KHLegendIII 709 Posted July 10, 2012 (edited) Great work Dark Sora. Edited July 10, 2012 by Tom13 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 10, 2012 Thanks guys, your comments mean a lot to me! And you know, the amazing thing is that, I don't plan for anything in the story. Everytime I write a new chapter I just write whatever flows instantaneously in my head. It's like an automatic movie in my head that plays when I write. I drew heavy inspiration of this story from the games obviously, and the storyline from the games. And so far, everyone has liked it, and I'm really happy that so many people have read my story, I feel proud of myself for having so many people read my story. Thank you all for reading! 4 Kirie, MasterNahi, doom and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 14, 2012 Well ladies and gentlemen, I present you with the latest chapter in my Keyblade War story. Special thanks to MasterNahi for reminding me of a certain character that I put in the earlier chapters of the story that will make an official appearance and participation in this chapter. Thank you all for commenting on my story, and I thank you so much for reading it. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Hehe, well then, here’s Chapter 21. Chapter 21: Resurrection Ventus, Kyle, Aqua and Queen Minnie head towards the library in search of clues that can help them turn the tide of the war in their favor. They walk through the castle halls, and Kyle watches in amazement at the brightly colored castle. Even Lunar can’t help but just keep looking up at the wondrous castle. Kyle: Hehe, easy there Lunar, watch where you’re going, otherwise you’ll trip. Lunar happily wags his tail and then runs towards Aqua and Queen Minnie. Kyle: Hey Ventus, I wonder who Queen Minnie recognizes me as. Because as far as I’m concerned, I’ve never met her in my life. Ventus: Who knows? You could ask her if you want. Kyle: …Hmm, not right now, I’ll just ask her later. Ventus: Okay then. Oh hey look, we’ve arrived at the library! Come on Kyle, let’s go in and see what we can find! They head inside and they look at portraits of King Mickey, and they can see his desk, along with Pluto’s bed. They then go towards Aqua and Queen Minnie, who are both looking at one large book that King Mickey had placed on his desk. Aqua: Was the King researching this? Queen Minnie: It would seem so. Hmm, it does look interesting. Ooo, let’s take a peek and see what we can find! Who knows what’s in store here? Ventus: Wow, Mickey must really like to read, wow, this big is so big. Kyle: Huh? Lunar, what’s wrong? All of them look at the baby wolf as it growls at the door, and suddenly he goes out and starts running to the courtyard and outside the castle gates. Aqua: Don’t worry, I’ll get him. Kyle: No Aqua, Ventus and I will catch him, you keep on reading the book. We’ll take care of Lunar. See you later Queen Minnie! Queen Minnie: Good bye! He and Ventus run outside and follow Lunar into Disney Town. Then Aqua curiously looks at Queen Minnie and smiles and then keeps reading the book. Aqua: So Your Majesty, what is it that you find familiar about Kyle? Queen Minnie: I still can’t place my finger around it, but I know that I’ve seen him before and that’s for sure. Hehe, I never forget a face when I see one! Oh, but don’t you worry about that, I’ll remember sooner or later. Aqua: Hehe, all right Your Majesty, fair enough. Queen Minnie: Oh, no need for formalities. Hehe, you can call me Minnie. Aqua: All right then Minnie. And so they continue to examine the book in hopes of finding any clues to the Origins of the Unborn, and any way to reduce their numbers. Meanwhile, Dexeres, Riku and Terra are hard at work building defensive barriers around the Town to hold off any invaders. They notice dark clouds forming around the sky slowly. Ventus and Kyle run quickly towards them, as Lunar runs directly to Terra. He jumps up to Terra’s arms, as if warning him of some danger that is close by. Terra: Huh? What is it boy? Riku: Who’s pet is this? Kyle: That’s Lunar, he’s my pet wolf! Dexeres: Oh, I see that you finally came to. It’s good to, we were starting to worry that you would never wake up. Well, it’s a good thing Ventus was there to help you wake up. Kyle: Oh nice to meet you. Dexeres: Likewise Kyle. By the way, my name is Dexeres. Everyone blissfully is unaware that the dark clouds are gathering more and more by the minute, and suddenly Riku notices the clouds and then looks at Lunar. Riku: Hey boy, did you come running towards us to warn us of those clouds up there? Lunar looks up at the sky and growls and howls angrily. Then he looks at Terra and pulls at his hair and growls him in an urgent way. Terra: It’s as if he knows that something wrong is going to happen. Dexeres, Riku, make sure that everyone in Disney Town are safely inside their houses. Dexeres: Will do. Riku and Dexeres quickly run towards the town square. Ventus: Oh no, those clouds look like the ones that destroyed Radiant Garden! Kyle: This doesn’t look good. Terra: Guys, if things get too drastic, leave immediately. Ventus: No way, I’m staying here! I’m not gonna run away! Kyle: Right! Lunar jumps and lands on the ground and stands prepared for battle. Suddenly an evil and ominous laugh is heard, and a dark spiral forms in the ground and, before their very eyes, they see Maleficent, looking as fearsome and as powerful as ever. (Start song here) Maleficent: Hmph, it seems nothing much has changed in this wretched castle since the last time I was here. Ah, well, will you look who it is? It has been a long time Terra. It is good to see you again. Terra: What do you want Maleficent? Maleficent: Oh come now, is that any way to talk to an old friend? Hahaha, how incompetent you are boy. After all these years you are just as stubborn and rash as the first time we met. Terra: If it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you’ll get. I’m no longer afraid of what the darkness holds. I’m ready to face you head on! Maleficent: Dear child, I am not here for you, I am here to take charge of this pitiful castle. And Pete shall help me in doing this task. Pete? Pete, where are you? Grrr, you idiotic imbecile, where are you? And suddenly, in a poof of smoke, Pete appears beside Maleficent. Pete: Uh sorry Maleficent, looks like I got stuck in the Lanes Between, but I’m here! Maleficent: Ugh, stupid as usual I see. Pete: Hey, that’s not a nice thing to say! Ventus: Pete!? Wait, weren’t you Captain Justice? Pete: That was years ago kiddo, until you decided to show up and take the spotlight away from me! And Terra had to go and ruin my race too! Grrr, I’ll make both of you pay for that! Terra: Huh, pathetic. Hehe, it seems you keep rather dull company these days, eh, Maleficent? Maleficent: Silence! Do not dare mock me! Lunar growls at Maleficent and sharpens his claws. Terra: This is your last chance Maleficent, leave, or prepare for the worst. Maleficent: Hahahaha, what a fool you are! As much as I would love to dispose of you myself dear boy, I assume it would be much better if I left it at the hands of my servant. Pete: Oh, you’re in for it now! (End song here) (Start song here) And in a sudden flash, Maleficent raises her staff to the air, and the dark clouds gather and form a crystallized portal with beams of light and darkness coming out of it. Then Maleficent and Pete disappear into the dark portals and the crystallized portal shoots a giant pillar of light that lands directly to the ground. Terra and the rest cover their eyes. When Terra opens his eyes, he sees… Terra: No! Eraqus! The light fades away, and Eraqus, clad in gold and silver armor, slowly turns around and looks at Terra and stands silent staring at him. Terra: Master, when will you snap out of this!? Ventus: What!? Eraqus!? But how!? Eraqus says nothing, and just slowly walks towards Terra and summons his Keyblade. Terra: Guys, go! This is a battle that I have to fight alone! Ventus: But didn’t you say that you weren’t able to beat him? That he’s too powerful!? Terra: I can’t let anyone get hurt! Now go, your not ready for him yet! Ventus: But! Kyle: Ven, listen to him, he obviously knows what he’s doing. Let’s just go to the castle and warn Aqua and Queen Minnie that we’re being attacked. Come on Lunar let’s go! And so Lunar obeys his master and runs with them to the castle. Eraqus could have easily stopped them, but he chose not to, as he found it amusing that weaklings were running away from him. And after they disappear from sight, he redirects his gaze towards Terra. Nothing is spoken between the two, as Eraqus’s deadly silence tries to make Terra give in to fear. But Terra has been through much, and he has learned to live without fear. He cannot give in to fear, not now, not when his friends need him the most. Terra: I will protect the things that matter! I won’t let you stand in my way Master! He presses his arm and in an instant, Terra is clad in bronze and red armor, and prepares for battle. And so they both fight and their keyblades emit many shockwaves. (End song here) Meanwhile, in the library, Aqua and Queen Minnie are about to find a vital piece of information regarding the Unborn when Maleficent appears in front of them and laughs harshly at them. Maleficent: All your hopes aren’t worth dirt. And with that, she burns the book and all possible hope of finding the Unborn’s weakness. Queen Minnie: You monster! What are you doing here!? Aqua: Stand back Minnie, I’ll take care of this! She summons her keyblade and looks at Maleficent. Maleficent: Ah, you are the one known as Master Aqua. Hmph, the years have treated you well, for you still posses the same beauty you did years ago. Aqua: What do you want? Pete: Ha, more than you could think of, missy! Maleficent: You shall not stand in my way, perish now. And in an instant, Aqua and Queen Minnie are both tied to the ground by dark chains, and they have no chance of escape. Then they watch as Maleficent raises her staff to the air and a bright red circle appears below her. Maleficent: Manifestation of all evil, dark dawn’s new light, cast the ultimate darkness! Aqua: What’s happening!? Pete: Oh ho ho, you are in for quite a site. And before their very eyes from the red circle emerges a tall, monstrous figure, with it’s body covered in chains and bandages, with yellow eyes and a dark purple body. Queen Minnie: That’s the Guardian! Aqua: No! That’s what Terra had when he was possessed by Xehanort, but no…it couldn’t possibly be! Maleficent: Yes my child, what you see before you is Xehanort! But do not fret, he is trapped within this guardian. Do not think that I would let him assume control of my plans. He is in my control now. Queen Minnie: Master Xehanort! In a frantic panic, Queen Minnie screams for help, and just suddenly, Ventus, Kyle and Lunar appear. The menacing Guardian Xehanort looks back and with a simple wave of his hand ties Ventus, Kyle and Lunar to the wall with chains. Ventus: What the heck is this guy!? Kyle: Darkness, pure darkness… Guardian Xehanort: Long time no see, boy. Ventus: No, it can’t be…Xehanort! Back at Disney Town, Terra and Eraqus are clashing deadly blows of their keyblades, and both are evenly matched in this battle. Terra knows that if Eraqus is left roaming on this world, it will be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Terra can’t allow that to happen, and so he devotes his entire strength to the battle. Terra: Master, when will you snap out of this!? The armored Eraqus says nothing, and calmly fights, letting his deadly silence speak for him. Terra: Zantetsuken! And with a quick strike of his Keyblade, Terra performs the Zantetsuken attack. But Eraqus stays still then turns around once more. Terra: No, how can he possibly be able to resist! Eraqus just walks towards Terra and then disappears then reappears behind him and electrocutes him. Terra: Ahhhhh!!! Eraqus looks at Terra, who is on the ground in pain, and then he walks towards the castle. Terra: Hey! I’m not finished with you! Terra throws a Dark Firaga to Eraqus, and Eraqus turns around calmly and starts walking towards Terra. Terra: Damn, I’m in for more than I bargained for… Eraqus has finally appeared! And Xehanort has been resurrected! And Maleficent seems more powerful than ever before! What predicament awaits our heroes? Stay tuned for Chapter 22: A Shred of Light… 4 Kirie, Hunter Hawk, doom and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted July 14, 2012 I love this! And, you're welcome Dark Sora. Master Eraqus was awesome in this chapter! Hope to see more chapters soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted July 14, 2012 Lol it seems that Master Eraqus is either like Chuck Norris or The Terminator. 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 14, 2012 Ohh no Terra better stand cause I think Eraqus is getting mad. 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted July 14, 2012 Oh my gosh!!! So much happen!!! I really like how is getting epicier!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 23, 2012 Hey everyone, Chapter 22 may be the final chapter that I post for a while. Don't worry, the story won't end yet, but I might not be able to write more chapters for some time. The reason for this is because of school, and when school starts, I may not be online here that much, because I have to make sure I ace the 12th grade. It's my final school year, and it will be difficult, but I know that I can make it. 4 MasterNahi, Kirie, Hunter Hawk and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted July 29, 2012 Okay everyone, here is Chapter 22. This may be the last chapter that I post for a while, because since I start school soon, I won’t have much time to write new chapters constantly. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Chapter 22: A Shred of Light (Start song here) Eraqus slowly and silently walks towards Terra, and Terra prepares himself, for he knows that this battle is not going to be easy. But he’s ready to fight, he’s ready to stand up for his friends. He is ready to protect the things that matter. With unstoppable resolve, Terra charges in for battle. Terra: Master! If you can hear my voice, please, know that I’m trying to help you! Snap out of this! I know you can break free of Maleficent’s hold over you! But Eraqus says nothing, as he blocks Terra’s attack and sends him flying towards the other end of the town square. Terra cures himself and then comes back rushing towards Eraqus. Terra: I don’t want to hurt you! I lost you once, I’m not going to lose you again! Master, please fight the darkness, don’t let it control you! Eraqus’s frightening silence continues, as he casts a Triple Firaga spell and makes Terra fall to his knees. For a moment, Terra is unable to move, and he struggles to stand, as Eraqus simply keeps walking towards him. Terra doesn’t know what to do. He’s encountered Eraqus before in this state, so he knows that chances of winning this battle are very slim. Terra: What do I have to do to break him free of this spell? Eraqus stands silently staring at Terra, and he raises his arm and points his Keyblade at him. Eraqus: … Terra: Eraqus!!! Terra immediately performs his Zantetsuken attack and slightly bruises Eraqus’s armor. Eraqus then turns around and an ominous laugh can be heard eminating from him Terra: Wha-impossible!!! Seeing the impossibility of being able to defeat him, Terra taps into his dark powers. He will not give up, he won’t let his friends be killed. He will risk his very life if he has to. Terra: Darkness, give me strength! And in an instant, a dark aura surrounds him and he starts shooting dark beams and propelling himself at super sonic speed. He keeps slashing Eraqus, and to his surprise, he manages to make a large cut through his armor. Eraqus simply stands there and then raises his Keyblade up and many replicas of him surround Terra. Terra: No, this can’t be the end! Not while I can still fight! But just then, Terra remembers wise words that Eraqus had spoken to him long ago. “Terra, you mustn’t be afraid of losing…” And as he remembers those words, he calms down and simply stands there, and then he unsummons his Keyblade and opens his arms wide. Terra: If you wish to strike me down, then do so, I won’t resist… Eraqus is just about to deal the final blow when the cut in his armor starts to seep out darkness. He falls back and a horrifying scream eminates from him. He struggles to stand, and one by one, his replicas start disappearing. Terra then quickly goes towards Eraqus and catches him before he falls. Terra: Master! Please, don’t die! Eraqus: Terra, I can’t fight back…the darkness is too strong! Terra: You can fight it! I know that you can! You have the power of light within you, you can vanquish the darkness inside you! Eraqus: My son…how is it that you’re still trying to help me…after all the times that I have tried to kill you? Terra: Because you are a part of my heart, you are the one who raised me as your own. I am proud to call you father. Eraqus: Terra…you have grown strong over the years. Terra: And I’m here to help you. I won’t give up on you. I will do all in my power to set you free! Eraqus: I am proud of who you have become Terra. I am proud to call you my son. Terra cries and hugs Eraqus, and Eraqus feels Terra’s embrace, but the darkness takes over him again, and his eyes turn yellow, and he pushes Terra back with all his strength. Terra: Master! No! Eraqus stands ready to fight Terra again, but then he lowers his Keyblade and disappears before Terra’s eyes. (End song here) Terra: What? I- I don’t understand… But before Terra keeps thinking, he remembers that the town is also in danger, and so he makes his way into town to help Riku and Dexeres get everyone to safety. Meanwhile, back at the library, Aqua and Queen Minnie are helpless as they see Guardian Xehanort bind Ventus, Kyle and Lunar, all the while Maleficent and Pete laugh harshly seeing their predicament. Maleficent: Now all the pieces are in motion, I have the two most powerful Keyblade Wielders, Eraqus and Xehanort, in my grasp. And now nothing can stop me from taking over this wretched castle! Pete: Oh ho ho Maleficent, this indeed is a wonderful day! These little pipsqueaks are gonna get the life choked out of them, ha ha ha! Aqua: No, this just can’t be! Queen Minnie: Oh if only Mickey were here! Aqua: You think you can just get away with this? The Darkness will not prevail! Maleficent: Oh, on the contrary my child, I very much see that victory is clearly in my grasp. Xehanort, dispose of them. And just as Xehanort is about to kill them all, a blinding light shines through all the room. Maleficent: What insolence is this!? When the light fades, Maleficent sees none other than King Mickey. Maleficent: No! It can’t be! King Mickey: Aqua, Minnie are you okay? Queen Minnie: Yes my king, now that you’re here! King Mickey: Gosh! Ventus and his friend are tied up! I can fix that! With his star shard, he unbinds Ventus and Kyle and Lunar and then he turns his attention to Maleficent, Xehanort, and Pete. King Mickey: You’ve nowhere to run Maleficent! Maleficent: You fool…I shall deal with you some other time. Xehanort, you take care of them. Xehanort only nods and then looks at his foes as Maleficent and Pete disappear in a portal of darkness. Guardian Xehanort: Let us all end this here! Let darkness take root and destroy everything! Aqua: No, not while we have anything to say about it! Just then, Riku, Terra and Dexeres appear and come to aid their friends. Riku: Is that Xehanort? Ventus: Yes, it is, but he’s not in full power. We can take him, right Kyle? Kyle: Yeah! Dexeres: Let’s do this! Xehanort simply laughs and with a wave of his hand, he transports himself and his foes to a wasteland, and his darkness multiplies in power. Dexeres: Guys, strike now! Riku, Terra and King Mickey start attacking Xehanort while he simply dodges and counterattacks. Queen Minnie and Aqua casts spells and Ventus and Kyle use Strike Raid, and Lunar furiously bites Xehanort. Terra: We strike as one! Terra does his Zantetsuken attack, and Dexeres does his Twilight Lance attack, while King Mickey casts Ultima. Aqua and Minnie combine their spells to perform Triple Blizzaga, and Ventus and Kyle use Ars Arcanum, while Lunar strikes fast with lighting fast speed. Xehanort teleports a few feet away from them and starts shooting dark shockwaves and dark spheres of energy. Everyone takes cover and continues attacking. They continue to battle, and Xehanort throws Terra, Riku and Dexeres in one fell swoop. And then he uses his dark spheres to knock out Aqua and King Mickey and Queen Minnie. Then he strikes Ventus and beats him senselessly. Kyle watches in horror and attacks Xehanort. Kyle: Hey, you still got me to deal with! Xehanort turns around and roars and prepares to deal with Kyle. Kyle: Come on Lunar, we can take him! Lunar growls and nods, and they prepare for battle. Meanwhile, in the Realm of Darkness, the Mysterious Figure walks through the endless dark corridors and then stops, for he feels that someone is watching him. Mysterious Figure: What? Can’t I have a moment alone? Hmph, do you think I’m that dangerous? ???: It is not my intention…but it’s the master’s orders. We have to keep a close eye on you. Mysterious Figure: Ah, I see. He does not trust me. But that doesn’t trouble me. Hmph, it’s far better off being feared than trusted. ???: … Mysterious Figure: I sensed Maleficent’s aura a while ago, apparently she must have been in Disney Castle. And I also sense another scent…that of Xehanort. ???: What!? Impossible! He had been slain! Mysterious Figure: Apparently not…for as you see, he still lives…but not to worry, he is weakened. Apparently he is under Maleficent’s control. ???: I see. This is troublesome news…the Master will surely be most displeased. For Xehanort might ruin our plans. Mysterious Figure: Ah, but that isn’t all. She also has possession over Eraqus. ???: What!? She controls the two Keyblade Masters!? This will be a major obstacle in our plans! We must alert the Master of this at once. Mysterious Figure: Do not get so desperate…we still have time. Besides, they are fighting the Keyblade wielders even as we speak. In other words, they are doing our work for us. ???: Well, when you put it that way… Mysterious Figure: We wait and observe. All the pieces have been placed. Now all that’s left is to see what happens… ???: You seem to be very confident in all this. Mysterious Figure: More than you could ever know. (Start song here) Back at the battle, Xehanort grins as he sees Kyle and Lunar ready to stand up to him. Kyle is afraid, but he knows that he must do something, otherwise all his friends are doomed. He and Lunar bravely stand up to Xehanort. Guardian Xehanort: So, you insist on fighting me, boy? Kyle: I will stop you! I won’t let you hurt anyone else! But in that same moment, Kyle suddenly falls to the ground screaming in pain and rolls around trying to make the pain end. He feels a flood of memories come back to him, and he sees visions of four spirits, and of a laboratory, but then all his memories fade away again. Guardain Xehanort: Hmph, it looks like your own mind is doing my work for me. Kyle growls then whimpers as he sees Kyle on the ground in pain. Lunar pulls his shirt with his teeth, hoping to make him feel better. Kyle doesn’t move. Lunar then gets enraged and in a flash of light, he merges with Kyle to lend him strength. Guardian Xehanort: What? This light!? It’s impossible! And before his eyes, he sees Kyle in a more savage and feral form, with flaming yellow eyes and sharp wolf teeth and savage claws and darkness seeping out from his entire body. Guardian Xehanort: How can you control this power boy? The power of the dark light? All Xehanort hears is a disturbing distorted laugh coming from Kyle. The he speaks to him in a distorted and spine chilling voice. Feral Kyle: It’s a power you will never know weakling. And in a split second, Kyle disappears then reappears behind Xehanort and slashes at him with lightning fast speed and agility, and he shoots dark daggers that go through Xehanort’s body. Then Kyle savagely bites and slashes Xehanort, and Xehanort helplessly tries to fight back. But it’s no use, as Kyle has gained the upper hand. Feral Kyle: Perish now. And with one fell swoop, he weakens Xehanort greatly. (End song here) Guardian Xehanort: You may have won this time…but next time, you will regret having crossed paths with me. And with that, he disappears in a dark portal. Ventus and the rest awaken from their unconsciousness and see Kyle in his Feral Form. Everyone is shocked to see him like that, and they all draw their Keyblades to attack him. Ventus: No, wait, stop! Don’t hurt him! He saved us! Don’t you see!? He defeated Xehanort! Dexeres: And it looks as though it wants to take us on next! Feral Kyle: You fools…I shall kill— But before he finishes his sentence, he reverts back to his normal self. Aqua: Look, he’s back to normal! And with that, they are all suddenly transported back to Disney Castle. Terra: He’s unconscious. We have to go heal him. Ventus: Allright, let’s go. Everyone goes in the castle except King Mickey, Queen Minnie and Dexeres. Queen Minnie: Oh Mickey, this was far too close! We were all caught off guard! Oh, this is so terrifying! Maleficent has control over both Xehanort and Eraqus. What do we do? Dexeres: I don’t know. But I agree with you, this was a heavy attack. We need to plan our strategies, our enemy is a step ahead of us. They’re already taking the war to the next level. King Mickey: Gosh, I agree with you both! But we have to find out more about all this mess before we plan anything else! I will seek counsel with Master Yen Sid. Dexeres: I’ll go with you. King Mickey: Allright then, it’s settled! Queen Minnie: I wish you both safe travels, and Mickey, please come back soon! King Mickey: I will Minnie, I promise! Mickey smiles at Minnie and Dexeres opens a portal to Yen Sid’s tower. With a final good bye, they vanish and head towards The Mysterious Tower. Eraqus is trying to fight back, Maleficent is as powerful as ever, and Xehanort has been revived! What else can possibly happen? Will our heroes be able to turn the tide of the war? Find out in Chapter 23: The Dawn of War… 4 KHLegendIII, doom, MasterNahi and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 29, 2012 NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Nice story 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KHLegendIII 709 Posted July 29, 2012 Amazing job. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted July 30, 2012 Cool story! I can't wait for the next chapter! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted July 30, 2012 Wow, I never have imagined Luner can merge with Kyle! And the power of dark light also sounds awsome. Great work my awsome friend! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rizzyy 736 Posted July 31, 2012 every chapter gets better and better Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted August 3, 2012 Thanks to you all for your comments! Oh and I have an announcement. Maybe, just maybe, I may be able to post Chapter 23 before school starts. I start 12th grade on August 8, so I may be able to post Chapter 23. Cross your fingers everyone! 5 MasterNahi, Kirie, doom and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omega15 12 Posted August 18, 2012 this just keeps getting better and better as i read it and cant wait for the next chapter. keep up the good work Dark Sora. 2 The Transcendent Key and MasterNahi reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted September 7, 2012 Okay everyone, here is Chapter 23. As always, I thank you all for your comments and opinions on the story. I appreciate you all for reading my story! Well then, I hope you enjoy the latest Chapter in The Keyblade War Saga! Please comment! Sorry that I took so long to post this! School has been keeping me busy! Anyways, enjoy the chapter! And special thanks to Inori for the inclusion of a character you'll recognize once you read the chapter! Chapter 23: The Dawn of War King Mickey and Dexeres are in the portal on their way towards The Mysterious Tower to seek counsel with Yen Sid. Both of them are silent for most of the journey, as they both ponder as to how they can be able to turn the tide of the war in their favor. Dexeres thinks back to a more happier time, a time where he didn’t have to worry about war, a time he didn’t have to worry about sorrow…a time when he was human. Now they are close by to The Mysterious Tower. King Mickey: Well Dexeres, I sure hope Yen Sid can help us solve this problem. With one so wise as him, I imagine he’ll have the answer to turn the tide of war, or at least a clue. Dexeres: Your Majesty, we have to be more alert now. We were caught off guard when Maleficent attacked, and hadn’t we been there, lives would have been lost. We’re just lucky that Kyle came in and saved us. King Mickey: Yes! He looks to be a kind person with lots of power within him. And there is also something familiar about him, but I can’t quite place my finger on it. Dexeres: We’re here Your Majesty, now come on, let’s go. Any information we can get from Yen Sid is sure to be valuable. Now come on, we have no time to waste. (Start song here) They now arrive to The Mysterious Tower, and they open the door and they start to climb the winding staircase. They keep walking until they reach Master Yen Sid’s study, where he is carefully examining old books and working on potions. King Mickey: Master Yen Sid, it is an honor as always. Dexeres: Master Yen Sid, a pleasure to see you again. Yen Sid: Ah my friends, greetings. Please, have a seat, I will be right with you. Dexeres and King Mickey sit down and they see Master Yen Sid finish his potion and put it in a jar. Soon after, he brings one of his books to his desk. Yen Sid: Now then, what news do you bring? King Mickey: Yen Sid, Maleficent has returned, and she’s as powerful and evil as ever, and she even has Master Eraqus and Master Xehanort in her control! We barely managed to hold them off, but thanks to one of our companions, we were able to come out of the battle as victors. Yen Sid: Ah, I see…and what is this boy’s name? Dexeres: His name is Kyle. When Dexeres mentions his name, Yen Sid seems to be surprised, as he stays silent for a few seconds. He leans back on his chair and thinks deeply, and then he directs his gaze upon Dexeres. Yen Sid: This boy is someone which whom I’ve spoken before. King Mickey: You have? When? Yen Sid: I believe it was five months ago. He came to me to seek guidance, for he was developing some kind of research. He would not reveal any specific details, but he didn’t need to. For I saw that his intentions were good. I encouraged him to keep on in his research, and so he left, and I have not seen him ever since. King Mickey: See Dexeres, I knew that I’d seen Kyle before! Dexeres: But I don’t understand…he never told us any of this. He hasn’t told us where he’s from and he doesn’t seem to remember much. Yen Sid: Ah, then the boy must have lost his memories. Dexeres: Of course…it makes sense. Well look, what should our strategy be next? I already have the Nobodies on our side, so we have that advantage, but we need to have well thought battle plans if we’re going to gain the upper hand in this war. King Mickey: Gosh, Master Yen Sid, Dexeres is right! Yen Sid: You must go behind enemy lines. For there you will be able to extract information, vital information that may lend you aid. But you must be swift and silent as the shadows. And keep a close eye on Kyle. That is all… King Mickey: Thank you Master Yen Sid, may we meet again. Yen Sid: Take care. And so Dexeres and King Mickey leave The Mysterious Tower and open a portal to go back to Disney Castle. (End song here) Back at the castle infirmary, Aqua takes care of Kyle while the others are in the courtyard training to hone their skills. Terra walks in and sees Aqua and walks towards her. She turns around and smiles at him, and they both look deeply into each other’s eyes and embrace and kiss passionately. Terra: So, how’s Kyle holding up? Aqua: He’s fine, he’s just unconscious. Although I’m quite surprised at how powerful he was in his Feral Form. But apparently, he doesn’t know how to control it. Terra: Don’t worry, he’ll learn to control his power, just like I’ve been able to control my darkness. Aqua: Yes, that’s true. Come on Terra, let’s go to the garden. She smiles and holds Terra’s hand and they walk towards a small garden and sit on a nearby bench. (Start song here) Aqua: Terra, I just want to let you know how much I love you. And since we could die at any moment, I just wanted to let you know that. She touches his face and he touches hers. Terra: I love you too. And I know that things have been rough ever since the war broke out, but I promise that once this is over, we will be able to have a happy life together. Aqua: Hehe, that’s so sweet of you Terra. Terra: Aqua, I want to ask you something. Aqua: Yes? What is it? Terra kneels down and smiles and holds Aqua’s hand and with a snap of his finger, he creates a shining silver ring with blue crystals, as blue as Aqua’s eyes. Terra: I know this may not be the best time, but…will you marry me? Aqua’s eyes open wide and she gasps and puts her hands over her mouth. She cannot believe what she is hearing. Overwhelming excitement and happiness shines on her face, and tears start falling down from her eyes. She smiles and looks at Terra with loving eyes and holds his hand tight. Aqua: Oh Terra! Yes, yes, I will marry you! Oh Terra, thank you so much! (End song here) They kiss each other with burning passion, but before they say anything else to each other, they hear an ominous laugh. Terra and Aqua summon their Keyblades and they look around to see where the laugh is coming from. Then a shadowy figure appears before them, and he claps his hands. ???: Well well well, even in the midst of war, here I find a tiny glimmer of hope. It is actually quite touching. The bond that you two share is quite touching. Terra: Who are you? And what do you want!? ???: My name is of no concern to you. And don’t be so alarmed, I simply come here to bear a message from my Master. Aqua: Master? You mean Master Xehanort? ???: No, not that pathetic fool. My master is much more powerful, but he prefers to keep himself concealed. Terra: Go on then, carry out the message! And don’t think that I’m going to lower my guard! ???: Hahaha, I like you. You are quite an angry person. You would amuse my Master. Anyway, my Master has offered you to surrender and to give yourself in, and nothing will happen to your comrades. Should you decline, then my master will have no choice but to end the life of your beloved future wife. Aqua: Terra, don’t listen to him, he’s just trying to trick you! Terra: I’m not going to give in! You think that I’m going to fall for a trick like that!? It won’t work! And besides, I will do all in my power to protect Aqua! You’re not going to split us apart! ???: …I see. Your decision disappoints me. Well then, I bid thee farewell, and may we meet again on the battlefield… The shadowy figure disappears and Terra and Aqua look at each other. Aqua: Terra, we have to tell the others about this! Terra: Right! Let’s go! They go to the castle courtyard with much haste and worry, and they tell everyone to gather up at once. Terra: Guys, we had an intruder. And I’m sensing something really bad will happen. Aqua: We have to make sure that this world doesn’t fall to darkness just like Traverse Town did! They all quickly make their way to the Hall of the Cornerstone and start formulating a plan that will help them to defend Disney castle from the impending threat close approaching. (Start song here) In the meantime, The Mysterious Figure, and twenty more cloaked figures are outside what seems to be their fortress: a dark ominous castle, covered in shrouds of darkness, with such a foul manner of evil, that no light shines on this barren land. A young woman with a black coat approaches The Mysterious Figure and summons her Keyblade. Mysterious Figure: Are you ready for your ascencion…Xion? Xion: Yes…I am ready. And so The Mysterious Figure grants her new powers, and she puts on her hood and silently gets in line with the other cloaked figures. The Mysterious Figure nods and they all make their way to their fortress. ???: Are we now ready to unleash the hordes of Unborn? Mysterious Figure: Yes. Release them on all the worlds you can. ???: Understood. And with a wave of his hand, the Unknown Man summons legions of Unborn and makes many portals to scatter them across the many worlds. One by one the cloaked figures start disappearing until only Xion, The Mysterious Figure and the Unknown Man remain. ???: Xion, head for Disney Town, and capture the one named Kyle. He is a person of interest of whom we must obtain data. Xion: Yes…as you command. She nods and heads towards the portal and vanishes. ???: Now, war has finally begun. Now the worlds shall know true despair. The Mysterious Figure: And we shall obtain our coveted prize: Kingdom Hearts. (End song here) The Unborn have scattered to all worlds, and now unimaginable horrors await. What will happen now? Will our heroes be able to withstand the coming storm? Is Xion an enemy to our heroes? And just who is the Unknown man? Perhaps we might never know. Now prepare yourself for Chapter 24: And so It Begins… 4 doom, KHLegendIII, Kirie and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 7, 2012 I love this chapter 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted September 8, 2012 XION! NOOOOOOOOO! Love it! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Omega15 12 Posted September 25, 2012 I cant wait to find out who the unknown guy is Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 6, 2012 Hey guys, here is Chapter 24! I sincerely hope that you all enjoy it. I’m truly sorry that I take so long to post new chapters, but school keeps me so occupied that I simply don’t have the time. Well then, I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and feel free to comment on it! As always, thank you for your patience and support! Chapter 24: And so it Begins A cold and chilling air blows through Disney Castle. It’s dark and gloomy, and everyone is silent, as if bearing a moment of silence for a fallen friend or loved one. Darkness covers the once cheerful world, and nothing seems to get better. Inside the castle, in the Hall of the Cornerstone, everyone’s decided, and they’re ready to face the dangers ahead. King Mickey: Okay fellas, so this is what we’ll do. Me, Terra and Aqua will stay here to defend the castle from any enemy that comes here. Riku, you go with Dexeres to Halloween Town and see if you can find any clues to where Sora, Donald and Goofy are. And Kyle, you’ll go with Ven to Port Royal to see if we can find any trace of Maleficent or Pete. Ventus: Got it. We won’t let you down Your Majesty! Kyle: I’ll do my best, to be strong. I’ll hold it together. And as they bid farewell, they each leave to their destinations. All of them have hopes that this war will be won, but they also fear that everything will be lost. Nothing is certain, and the future is unforeseeable. But they are ready to lay their lives on the line, whatever the cost, to keep the worlds safe. Ventus summons his Keyblade and presses the switch on his shoulder to activate his armor. In a blinding flash, Ventus is clad in his armor, and his Keyblade transforms into a skateboard. Ventus: So Kyle, you know how to ride a Keyblade? Kyle: No, I’ve never ridden one before, I’ve never had a Keyblade… Ventus: Ohh, that’s right. Well, just hang on to me, we’ll get to Port Royal in a jiff. Kyle: Okay. He holds onto Ventus and they soar to the heavens. In a manner of seconds, they are already in Port Royal. But when they arrive, they see something strange happening. The town is in flames! Everyone is running in panic as Giant Unborn Behemoths destroy the houses and everything that stands in their way. Kyle: Oh no! This is terrible!!! Ventus: Don’t worry, just stick by me, and I’ll protect you! Come on, let’s see what’s going on! They head down the stairs of the port and head to the docks, and they see a woman in a black hood. Ventus summons his Keyblade and stares at her. Ventus: Who are you!? Are you the one that’s causing this!? She looks back and summons her Keyblade and takes off her hood and she points her Keyblade at Kyle. A pale blue light can be noticed in Xion’s eyes, as if she were in some sort of trance. Xion: …That boy, he has to come with me… Kyle: Huh, me? Xion: Yes…you must come with me…and if you try to oppose me….nothing but despair will await you. Ventus: He’s not going anywhere! If you want to take him, you’ll have to get through me! Xion grins and summons giant pillars of light so that no one may enter or exit. Kyle is on the other side of the barrier, and he watches Ventus in panic. Kyle: Ven, you’re trapped! Ventus: Don’t worry Kyle, just stay there, I’ll get out! Xion: Foolish boy, why do you bother to fight me? Don’t you see that no matter how you look at it, the end is something inevitable? Why can’t you just accept your pathetic little death? Ventus: Because I know that this isn’t the end, because as long as me and my friends stand in your way, the worlds will never fall to darkness! Xion: Strong talk from a foolish boy…let’s put that to the test. (Start Song Here) An air of desperation surrounds Ventus. He’s not exactly sure how to approach Xion. “She’s very dangerous, I can sense it just by looking at her.”,he says thinking to himself. He carefully follows Xion’s every move, and Xion simply laughs, but suddenly Ventus sees something surprising. Instead of charging at him with the Keyblade, he sees her fall to the ground in pain. Xion: Help me… But when Ventus tries to reach out for her, he is thrown back, as if Xion was surrounded by an invisible forcefield. Her pleas for help now turn to disturbing laughs. She is being controlled, but Ventus wonders: by who? Ventus: Light, give me strength! Xion: You fool! And so their clash begins, and Xion shoots Blizzaga and Firaga spells, and Ventus dodges every attack. He uses Strike Raid and Zero Gravity, but to no effect, as Xion disappears and reappears constantly and she pins him to the ground, with her Keyblade at his throat. But he quickly trips her and casts Thunder and uses Ars Arcanum. They battle with fiery determination, trying to outmatch each other. Kyle watches, examining her moves while Lunar appears from the top of the port and down to Kyle’s side. Kyle: Lunar, you’re here! Lunar barks happily. Kyle: Lunar, do you think you can be able to break this barrier? Lunar nods and he uses his powerful fangs and claws to tear the barrier down. Xion gasps in disbelief and Ventus grins and takes advantage of the distraction to cast Sleep on Xion. She falls to the ground, but just as Ventus is going to approach her, she wakes up and sends multiple dark lances at his direction. Kyle: No!!! A sudden blinding light shines, and when the light fades, Ventus is surprised to see Lunar covered in Silver Armor and eyes with a fiery yellow color. This is Lunar’s feral form, and dark light is eminating from his body. Xion: No! It can’t be! How can he possess that power? Grrr….you may have won now..but I will get you eventually… (End Song Here) And with those words, she disappears. Ventus is shocked to see Lunar in feral form. Even Kyle is surprised, for he had never seen Lunar transform, except on the only occasion that he merged with him in Disney Castle to defeat Guardian Xehanort. They both stand speechless as Lunar slowly turns around facing their direction. They can sense chills run down their spines, and they’re actually afraid that Lunar might try to attack them. But to their relief, the menacing and chaotic form of Lunar reverts back to his harmless and cuddly self. Ventus: That was incredible! How did Lunar do that!? Kyle: I..I don’t know. Oh no Ventus, look! The villagers! They’re in danger, come on, we have to go and save them! And we have to do something about the town, or otherwise it’ll be completely burned to the ground! Ventus: Right! Come on, let’s go! They race towards town, determined to stop the fire and save the villagers. Meanwhile, Riku and Dexeres arrive to Halloween Town. They look around their current location, and it seems that they are in a graveyard. They slowly make their way through the maze of tombstones, trying to find the town square. Dexeres grins as he sees all the grim and dark features that this world has. Dexeres: This world feels natural to me. Hmph, I wouldn’t mind calling this place home. Riku turns around and laughs, and then looks towards a narrow pathway. Riku: Ha, well, Jack Skellington might like you then. Dexeres: Jack who? Riku: Jack Skellington, you know, the Pumpkin King? The King of Scares? He’s the most recognized person in this world. Dexeres: I see. Well this Pumpkin King sounds interesting, I’d like to meet him…but anyways, we have to see if we can find Sora and the others here. Riku: Right, come on, let’s go! They head towards the narrow pathway and look around for any signs of Sora, Donald and Goofy. So far nothing, and everything seemed oddly quiet. They reached the town square and saw that no one was around, not even Lock, Shock and Barrel, who would have already come up to pull a prank of some sort. They kept looking around, but no one was there. Dexeres noticed something strange in the air. Riku: Dexeres, what is it? Do you sense something? Dexeres: Hmm, strange…the air is unnaturally odd, even for a place like this… Riku: Let’s go to Dr. Finkelstein’s lab, he may have some answers. Dexeres: Right. They head towards a big gate and climb up the stairs and open the doors to Dr. Finkelstein’s lab. They had expected to see him making some odd contraption or an abominable experiment, but to their surprise, there was no one here either. But the entire lab was turned head over heels, as if a great struggle had taken place. Dexeres: I wonder what happened here? Riku: Trouble…lots and lots of trouble. Come on, let’s keep looking around the town. But just as they are about to leave, they hear a muffled voice. They search around the lab and get closer to the source of the voice, and they stumble upon the pile of debris. They dig out all the debris and uncover the Mayor of Halloween Town! As anyone would expect, he was in his bad mood. Riku: Hey, are you okay? Mayor: Oh goodness gracious no! It was terrible, terrible!!! Just terrible!!! Dexeres: Just calm down and tell us what happened. (Start Song Here) Mayor: Oh it was the most scary thing to happen, even for a place as scary as our dear Halloween Town! We were in the Town Hall making preparations for our best Halloween ever, when suddenly, terrifying monsters came and started to scare off all the townspeople! Riku: What else happened? The Mayor looked down sadly, as if though a part of him had been destroyed. With great regret, he spoke, but the words came out of him in a scared and weary tone. Mayor: T-the townspeople…they were suffering! Those monsters took them one by one and started to drain their souls, and when they were done, their poor bodies laid on the ground, lifeless and empty. It was such a tragic thing! Even the little rascals Lock, Shock and Barrel’s souls were taken away….I never liked those kids…but still, not even they deserved such a cruel fate as that. Then I came running over to Dr. Finkelstein, hoping he had a solution to all of this! But when I got in, I saw something even more terrible! Poor Sally had been destroyed! Every last bit of her broken, and for the first time in all my life, I saw Dr. Finkelstein cry! He was holding the remains of Sally in his arms, and when I asked him what had happened, he told me that he had found her in the graveyard like this, and he had brought her back to the lab. That’s when the monsters came in…they were going to finish us off, but Jack had come to the rescue! But he was weakened, for he had fought the monsters before, and he had tried to defend the townspeople, but he was helpless to stop them! He tried his best to stop the monsters, but they drained Dr. Finkelstein’s soul away from him as well. And then… Dexeres: What? Then what? Riku and Dexeres were desperate to know what had happened, and they got closer to the Mayor, to hear every last word that he had to say. The Mayor burst into tears. Mayor: Jack tried to fight back, but the monsters destroyed him, they took his soul! I saw the horrifying events unfold, and Jack laid lifeless on the floor, and all of a sudden, his body vanished, like ashes floating in the wind! Riku: N-no…that can’t be! This is Jack we’re talking about! He can’t be dead! And all the others have to be okay! Dexeres: … They all stood there silently, taking a moment to grieve for the losses of all their friends. Mayor: The only reason they left me alive was so that I could send a message to Sora. I gave it to him, and he went off to the wilderness to find that monster. Riku: Message? What message? Mayor: They told me to tell Sora: “If you want to bring your friends back to life, go to the wilderness and looks for us, and we’ll trade your soul for theirs.” (End Song Here) Riku: What? And Sora actually believed that!? That idiot’s going to give up his soul!? It’s obviously a trap! Dexeres, come on, we have to find Sora, and fast! Dexeres: Right behind you! Mayor, stay here, this may be the only safe place for you. Mayor: All right, good luck! And be careful when fighting those monsters! Riku and Dexeres head outside, still shocked by everything that the Mayor told them. Riku: He was obviously talking about the Unborn, but these sound like a more powerful breed of Unborn than the ones we’ve fought recently. Dexeres: I agree. Let’s just hope Sora, Donald and Goofy are okay. Riku: I’m sure that they’ll— Before he can finish, a tall menacing hooded figure appears before them, with a lantern clutched tightly in it’s hand, and the lantern is spewing out blue flames. It’s definitely not any Organization member, for this hooded figure is different, almost phantomlike. It was only then they realized it was a powerful Unborn, who manifests on the fears and doubts in people’s hearts. This is evil and fear incarnated…it’s none other than Death. Riku and Dexeres stop cold, as if their hearts have stopped beating, as if their souls were utterly destroyed. They can’t seem to move, as they see Death approach them slowly. Riku: No, you won’t get the best of us! Dexeres, now! Dexeres: Dark Rune Saber! They release from Death’s cold grip and they spin around him and strike with their Keyblades. But when they realize that they’ve done absolutely no harm at all to Death, he summons his large scythe and points it at them. A menacing darkness envelops Halloween Town, and everything fades to black. Already war has taken it’s toll, as countless lives have been lost. Port Royal is being destroyed by flames, Unborn are destroying it with every step that they take. And Halloween Town is in total chaos. Are all the townspeople of Halloween Town gone forever? And just where is Sora, Donald and Goofy? Find out in Chapter 25: Apocalyptic Darkness… 3 MasterNahi, doom and Omega15 reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hunter Hawk 392 Posted October 6, 2012 Awsome!! I really like the part with Ven and Xion fight, never imagined this!!!! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MasterNahi 46 Posted October 7, 2012 Whoa, death in Kingdom Hearts! The battle with Xion made me think of her battle with Roxas. Keep up the good work writing these chapters! Can't wait for the next one! 1 The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Transcendent Key 12,109 Posted October 7, 2012 Thanks guys, I'll try to post Chapter 25 as soon as I can! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites