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Halo: Combat Evolved Aniversary Trailer and Halo 4 Trailer

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Here's a new trailer for Halo: Combat Evolved that was shown live at Microsoft's E3 conference (which became very dissapointing and uninteresting for the most part).



And here's the Halo 4 Trailer:


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Everythings being HD remade these days. Anyway, I still feel the same way as I did back in the day.....cool(even though I won't buy it lol).

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Everythings being HD remade these days. Anyway, I still feel the same way as I did back in the day.....cool(even though I won't buy it lol).


Yeah, I have to agree. A lot of things seem to be getting remade like StarFox64 3D, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, MGS3: Snake Eater 3D, and now this lol.

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Halo is the greatest FPS series of all time. I have had more enjoyable and memorable moments in Halo games than any other. Battlefield is good but still lacks a lot, and COD is as frustrating as Halo is fun.


Halo will never die! I can't wait for 2012 even if there is a chance the world might explode!

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kh125 what did you expect from Microsoft there losing all there ip and are down to less than 5 good exculsive game companys


MS is doing fine in their game market. Xbox is still the number 2 purchased game consoled (behind the wii) and more people are subscribed to xbox live than any other online game service.



Well that's debatable. lol


Debatable, but Halo has a lot of evidence backing it up.

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MS is doing fine in their game market. Xbox is still the number 2 purchased game consoled (behind the wii) and more people are subscribed to xbox live than any other online game service.


Not saying there not but they only have about 3 exculsive this year where Sony has 10 or more.There Press conference the last 2 years as not been very good.

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kh125 what did you expect from Microsoft there losing all there ip and are down to less than 5 good exculsive game companys


Yeah, that's true. They didn't really have any good games to show off. Only the Halo games were the only good things interesting at Microsoft's conference.

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Well, when I first played Halo I died right off the bat because I couldn't jump over a pipe. I've never been a fan of fps ever since. Still, I have some friends who will be excited about the upcoming game.

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Well, when I first played Halo I died right off the bat because I couldn't jump over a pipe. I've never been a fan of fps ever since. Still, I have some friends who will be excited about the upcoming game.


fool. That's the stupidest reason I've heard for not liking something.

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