear and they all slash at him, performing the Dark Aura attack, while Dexeres flings himself upwards and summons forth shards of light and darkness, raining them down upon Death. It disappears and only the lantern is left. Riku and Dexeres run towards it. Dexeres: They’re all in one piece. We’re good to go. Riku: Something about that didn’t feel right…it was way too easy to defeat. Dexeres: Or maybe we’ve just grown more powerful. Riku: We can’t underestimate the forces of darkness. Remember, not everything is at it seems. Dexeres: I’m sure we defeated it, we saw it fade away before our very eyes! Riku: I’m still not convinced. I think we should— Before he can finish his sentence, Riku is immediately pulled into the darkness by Death. Riku was right, Death was more formidable than he thought. It wasn’t going down without a fight. A shocked Dexeres couldn’t even be able to attack, as Death threw him into a wall. Riku: I’m not gonna give up easy, so prepare for a world of hurt! Just as Riku prepares for battle, a sudden beam of light radiates all around him. Death cowers back and agonizes in pain. Then, it slowly creeped back into the shadows from whence it came. At first thinking that Dexeres was the one that saved him, when he turns around, he sees that it’s none other than…Sora! With Donald and Goofy! Sora: Riku, you almost got beat by that Unborn! It’s a good thing I was around, I’m glad I made it in time! Riku: Wha—but you—wait a second! Goofy: Gwarsh Riku, you look like you’ve seen a ghost, a-hyuck! Riku: Sora, what the heck is wrong with you!? Sora: Huh? What do you mean? Riku: The Mayor told me you were going to trade your soul so that Death could free the others! Sora: Oh, that? That was just a trap I was preparing. When I would have gotten close enough to the Unborn, I would take him out and take the lantern with me. But you guys came along, so I had to change plans. Donald: Ah phooey! We’d had everything laid out, it was a perfect plan! Riku stood shocked for a moment and then smirked. Riku: Always coming up with ideas, eh, Sora? Sora: Haha, you know it Riku! So hey, what happened to the other guy? Riku: Dexeres! They run towards him and check to see that he’s conscious. Dexeres: Don’t worry, I’m all right, just a little dizzy though…that thing packed quite a punch. Sora: Curaga! Dexeres: Thanks, that feels a lot better. Goofy: Heya fellas, we should free the souls from the lantern now so Halloween Town can return to normal! Dexeres: He’s right, we have to… (Start Song Here) And all of a sudden, Death returns, but this time even more sinister than ever, with many more Unborn by it’s side. But this time, they’re in for a more level playing field. Riku, Sora, Dexeres, Donald and Goofy, all stand together as one. Donald: Thundaga!!! Dexeres: Twilight Moonsaber! While Donald and Dexeres attack the swarms of Unborn, Sora, Riku and Goofy battle Death. They dodge it’s many attacks and run through the walls of the buildings. They jump and dart and weave around the town square, trying to disorient Death. They dodge countless dark projectiles and counterattack. They manage to defeat the other Unborn, but only the powerful Death remains. Sora: This guy’s a tough one! But we can take him! Riku: Always seeing the bright part of things aren’t you Sora? Dexeres: Hmph, it’s his ability to see the bright part of things that gets us out of our predicaments. Donald: It’s all about teamwork! Goofy: Guys, look out! The all attack but Death simply holds off their attacks and deflects them. It seeps into the ground and tries to use the towns objects against them. Sora, Donald and Goofy break everything thrown their way, and Riku and Dexeres are inches away from striking at Death. Dexeres: All right, on the count of three, we all attack to destroy it once and for all! Riku: One! Sora: Two! Dexeres: Three! All of them unite their attacks, and a circle of light radiates around them, and suddenly a giant bird of fire forms in the sky. All of them look in awe as the divine bird uses its celestial wings to destroy Death. In a blinding flash of light, Death slowly fades away, and the few remaining Unborn in the area fade away as well. When the light fades, a tiny sphere of fire slowly floats down and absorbs itself onto Sora’s Keyblade. (End Song Here) Sora: Huh? Dexeres: That’s the Phoenix summon. It looks like it has bonded with you Sora. Donald: Whoah! Goofy: Gwarsh Sora, that means we’ve made another friend! Sora: Wow, Phoenix bonded with me. They all walk towards the lantern and see the Keyhole emblazoned at the bottom of it. Sora summons his Keyblade once more and unlocks the seal of the lantern, and all the souls of the citizens return to their respective bodies. Everyone is in joyous celebration, and The Mayor comes out of Finkelstein’s lab bursting with tears. The Mayor: Hooray, Halloween Town has been saved!!! Everyone cheers, but then they realize that Sally, Dr. Finkelstein and Jack have not returned. The Mayor: Oh no! That must mean that they’re gone forever! Sora: Hey, don’t give up hope, I’m sure they’re all right! Donald: Look! They all look, and they see Zero approaching them urgently, barking in desperation. Riku: What is it boy? Do you know where Jack and the others are? Zero barked in approval, and zooms off towards the outskirts of town. Dexeres: Mayor, stay here with the citizens, we’ll go and take care of this. The Mayor: All right, but be careful! They all run towards Zero’s destination, and the citizens of Halloween Town bid them farewell. Ethan is in heated battle with Ventus, and Vanitas is actually helping him? And where could Jack and the others be? What else can happen? What other mysteries await? Only time will tell, as The Keyblade War intensifies. Await Chapter 26: The Man of Illusions... 4 doom, Omega15, KHLegendIII and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omega15 12 Posted October 15, 2012 this episode is amazing i cant wait to see who will win against ventus and Ethan. p.s just a question about what trish said about Ethan's eyes being yellow does this mean he is a xehanort clone or not. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 15, 2012 this episode is amazing i cant wait to see who will win against ventus and Ethan. p.s just a question about what trish said about Ethan's eyes being yellow does this mean he is a xehanort clone or not. Nope, he's not a Xehanort clone, it's simply the darkness that's controlling him, but not Xehanort. 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omega15 12 Posted October 15, 2012 Nope, he's not a Xehanort clone, it's simply the darkness that's controlling him, but not Xehanort. okay. still this is awesome and i cant wait for the next chapter 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted October 15, 2012 It gets better and better! Keep it UP! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 16, 2012 okay. still this is awesome and i cant wait for the next chapter Your welcome, and I'll post the next chapter as soon as I can! It gets better and better! Keep it UP! Thanks so much! That means a lot! 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 26, 2012 Hey there everyone, here’s the latest Chapter of The Keyblade War. As always, comment on it and like it when you read it please. And special thanks to Tom13 for the inclusion of new characters that will be revealed in this chapter. Okay then, here we go guys, enjoy the chapter! Chapter 26: The Man of Illusions Sora, Donald, Goofy, Riku and Dexeres run desperately towards Zero’s destination. Zero picks up more speed as they try to get closer to him. They reach the outskirts of Halloween Town, and Zero stops to rest on top of a small boulder. Everyone wonders what is it that Zero wanted to show them, but Zero simply sits there, as if waiting for something. Donald: Hey Zero, what’s the big idea!? You make us run out here and you just sit down!? Waaah! My legs are killing me! Goofy: Hmmm, I dunno Donald, I feel a little strange now. I think there’s something hiding around here waiting for us to make a move. Riku: Goofy’s right, there is something here…but what could it be? They keep looking around when Zero suddenly barks. Everyone looks at Zero, and they see a giant Unborn Phantom behind him, and they see that it’s holding a cage containing none other than Sally, Dr. Finkelstein and Jack Skellington, all of them lifeless! Everyone is shocked for a moment, and before they can attack, a swirling portal of darkness opens. Out of it approach three people, all of them hooded. Sora and the others carefully move around them, not taking their eyes off of the three men. The hooded one in the middle laughs and demands the Unborn Phantom to stand down to await further instruction. Then he approaches Sora and looks at him dead in the eye. (Start Song Here) Illushihous: So, you are the Keyblade’s chosen? Hmph, you’re not as menacing as I thought you would be. I don’t know why the Master bothers to send us to eliminate the likes of you. You look nothing more than an imbecile. Sora: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean!? Illushihous: Ha ha ha, you’re quite the amusing fellow aren’t you? Riku: Who the heck are you!? Illushihous: Oh, that’s right, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Illushihous, the Man of Illusions. And these are my two cohorts Bob and Hector. Hector: Hehehe, it looks like we got ourselves some new toys to play with, eh, Master? Bob: These ones should prove to be quite the distraction! Sora: What do you want!? Why are all of you searching for Kingdom Hearts!? Illushihous: Why wouldn’t we look for it? Hmph, silly boy, as you already know, Kingdom Hearts is the heart of all worlds, and with it carries ultimate power. And seeing as how Xehanort failed in his attempts to obtain it, it’s only fitting that our Master claims it as his own. Not only will we have the power of ultimate light and darkness, but we shall recreate the worlds in our own image, and with the power of Kingdom Hearts, we will use it as a vessel to conquer many other countless worlds and universes that exist! Dexeres: Well, unless you’re stupid, you know that you aren’t gonna get away with it, because we’re here to stop you! Illushihous: Ah, bold words for one such as you. Arrogance beckons the darkness young one, and you’re full of it. Why don’t you allow me to help you? Dexeres: I have no heart, and my soul is all but taken from me. What happens to me doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I do my best to help my friends defeat you! Illushihous: Truly admirable words to be sure. Hmph, Bob, Hector, you will dispose of these fools! Bob: With pleasure Master! Hector: Consider it done! (End Song Here) Illushihous disappears, and Sora and the gang prepare for battle. (Start Song Here) Hector: Well then Bob, let’s have ourselves a show with these nitwits! Donald: Hey, who are you calling nitwits!? Bob and Hector charge forward, and much to Sora’s surprise, he unexpectedly falls to the ground. The others dodge their attacks, and the Unborn Phantom starts it’s assault. Bob and Hector cast Fused spells at them, while the Unborn swipes the party with it’s claws. Riku and Dexeres swing through the battlefield and lunge toward Bob and Hector. The two mischievous evildoers dodge and make Riku and Dexeres fall to the ground. Donald cures the party while Goofy tries to throw his shield at the cage that the Unborn is holding. Goofy: Heya fellas, it looks like that Unborn Phantom has the souls of Sally, The Doc and Jack! If we defeat the ghost, we can save them! Sora: All right, try to take down the cage! Goofy: Okay! The Unborn Phantom sweeps its arms and knocks down the party, while Bob and Hector gleefully laugh at their opponent’s predicament. Hector: Oooo, these people are proving to be quite the distraction aren’t they!? Bob: Such fun is not found anywhere else my dear Hector! Riku: That’s it, I’ve had enough of you two! Dark Firaga! Bob: Ahhh, the fire! It burns! Hector: Ouch! Of course it burns you idiot, it’s fire, what do you expect!? Bob: Run for it! Bob and Hector quickly disappear and the Unborn Phantom is left to fend off for itself. Sora swings his Keyblade and fires a beam of light straight through the vicious Unborn. Goofy knocks down the cage, and the Unborn shrieks in pain and fades away slowly. (End Song Here) Then three blue orbs shoot out of the Unborn, and they make their way to Sally, Dr. Finkelstein and Jack, and they are brought to life! Jack Skellington: Uhhh, what happened? I feel so dizzy! Sora: Jack, you’re back! Jack Skellington: Sora! You’re still in one piece! Sora: Yeah, thanks to my friends! We were able to save you after al! Jack Skellington: Thank you everyone! Riku and Dexeres nod, and Donald and Goofy smile. Sally: Thank you, had it not been for you, we would be lifeless forever. Dr. Finkelstein: Yes, thank you. Now then, get me back to my lab! Everyone laughs and rejoices in the moment. Sora: Hmm, I wonder where Bob and Hector went off to? Jack Skellington: Who are they? Sora: Oh, just some bad guys we ran into. They disappeared before we could finish them off. Dexeres: Never mind them, it’s Illushihous I’m concerned about. He seems to be the strongest of them all. Sally: Maybe Oogie Boogie knows about them. Sora: Hey, you’re right, he might know something! Jack, do you think you can help us find Oogie so we can get some answers? Jack Skellington: Of course! After all, you saved me, so I’ll be happy to return the favor! Sora: All right, let’s go! Sally: I’ll take Dr. Finkelstein back to the lab, and I’ll watch over the citizens of Halloween Town. Jack Skellington: Thank you Sally. And with that, Jack and Sally kiss each other sweetly, and she heads back to Halloween Town with Dr. Finkelstein while Jack and Sora and the rest go to find Oogie. Back in Port Royal, Ventus is still shocked by the fact that Vanitas actually lent him his strength. He figures that this may be one of the only times he can count on Vanitas, so he seizes the moment. He and Ethan clash violently as Trish watches them fight. She doesn’t know of any way she can stop them, so she can only watch in sadness as she sees the two people she cares most about fight. Ethan: Grrrrr…you’ll regret ruining my life Ventus… Ventus: Ruining it? What are you talking about? What did I do to hurt you? Ethan: Shut up! In an instant, Ethan jumps and unleashes dark shockwaves, but Ventus is immune to the attack. Ethan: You brainwashed my sister into loving you! You’re a monster! Ventus: I didn’t brainwash her! I truly love her! And she truly loves me! You’re the monster here! You let darkness get in your heart, and now you’re doing all in your power to destroy anything, just because you won’t let Trish be with me! Ethan: Shut up you idiot! Before Ethan hits him, he sees that Ventus already dodged the attack and he charges swiftly towards him. He then attack Ethan with darkness and light, and he flawlessly weaves around him. Then he deals the final blow and swipes Ethan’s chest. Ethan: Ahhh!!!!! Trish: Ethan! Ventus: Trish stay back! As Ventus approaches him, he sees that Ethan is slowly fading away. Vanitas’s armor vanishes, a sign that the battle is done for. Trish walks behind Ventus, while looking sadly at Ethan. Ventus: Curaga! And as he utters those words, Ethan is completely healed. Ethan: What? Why did you do that…? Ventus: Because you’re my friend, and I don’t want to hurt you. Ethan: Hmph…don’t waste your sympathy on me… Trish: … Suddenly, Ethan senses something in the air. He looks up and sniffs, as if he were hunting unsuspecting pray. He smirks and looks at Ventus and Trish. Ethan: It looks like it’s time for me to be going now…do yourselves a favor and go save this puny little world. Ventus: Wait, aren’t you going to help us? Ethan: This world’s fate is not my problem. You just did a stupid thing by healing me…it shows just how weak you are. But you did manage to use Vanitas’s darkness, so you made for a worthy opponent. Trish: Why Ethan, why do you have to be like this!? Don’t you see that I’m happy with Ventus!? Why do you have to be against him!? Ethan walks towards Trish, but Ventus puts his arms in front of her, making sure that Ethan doesn’t dare to take another step. Ethan: …..Take care of my sister, will you? Ventus: Huh? Ethan: Take care of her…if you so much as hurt her…you’ll regret the day you met me. Ventus: You know that I’ll do anything to protect her! Ethan: Hmph…I guess your right. Hehehe, this isn’t over you know, we’ll see each other again, real soon… After his chilling words, Ethan disappears, and utter silence follows. Ventus and Trish passionately embrace and kiss each other as if the world was ending. They cry tears of joy at the fact that they are finally together again, and they hold each other close. A few seconds later, Kyle runs down towards them with Lunar by his side. Kyle: Guys, you’re all right! Ventus: Hehe, yeah. And thanks for dousing here. You saved Port Royal! Kyle: No, it wasn’t just me. We all did it! Trish: You’re such a happy fellow aren’t you? Kyle: Oops, sorry, where are my manners? I’m Kyle, and this is Lunar. You must be Trish right? Trish: Hehe, the one and only. Kyle: I’m glad that you and Ventus are finally together again. It makes me so happy! They all happily enjoy their victory, until suddenly a dark portal opens up in front of them. Then clouds of darkness surround them, trapping them in a tight circular space. Then Illushiohus steps out from the portal and looks at them with a smirk in his face. (Start Song Here) Kyle: Who are you!? Illushiohus: Ah, so this is where you’ve been. I should have guessed as much. Kyle: What are you talking about? Ventus: Hey! Back off! Who are you and what do you want with Kyle? Illushiohus: The last time I checked, this matter doesn’t concern you Ventus. Now don’t be such a meddler of affairs and let me talk to Kyle. Trish: No, we’re not going to let you hurt him! Before Ventus and Trish are able to attack, Illushiohus snaps his fingers and casts Stop on them. Kyle watches terrified as he sees them frozen in time. Lunar goes in front of Kyle and starts barking fiercely, but Illushiohus simply grabs him and throws him against the wall. Kyle: No!!! Illushiohus: Now then, where was I— But yet again, another dark portal opens, and the unknown man steps out from it. Illushiohus: Constant interruptions…*sigh* I hate it when this happens. What are you doing here? ???: Back off, I’m the one that’s to bring Kyle back to our Master. Illushiohus: Hahaha, disappointed much that I made my way to him first? ???: Go back to headquarters. Illushiohus: Hmph, fine. If you wish to interfere in this, I will not object on it. And in an instant, Illushiohus disappears. Then the Unknown man slowly walks towards Kyle. ???: You’re a difficult one to track Kyle, but now I’ve finally got you. Kyle: What? I don’t understand. Just who the heck are you!? The Unknown man stands silent for a moment, and then takes off his hood. Kyle is shocked by what he sees, and he tries to think it’s some sort of trick, but it’s not. Kyle: You’re…me!!?? ???: My name is Xylek, I am your Nobody. Kyle: No, this can’t be! I- I don’t understand! Xylek: It’s best if you don’t remember anything of your past, that way you can be of more use to us. For the loss of your memories has made you into a weakling. A weakling, but with great power within nonetheless. All the pieces are now finally in place. Kyle: What do you mean? Xylek: You are the key Kyle. You have the power to unleash the four mighty spirits. That’s why you’re so vital to us. You have the power to turn the tide of war in our favor. Kyle: Four spirits… Xylek: Now, you shall come with me. But before Kyle has a chance to react, Xylek renders him unconscious, and takes him over his shoulder. Before heading through the dark portal, he looks back at Trish and Ventus and smiles a very satisfying smile. He knows that they are frozen in time, but they can still see what’s happening. And they are helpless to stop him. Xylek: Your days are counted now Keyblade Bearers. And with that, he disappears… (End Song Here) The Unknown Man’s true identity has finally been revealed, and now even more enemies have appeared before our heroes! They may have won the battle, but now the war is high in favor of the forces of darkness. What more events will unfold? Will Ventus and Trish be able to rescue Kyle from Xylek and his companions? Will Sora and the gang be able to find Oogie Boogie and unravel the mystery of Illushiohus? Anything can happen in Chapter 27: A Forgotten Past, Remembered… 5 Omega15, KHLegendIII, Hunter Hawk and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted October 27, 2012 So cool! I laughed though when the guy's name turned out to be Bob. So cool! I laughed though when the guy's name turned out to be Bob. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted October 28, 2012 Awsome! Man, I have a feeling you're getting better with this and you're saving awsome scenes for end! But what happened to Lunar? 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJ Smith 123 Posted October 28, 2012 Interesting 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 28, 2012 So cool! I laughed though when the guy's name turned out to be Bob. So cool! I laughed though when the guy's name turned out to be Bob. Glad you enjoyed it! Awsome! Man, I have a feeling you're getting better with this and you're saving awsome scenes for end! But what happened to Lunar? Lunar was knocked unconsciouss when he was thrown to the wall. He's with Ventus and Trish. Interesting Why thank you very much. 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted November 2, 2012 I wonder when the next chapter is posted. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted November 2, 2012 I wonder when the next chapter is posted. I'll try to post it as soon as I can. 1 doom reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted November 2, 2012 I can't wait to see chapter 27! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted November 7, 2012 Hi there everyone, how’s it going? Here’s Chapter 27! Sorry for taking so long to post it, but school has me so busy, I don’t have time to write! X_X Well anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter! Thanks for reading! Chapter 27: A Forgotten Past, Remembered Xylek calmly goes through the portal while carrying the unconscious Kyle over his shoulder. Now the war is in their favor, and he can’t help but smile. Now the Keyblade Bearers hopes of claiming victory are growing fainter and fainter. He looks over to Kyle and then he steps out of the portal and into the mysterious fortress of his companions. He approaches inside and finds the Mysterious Figure waiting at the door. (Start Song Here) Mysterious Figure: So, you finally managed to capture him. I must congratulate you on your accomplishment. The Master will be most pleased. Xylek: Thank you. And yes, I was finally able to get him. But the most surprising thing is that he still doesn’t remember anything of his past. But it’s better this way. This way he’ll be more easier to control. Mysterious Figure: Don’t be too sure. If we are to unlock the Four Spirits of Legend, then we have to have his vast knowledge of them if we are to awaken them. For this, he must have full recovery of his memories. Xylek: Are you sure? Can’t we just extract his inner power and awaken the Spirits by ourselves. Mysterious Figure: If we were to do that, we would kill him in the process. His inner power is connected to his heart and soul. If we were to strip that power away from him, he would perish. Let’s just take him to The Master and see what he says. Xylek: Agreed. Suddenly another portal opens and Xion steps through it. Xylek: Ah, so you’ve come back. But you’ve failed your mission. I already got Kyle. You should be ashamed of yourself. Xion: Shut up you pathetic swine! I don’t have to answer to you! Xylek: Ah, such fire in you. You are quite the feisty one. Xion: Don’t make me kill you. Mysterious Figure: Enough! Stop bickering like children. Let us take Kyle to The Master. And so they walk through the corridors of the castle, all the while walking by more members of their group. They ascend the floors of the castle and reach the throne room, where The Master awaits. Shadows cast over the room, and The Master’s face is concealed by his hood. As soon as they enter the room, they bow down before him. (End Song Here) Mysterious Figure: Master, we have come. The Master: You may rise. Xylek: We brought you the boy, as promised. The Master: Good. Xion, awaken the boy. Xion: Yes Master! She goes towards Kyle and stands over him and kicks his face violently. Kyle awakens with a gasp and soon flinches and stands up, looking around him, trying to find out where he is. Kyle: Where am I? The Master: Be calm child. No harm will fall upon you. You are safe here. Kyle: W-what are you talking about? Mysterious Figure: Be silent. Xylek: Now then Master, concerning the awakening of the Four Spirits… The Master: To achieve that Xylek, we must recover Kyle’s memories. Only he knows where he sealed them off. Kyle: Sealed off? What do you mean? Xion: You have the power to unlock deadly Spirits. But right now we have to force the memories to you so that you can unlock them. Kyle: I don’t know what you’re talking about! Even if I did remember anything, I wouldn’t help you! The Master: Hmph, we shall see about that. Xylek, proceed and take over his mind. Kyle: What? No! But before Kyle can even think of running, Xylek snaps his fingers and dark chains tie up Kyle’s legs and arms, and dark energy swirls around the chains. Xylek moves in front of him and stabs his Keyblade at Kyle’s heart. Xylek: Now, you shall fall into sleep…the sleep of the dead. Your heart shall remain dormant, and now you shall serve us. You belong to darkness now. And with these words, Kyle’s eyes turn pale blue, just like Xion’s, and he falls to the ground noiselessly. Meanwhile in Port Royal, Ventus and Trish are freed from the time stop spell. Ventus punches the ground in anger. Lunar whimpers sadly and tries to comfort Ventus, and Trish rubs Ventus’s shoulders. Trish: Ven, it’s not your fault. There was nothing you could do. Ventus: That’s just it! I wasn’t able to do anything! I could have stopped Xylek from taking Kyle, but I didn’t have enough power to break free from the time stop spell. Trish: Please Ven, don’t be so hard on yourself! We’ll find him, don’t you worry about that! We’ll find him together. Ventus smiles and kisses Trish sweetly. “Thank you so much.”,he says. Trish smiles and Lunar wags his tail. Voice: Hurry then, we have to find some way to go to Kyle and help him! Ventus: Huh? Who’s there? Trish: Show yourself! Voice: Down here! When they look down, they see Lunar sitting down staring at them. He looks at them patiently and then speaks again. Lunar: Yes, I can speak. One of my powers is to speak telepathically. Trish: Whoah! That’s incredible! Ventus: Wow, you can talk! Lunar: Yes. Now then, we have to go rescue Kyle. I can sense his scent, but it’s very far away. We can travel through the Lanes Between. Ventus: All right, let’s go. Ventus summons his Keyblade and turns it into his Keyblade Glider. He dons his armor and mounts his Glider. Ventus: Come on Trish, hang on to me, you’ll be safe. Trish: Right! She holds onto him tightly, and Lunar climbs on top of Trish’s shoulder. And then, they set off to rescue Kyle. (Start Song Here) Elsewhere, on Halloween Town, Sora and the gang walk through the graveyard and into the open field, searching for Oogie Boogie. Riku and Dexeres scout ahead, while Donald and Goofy watch their backs. Dexeres summons Berserker Nobodies for extra support, and they keep walking and walking. Donald: I’m so tired! This war’s got me all tuckered out! Goofy: Gwarsh, it sure has been a while since we last had some proper rest. Sora: I know guys. I know that it’s hard, but we have to stay on our toes. The Unborn are way too dangerous, and they can attack us at any moment. Jack Skellington: Sora is right friends! We must keep our wits about us, and surprise our opponents before they surprise us! Riku: Guys, look, I see something! They all run quietly and see over the cliff, and they see many Unborn following Oogie Boogie. Dexeres: He’s joined forces with them. This isn’t good. Riku: We have to do this carefully. Dexeres, do you have the Nobodies ready? Dexeres: Yes. They’re all ready. Riku: Okay. When the time is right, we’ll strike. For now, let’s try to get to Oogie without drawing too much attention to ourselves. Come on guys. They slowly descend down the cliff, taking cover behind boulders and moving swiftly, making sure that their opponents can’t see them. Then they quickly move to a little cave a little further down. Then they jump and hide behind a giant stone pillar, and they stay there silent, making sure that they are not detected. (End Song Here) Riku: All right guys, we have to plan this attack accordingly without drawing too much attention to ourselves, unless we want to get outnumbered. Dexeres: Don’t worry. I can take care of that. And with the snap of his fingers, he summons Dusk Nobodies so that they can silently take out the Unborn in the area. Dexeres: Now, we wait. Jack Skellington: Look! Over there! Oogie’s walking with two bodyguards! Sora: Unborn bodyguards. Looks like they might be the strongest of the bunch. Donald: I’m getting tired of this, let’s just walk in and get them all! Goofy: Gwarsh Donald, if we do that, we’ll get ourselves into a tight spot. We should just wait. Riku: Guys, wait. He raises his hand so that the rest fall silent. They can now overhear Oogie speaking with the Unborn bodyguards. Oogie: All righty then, let’s get y’all to Halloween Town so we can deliver spooky delight! Mowahahahaha! At long last, Halloween Town will be mine! Now all that’s left is to report my progress to Illushiohus, and our plans can start fruition! Hey, wait a second! Why are my Unborn servants disappearing!? By now most of the Unborn are defeated and the few that remain are with Oogie and the bodyguards. Sora: It’s time to strike! Do it now! (Start Song Here) And so everyone gets out of the pillar and they focus their energy beams on the few Unborn that are left. Donald and Goofy chase Oogie, but the bodyguards block their way. Donald: Outta the way! But they can do no harm to them, as the bodyguards simply throw them to the far edge of the field. Sora: Donald, Goofy! That’s it! I’ve had it with these things! Sora runs quickly and furiously and hurls his Keyblade to the sky and he lands down, delivering a multi edged light strike that destroys the Unborn bodyguards. Oogie panics and runs even faster away from them. But before Oogie even has a chance at getting out of sight, Dexeres appears right in front of him, his arms crossed. (End Song Here) Dexeres: Where do you think you’re going? Everyone soon surrounds Oogie. Oogie: Oh no, not you stupid bunch of idiots again! Jack Skellington: Oogie Boogie! Tell us what you know of the man named Illushiohus! Oogie: Ha! I’m not gonna tell anything to you snot nosed imbecils! Sora: Oh really? Because if I cut just one of your seams, you’re just going to wither away. Oogie: No no no!!! Anything but that!!! Okay, I’ll tell you what I know…Illushiohus is a powerful man, with lots of powers, mainly the power of illusion. He goes around with his minions Bob and Hector, and he goes to other worlds searching for weak minded people so he can turn them to his cause. He’s not the only one of his kind. There’s a whole group of them. They obviously want Kingdom Hearts, that’s for sure. So Illushiohus came to me and told me to scatter the Unborn on as many worlds as I could. And I could have gotten away with it too! If it hadn’t been for you idiots! Riku: Do you know where his fortress is? Oogie: No. He may be an ally, but he won’t reveal the location of his fortress. There’s only so much I can know, after all. Dexeres: We got the information we want…now get out of our sight before we decide to do away with you. Oogie: Thank you! Thank you so much for this drop of mercy! Sora and the gang then turn around and start walking back to Halloween Town, but before they keep walking, Oogie suddenly charges towards them. Oogie: I’m gonna get you all! Everyone is surprised, and before they can react, Oogie is hit by bombs and firecrackers and stink bombs. Oogie shockingly falls to the ground unconscious. Sora and the gang look around to see who it was that saved them. Sora: Who did— Suddenly, three small figures stand high up on the cliff above them. Lock: Protecting the citizens of Halloween Town! Shock: And making pranks along the way! Barrel: Making sure no icky business goes down! Lock: Shivers and frights is how we play! Lock, Shock and Barrel: We are…the Halloween Town Vigilantes! Everyone remains shocked at the fact that Lock, Shock and Barrel were the ones that saved them. Back in The Mysterious Fortress, Kyle awakens, only to find that he’s in some sort of chamber. Be it a sleeping chamber or a dungeon, he can’t say for sure. He’s regained some of his own will, but he’s still in Xylek’s trance. Suddenly The Master, cloaked in his hood, Xylek and The Mysterious Figure appear before him, and Kyle steps back. Xylek: How intriguing. It seems that he’s managed to break some of the power that I have over him. Hmph, no matter, I will simply make the trance stronger. The Master: Wait. Before you do that, he must know everything. Everything concerning him and the purpose that we have him here for. Xylek: …Are you sure? Aren’t you fearful that he might then know too much? The Master: It won’t matter, because by the time I finish explaining to him, he will be under your control. Kyle: Huh? What do you mean? Mysterious Figure: Silence. The Master approaches Kyle and simply puts his hand on his forehead. And just like that, Kyle kneels to the ground in pain, as he sees his memories flash before his eyes. Kyle: Why are you doing this to me!? The Master: Be calm child. Gaze upon your memories and remember who you truly are. Kyle: W-what is all this? The Master: Twelve years ago, your father Demitri, was on the verge of a breakthrough in all of history up to that time. He was an honorable researcher, reknowned by all. He was well respected, and many people sought him for his knowledge. He traveled to Radiant Garden to help Ansem the Wise study the mysteries of the heart. From then on Demitri lived in Radiant Garden, helping the people of that world and offering knowledge to those seeking it. He fell in love with a woman named Alicia, and they married each other. He and Alicia would spend countless hours in their study, running experiments on the heart and what it could do. One day, Ansem decided to stop researching the heart, and so Demitri and Alicia did as well. Instead, Demitri started to research the power of the elements: fire, earth, air, and water. He and Alicia were making solid progress, and so he started to write journals based upon his discoveries. After many years, they had you, and in the joy of having a child, they stopped their research and hid all of their reports, so that no one could ever find them. But then there came a day when they were besieged by Heartless. They both died saving you, and you were entrusted in the care of Ansem the Wise. As Kyle heard this, tears rolled down his eyes. He never got to meet his parents. He was just a baby after all. The Master: Many years later, when you reached the age of 10, you decided to continue the research your father had started. Ansem the Wise kept watch over you while you did your research. He was amazed by how intellectual you were, considering your age. For many days and weeks you would be locked up in your father’s study, making experiments based on the data that your father had written down on his reports about the elements. Then came a day when you were successfully able to reach a breakthrough, and so you started merging the elements with your own scientific discoveries. And then, you created Four Spirits, each comprising of an element. You went to Yen Sid shortly afterwards to tell him about your research. He warned you that the Spirits would be too powerful for you to control, and so you decided to seal away the Spirits and instead went to travel the worlds. But some unfortunate mishap happened and you lost your memory. Kyle: I remember…I remember everything now. And now I understand why you captured me! You want me to tell you where I sealed off the Four Spirits! But I won’t tell you! The Master: Hmph, so you think. Xylek, proceed. Xylek walks over to Kyle and once again stabs his Keyblade at Kyle’s heart and says: “Darkness shall take over you, and now you shall serve us. Resist not, for this is your true calling”. After uttering these words, Kyle’s eyes turned completely pale blue. Xylek: It is done. Mysterious Figure: … The Master: Excellent, now his memories have been fully restored. Now he shall unleash the Four Spirits, and our foes won’t have hope of winning! Kyle’s Origin has finally been revealed! He has the power to awaken the Four Spirits! What will happen now? Will Kyle remain in Xylek’s trance? Will Ventus and Trish be able to reach Kyle before it’s too late? And how are Terra, Aqua and King Mickey holding up? Stay tuned for Chapter 28: The Four Spirits Awaken… 4 KHLegendIII, Hunter Hawk, Omega15 and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted November 7, 2012 Great job!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted November 7, 2012 Eyes turned blue like Xion's? That's why she's acting evil! Awesome story, man, love the plot! Keep it up! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted November 13, 2012 I can't wait for the next chapter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roxas Seeking Light 93 Posted November 14, 2012 Pretty good. Props. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted November 23, 2012 Okay guys, here’s Chapter 28. I hope you all enjoy it. Please comment when you finish reading. And once again, I thank you all for being such devoted readers to my story, it fills me with great pride that my story has become so popular. Thanks guys! Enjoy the Chapter! Chapter 28: The Four Spirits Awaken In Disney Castle, King Mickey, Terra and Aqua are in the library formulating battle strategies and trying to search for any clues regarding the Unborn, and if there’s any hope of defeating them for good. They’ve been working tirelessly, making sure that the townspeople of Disney Castle can sleep peacefully. Everyone is hard at work trying to maintain what little peace remains. King Mickey: Gosh fellas, you two have been working hard. Why don’t you get some rest? Me and Minnie will take care of things. Terra: Are you sure? King Mickey: Of course. I’ll let you know if anything comes up. Aqua: Thank you, Your Majesty. And so Terra and Aqua walk down the halls of the castle, and both of them remain silent, as if they are unable to utter any words that can make the situation better. Aqua stops and suddenly tears start rolling down her eyes. She kneels down and keeps crying, and Terra holds her close to him. Aqua: I’m sorry, it’s just that… Terra: I know. It’s not easy for any of us. But we have to be strong. We’ve gotten this far, we can go a little further. I know this war has washed away our strength to no end, but as long as we’re together, everything’s bound to be all right. Aqua looks up to Terra and she comforts herself in his arms. She smiles and kisses him passionately. Aqua: Thank you Terra. Thank you for making me feel better. As long as you’re by my side, I’ll be able to pull through this. Terra: Of course. They keep walking and make their way towards the courtyard, and they gaze upon the beautiful garden. They sit on a bench and hold each other close. Suddenly, a sad expression can be seen on Terra’s face. Aqua gently rubs his hand and looks at him. Aqua: What is it Terra? What’s wrong? Terra: It’s Eraqus. When I fought him, I saw the light within him. For a moment he was himself again, but the darkness took over him again. But I think he’s regained some of his own willpower back. He didn’t strike me down, he just left. I just hope that I can save him… Aqua: You can and you will. And I’ll help you. Eraqus still has light within him, and it’s up to us to bring him back to our side. It won’t be an easy task, of that I’m sure, but we have to try the best that we can. Terra: You’re right. We have to remain focused, and fight until the very end. Yuffie: Hey guys, come over here! Terra and Aqua look towards Yuffie, as she excitedly urges them to come to the Engine Room. They both head towards there, and when they arrive, they see the airship Cid and the others built. Cid: Ha Ha Ha, ain’t she a beauty? My finest masterpiece if I do say so myself. Yuffie: The airship is all done and ready for battle! Leon: Now at least we’ll have some advantage in this war. And we owe it all to Cid, Chip and Dale. Cid: Think nothing of it! I’ll do anything to see those bad guys long gone. Leon: Terra, I have to talk to you for a moment. Terra looks a little puzzled for a moment, but goes to Leon while the others continue to admire the airship. Terra: What is it? Leon: I was investigating around town since the last attack, and I found this. It looks like it might belong to Eraqus. It might be a piece of his armor. Terra: I see. Thanks. Leon: Don’t mention it. Somewhere in the Lanes Between, Ventus and Trish are anxiously searching for Kyle, hoping that nothing bad has happened to him. Ventus is desperate and angry, still thinking of how useless he was when he saw Kyle get kidnapped before his very eyes. (Start Song Here) Trish: Ventus, please don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault. Ventus: But it is! I promised Kyle that I would protect him, and I failed to do that! Trish: You didn’t fail! You were doing your best to protect him! It’s not your fault that he was kidnapped. I know that you never meant to put him in danger, and I know that you’re doing all you can to protect him, and I’ll help you do that. I’m here for you, and I always will be. Ventus: Thanks Trish, that means a lot to me. Trish: Your welcome. Anything for you Ventus. She smiles and kisses him gently, and they continue to make their way through The Lanes Between, both of them determined to find and rescue Kyle. Ventus: Hey Trish? Trish: Yes? Ventus: About what happened in Port Royal, when Vanitas lent me his power…I’m sorry if I scared you. Trish: Don’t worry about it. You were able to control your power, and that’s good. And from what I see Vanitas is slowly coming over to our side. Who knows? He might be our greatest ally if we give him some time. Ventus: You know what? You’re right. Ventus remains thinking upon this possibility, and he continues on, determined to find and rescue Kyle. Lunar barks triumphantly, letting them both know that he’s also ready to face whatever comes their way. (End Song Here) Meanwhile, in The Mysterious Fortress, Xylek, Xion, the Mysterious Figure and Illushiohus are discussing how to defeat the Keyblade Bearers once and for all. They are in a room that appears to be the central chamber of the entire castle. Xylek: Finally, we have Kyle in our grasp, and now our conquest of the worlds can begin. Illushiohus: All that is left now is to awaken the Four Spirits, and nothing can stop us! Mysterious Figure: All is set according to plan, all the pieces are laid on the board. Now all we have to do is watch and see what happens. Xion, go and bring Kyle to us. The time has come to awaken the Four Spirits. Xion: Yes Master. Xion leaves the room and goes down the halls of the castle. She goes towards the dungeon where Kyle is being held, but before she gets there, she has a sudden strange feeling. She gets the feeling that she’s being watched. She looks back only to find that there’s no one there. She cautiously keeps walking, and suddenly, a person with dark samurai armor appears before her. She summons her Keyblade and points it at the dark warrior. Xion: Who are you!? The dark warrior says nothing and simply keeps walking towards her. He then touches her face, and suddenly Xion starts to feel a flood of memories overwhelming her. She sees a clock tower, a red haired man and a blonde haired boy…eating ice cream. She sees herself in those memories, spending time with them and laughing and grieving. Her eyes start going back to normal, but then she reverts back to her trance and attacks the dark warrior. Xion: Stay away from me! And as she strikes him, he fades away. Either she defeated him, or he disappeared. Either way, it didn’t matter to her. But she remained puzzled by all those memories she just witnessed. She decides to keep going so she can forget what just happened. Then she arrives at the dungeon and wake Kyle. Xion: Wake up…we have need of you now. Kyle: As you command. He slowly stands up and walks with her to the chamber where the others are. Soon all the members of this strange group appear and surround Kyle in a circle, and Xion goes and takes her place in the circle. Kyle’s heart suddenly glows with a radiant light, indicating that the Four Spirits are close by. The Master approaches Kyle and smiles grimly, his cloak still concealing his face. (Start Song Here) The Master: At last, the time has come. We are gathered here today to awaken The Four mighty Spirits that Kyle created. Our uprising is at hand. Nothing and no one will stop us now! Our triumph is imminent. Rejoice, for we shall extinguish all light and conquer Kingdom Hearts and attain it’s ultimate power! Everyone cheers at The Master’s speech, but Xion feels strange, as if though she’s recovered some of her own willpower. She’s still under Xylek’s trance, but she can’t help but feel that this is wrong. As they begin to summon The Four Spirits, the dark warrior Xion encountered is perched high above them, watching the events unfold. Xion notices him, but she doesn’t say a word… The Master: Oh might spirits hear our call! We bid you to return to the world of the living! Awake from your slumber! Earthcall, the spirit of Earth, shake the very foundations of the Earth! Aquaon, the spirit of Water, flood and destroy everything in your path! Pyros, the spirit of Fire, come and burn all living things and consume all with your infernal fire! Windrayda, spirit of Wind, bring apocalyptic chaos with your fierce winds! Come to me! As he utters these words, a strange symbol forms on the floor. The ground begins to shake, and from Four pillars surrounding the castle, the Four Spirits rise. The might and power of these beings is apparent just by their mere presence, and they go towards The Master. The Master: Ha Ha Ha! At last, victory shall be ours! Suddenly, the dark warrior leaps towards the ground and he summons his Keyblade: Follow The Wind. He points his Keyblade at The Master, but The Master simply laughs. The Master: Ha! It seems we have a little spy here! Hmph, I have no time to toy with the likes of you. Xion, stay here with the Four Spirits and dispatch this spy. Xion nods and the rest of the group disappears. She looks at the dark warrior and can’t help but feel that she’s met him somewhere before. Who could he be? (End Song Here) The Four Spirits have awoken, and now our heroes are dangerously cut short in their chances at victory. Who is the dark warrior that has appeared all of a sudden? Will Xion be finally freed from her trance? And will Ventus and Trish be able to save Kyle? Find out in Chapter 29: The Battle to Save Kyle! 4 doom, MasterNahi, Omega15 and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted November 23, 2012 Terrific job. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted November 29, 2012 Oooo, new character. Love it. Keep goin' with this amazing story, bro! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted December 11, 2012 I can't wait to read chapter 29. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites