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Corrupted keyblade

X-Men next class

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Allen ran in there shutting the main door as a girl with Aurora wings flew in saying "Present" Allen looked at her then raised his hand saying he was here. Beast and Prosser X looked at them both and losed the door with his mind. Allen stared at him and listened as they were briefed on their mission. The floor dropped and they were in the hanger with the jet and some suits. Allen suited up and jumped in the pilots seat.

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Aurora suited up and entered the ship and satted on the co-pilot seat. She looked through the window and waved. 'Remember your mission. Do well,and good luck.' The Proffessor thinks to them. Aurora gave thumbs up to Beast and the Proffessor. "No worries."Aurora says. The ship then started up and they then flew off. The door to the outside of the place opened and they flew off. Aurora looked outside the window and stared out.

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Vance and Robert finished eating and Robert waved to Vance to follow him, Vance did and they walked out of the lunchroom into Magento's room. They both lowered their heads in respect for Magento and they said in unionize "Hello Sir!" " Hello boys, and more importantly you Stolen" "Sir, what is going to start?" Asked Vance looking Magento in his eyes. "Your sheaths can be broken I, believe. "Sir?" Vance sad looking at his sheaths. " I've been studying you, and your..." "I'll tell you more later" said Magento in a distracted tone. "It will begin soon, won't it?" Asked Robert. "Yes,and I want you and Vance, to be ready will attack the humans soon enough, and will destroy any of those X-Men who get in the way" Magento said with a malevolent smirk on his face. "You two are dismissed, until the plans are ready" Magento said standing up from his chair and walking towards the back of his room, and opening a dark-sliver door. Vance and Robert left the room and went into the courtyards to tell anyone, there the news they'd just heard.

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Proffessor X's kids


Name: Sapphire Griffin


Appearance: long, brown hair (usually worn in a loose ponytail), blue eyes, tall, tan, average weight, large, blue angel-like wings


Nickname: Sky


Age: 14


Gender: female


Mutant ability: flight, enabled by two large, blue, angel-like wings. healing factor


Bio: Sapphire used to be an extremely outgoing girl, but at the age of 13, she grew two blue wings and became very shy, not wanting to get near anyone in fear they might notice her wings under her clothes. She was made fun of on a daily basis by a group of girls at her school. One day she had enough of it and got into a fight with one of the girls in the group, but it quickly backfired when the girl punched Sapphire in the face and she got knocked out. As she fell down, her shirt got caught on something and it ripped, revealing one of her wings. When she woke up she was in an anti-mutant group's head quarters, in a small room. She was there for days, scared of what they would do to her. One day the X-Men came to the anti-mutant groups head quarters and destroyed it. Angel went back through the building to see if there were any mutants there. There was a door that was locked, but he was able to unlock it, and to his suprise there was a mutant girl sitting in a corner, Sapphire.


Who found you: Angel (Warren Worthington III)

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Allen flew the ship into the city where fire was coming out of one guys hands. "Pyro" Allen said as he landed the ship. Everyone was running away while Allen and Auroa ran into the chaos. Allen got behind a huge dumpster and pushed it towards Pyro to keep him unharmed from the flames. Allen looked around to see what his new partner was up to.

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Aurora took a few steps back and then waited for a chance. She saw Pyro distracted and she ranned towards him and aura claws appeared in her hands. Pyro saw her at the last second and pointed at her and shotted some flames. Aurora then covered herself with aura and passed through the flamed and clawed at Pyro over and over again. She then pointed her claws at him and they extended and she got his leg. She spun around then threw him against the ground.

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Allen saw Pyro stoppped his fire and lifted up the dumpster with strength he didn't know he had. Allen looked at Aurora "Aurora move" Allen saw her turn around and run. Allen threw it at Pyro and knocked him to the ground. Allen saw him Unconcious and ran up to him He slid on one knee grabbing his flame throwers. Allen melted them and looked at Aurora to see waht was next.

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Aurora stared at him. "Well,I guess-"Aurora says when she heard a kid cry. She looked around and saw that it was a lil kid trapped inside a car with broken glass everywhere. Aurora ranned over there and got her aura claws and ripped the door open. She got the kid out. "You'll be allright,I-"Aurora says when the kid kicked her in the face and Aurora fell back and helded her nose witch was bleeding by now. She looked up as the kid transformed. "Crap,Genocide!Mistique![sorry if I misspelled it]"Aurora says. Mistique smirked and almost punched her when Aurora jumped back. She had heard of her,she had seen pictues of her. Now it was in person.

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Night had fallen, and Eric was outside by himself on the school grounds. He extended his arm towards a lightpost, and electricity began shooting from the light into Eric. Eric then extended his arm to the sky, and electricity shot up into the clouds. The sky illuminated as bolts of electricity jumped from cloud to cloud. I can absorb electricity fine. I can discharge electricity fine. I can generate electricity fine.... so WHY is it that I can't touch something without it getting charged?!

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Allen ran over to Mystique and Aurora and was about to help when he was hit by a car from mid air. Allen was trapped under the car but quickly melted it. Allen was Juggernaut standing above him. Allen made a punch and nearly broke his hand. Allen realized that the helmet helped his power. Allen jumped up and grabbed ahold of the helmet melting it off.

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"Bring it on little girl."Mistique says. Aurora growled and charged at her. She claws at her and Mistique jumped from side to side and backflipped avoiding every attack Aurora tried to land on her. She got to land a claw mark on her,and she was bleeding a bit from it. Mistique jumped back and just laughed. Aurora stared and then pointed her claws towards her. Suddenly teh claws extended like crazy and went right at Mistique. Mistique jumped and dodged as teh claws went towards her and crashing against the ground once or twice befre trying to get her again.

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Sapphire looked out of her window and noticed what looked like lightning in the clouds. She walked outside and saw a student standuing out there He had brown hair and glowing blue eyes. She hadn't met very many students at the school so she would try to take this oppertunity to meet someone new for once. She approached the boy and nervously clutched one of her wings. "Hi. I'm Sapphire. What's your name?" She asked. "So...I take it your powers involve electricity... That's cool..." She said shyly. She wasn't used to talking very much with people. Pretty much the only people she had talked to in the past few weeks were Warren and the proffessor.

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Magneto's Army


Name: Unknown



Posted Image


Smiler to picture, but with more plates on the legs. Eye ports are blue. Much leaner. Can lift his visor to see his eyes. Pale skin. Brown eyebrows. Grey eyes.


Nickname:Bellator (Latin for warrior)


Age:Unknown, most likely late teens to early twenties.


Gender: Male.


Mutant ability: Living power source. Enough juice to power a small town. Does not get tired, does not need sleep, does not need food or water. High energy output means he can heal faster then normal. He can't 'shoot' his energy. Can safely power most devices. Currently powers a power suit grafted to him.


Equipment:Suit ups his strength, speed, and agility. Built-in computer hardwired to his brain, giving him a high mental speed, a perfect memory and a database of information in his head. Several different vision filters are built into his helmet. The suit is made of all non-metal materials (explained later). Several built-in energy weapons in his suit, but he prefers not to use them. Uses two plasma pistols that he powers. He also has a specially made long sword and whip that he can power to cut through most objects.



Bio: Bellator does not remember his life. From what he has been able to piece together, he was kidnapped by a pro-human organization and mind wiped in order for them to create a mutant soldier to use on other mutants. The suit he now wears was specially made for him. Since it did not need any other power source but him, it has several advancements that were otherwise impossible. It was constructed with non-metal materials with Magneto in mind. During one of the hunts his masters sent him on, a mutant grabbed him and began to try to destroy his mind. The mutant was shot down an instant later by Bellator's human handlers. The mutant's ability damaged the programing controlling Bellator, allowing his mind and a basic personality to take control. This new personality did not like his old captures. He killed his handlers and got the other mutants away from the area, He then started a one man war on those whose prosecuted mutants. He was later approached by Magneto to join his army and destroy the organization that had enslaved him. Bellator agreed. He has lately been having images of a girl with multi-colored hair pop into his mind.


Personality: Cold and mechanical. Has a code of conduct. Though he hates and will kill any anti-mutant human, he will not kill any human he considers an innocent. He does not hate humans in general and believes that humans could be an asset. While he is mostly cold, some things have been shown to provoke an emotion from him.

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Aurora concentrated very hard on this. She got Mistique. Mistique fell back and helded her wound. She glared at Aurora. Aurora got her aura claws back to her normal sharp self and stared at Mistique. Mistique charged at her. Aurora charged at her as well. They clashed. Mistique would go for punched and kicks and Aurora would try to stab her and do massive damage. Mistique then got a hold of Aurora's wrists and was pushing her backand down. Aurora growled.

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Allen punched him in the face knocking him down. Allen also had a really strong side to him beside his power. He lifted a car and threw it at Juggernaut. Allen watched the explosion from the car agiant his body, it was loud and powerful. Allen saw he was still up moving around. Allen ripped off a car door and smacked him down with it. "Get up from that punk. Allen then ran off to check on Aurora. "You ok?" Allen asked her.

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"Kind of,help?"Aurora asks as Mistique almost had her where she wanted to attack her. But then Aurora moved her fingers and then concentrated and the aura made her claws extremely long and sharp. Blood drops fell down. Mistique's. The aura claws had pierced right through her shoulders. Aurora took this chance and kicked her off and then slammed her aura claws on the ground and aura spikes came flying into the air and came right at Mistique. Mistique jumped back and helded her wounds. Aurora stared and got ready incase she were to fight more.

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Allen nodded and grabbed Mystique and threw her into the air. Then he grabbed the light pole and hit Mystique sending her flying. Juggernaut rann off after her. Allen and Aurora went into their ship and flew off back to school they debreifed proffeser X about the mission succes well it was a success for now, they werent dead just beaten for now. Allen walked out of the briefing room and liked at Aurora "Good job out there today, this was my first mission" ALlen said

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Aurora smiled and noded. "This was my second. First one I screwed up big time. I'm glad I got to do one right."Aurora says. He noded and then headed off to their rooms since it was late and tomorow they had their classes and training. Aurora got to her hallway where her room was. She then walked to her room and said goodnight to Allen. Then when Allen was about to leave Aurora interrupted a bit. "Amazing work out there Geno-er,Allen. Hope we get to go on a mission like that again soon."Aurora says sensing his aura. It was stable on the outside and burning on the sinside with power. She waved him goodnight and entered her room. She closed the door and went to sleep.

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Bellator moves toward a flaming ruin of a car. He rips the door off to get to the driver. A young man covered in reptile scales lay unconscious in the front seat. He grabs him and gets him out off the burning car. A quick look over confirmed that the young man was unharmed. Lucky that the human gunning for him had been a poor shot.

The young mutant stirs awake. He starts in fear at seeing Bellator leaning over him.

"I am not here to harm you." Bellator says, his voice having a metallic edge to it.

The young mutant nods.

"Name?" Bellator asks.

"M..Manny Johnson." Manny stammers.

"Manny Johnson, do you know why you were attacked?"

"N..no. It was all so sudden."

Tears well up in Manny's eyes.

"And I thought we were getting through to them."

"How so?" Bellator inquires.

"Me and some other mutants have been working with local charity groups to show the human's we are just like them. I...I thought they were beginning to understand."

Bellator understood. What Manny was doing was noble, but impractical. Some humans would understand, but there was always the haters.

"I know a place" Bellator says. "Where you and your friends could be safe. One of Magneto's-"

"Magneto?" Manny asks, incredulously. "That guy wants war, no matter what."

Manny shakes his head.

"I don't want that, man."

Bellator stands up.

"Noble, but foolish. You could still be attacked."

Manny stands up as well.

"So? We have to show these guys we ain't monsters. Just normal people. Like Jackie said."

"Jackie?" Bellator asks.

In his mind, Bellator searches his database for a Jackie, but found none.

"Yeah, Jackie Greer." Manny explains. "He started this whole plan. Talked to people, made fliers and everything."

Manny fishes in his pocket. He pulls out a crumpled up piece of paper. He straightens it out and hands it to Bellator.

"This is one of his." Manny says.

Bellator looks at the flier and examines it. It had several mutants standing around in normal street clothes, with a printed message saying that they were no different than the other kids in the city. Bellator ignores most of this when he notices one of the mutants in the background. It was the multi-colored hair girl who had been appearing in Bellator's mind. He show Manny the picture, pointing at the girl.

"Who is she?" He says in the same flat, cold tone he had before.

"Her?" Manny says, scratching his head. "No idea. Didn't know most of Jackie's crowd. Haven't seen a lot of them for a while."

"And that did not worry you?" Bellator asks, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Hey, man." Manny says, backing away a few steps. "Jackie and his crew moved all around. Figured they moved to some other city."

Bellator looks at the flier again, storing it's image in his mind. He hands in back to Manny.

"I suggest you find some place safe to stay, Manny Johnson. Your friends as well."

"You got it." Manny says as he starts moving away from Bellator.

A few feet away, Manny stops. He turns back.

"What happened to the guy that attacked me?"

Bellator looks over at the alley were he had left the human's corpse.

"He will not be bothering you again." He states.

With that, Bellator leaves.

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"Hey you two need to get to sleep. You both have school tomorrow." Cyclops said to Sapphire and Eric as he walked outside. "Okay Mr. Summers." Sapphire replied. She went back inside with Cyclops and followed him until he walked into a room with some of the other adults. Sapphire was curious about why they were all meeting so she opened the door slightly and listened to their conversation. "Magneto's numbers have been rising rapidly lately. The humans may not be safe." Sapphire heard the professor say. Then Wolverine said "Guess them students need some more trainin'" "That may be so Wolverine. It could be dangerous for them if they don't." Professor Xavier replied. Sapphire walked away to her room thinking about what they said. She thought to herself, 'Dangerous?! I thought that we were supposed to be safe at this school!' she walked in her room and then went to sleep.

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Bellator returns to Magneto's base after making sure he was not being followed. When he arrives, he goes directly to his room. In his spartan room, he finds a file from Mystique on his next target. As he was memorizing the information on his target, he hears a knock on his door. He moves over to the peep hole in his door. He sees Toads face fill the peep hole. Bellator opens the door.

"Yes, Toad?" Bellator inquires.

"Yeah, the master wants to talk ta you." Toad says in a nervous tone.

"I will be there." Bellator states, then closes the door in Toads face.

Bellator moves over to a laptop he has set up on a card table. He quickly enters the name 'Jackie Greer' in a web crawler to find all information on the person. He then goes toward his rooms door and exits the room. He is pleased to see that Toad is no where to be seen. He closes his door and heads towards Magneto's office.

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Eric went back into his room, and lyed on his bed. He looked at the light above him. Magneto's coming for us now, too... why is it that I can't catch a break? I still can't even control my powers... His thoughts began to wander. How is Aurora doing? That was the first human contact I've had in 6 years, even if it was with a layer of aura - whatever it is. I hope she's alright... Eric extended his arm to the light and drained it of electricity, making the lights in his room go out. Eric then went to sleep.

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Aurora woke up by her alarm clock. She threw her pillow at it and yawned. She got her covers over her head. Then her mentor,Nightcrawler appeared on her roof. "Wake up AuraSeeker. You must get to your first class."Nightcrawler says. "Yes sir."Aurora says. Nightcrawler then dissapears. Aurora satted up and stretched. She fixed her hair and got dressed. She got her headphones back on and then remembered that her MP3 was dead. But she didn't cared though. She setted it down and then got her bag with her stuff and went down to get breakfest before entering her first class.

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Eric's alarm clock went off. He extended his arm and shot a stream of electricity at it, destroying it. I bit later, Eric heard a knock at the door. "I know, Scott. You want me to go to class, and I will." Scott walked in. "I also want you to eat. Secluding yourself like this isn't healthy." Scott then left. Eric got up and dressed himself. When he was fully clothed, he reached into one of his bags and grabbed a pair of rubber gloves. He despised them, but it was the only way for him to keep his electricity in control.


Eric finally made his way into the lunchroom, where the cook serving the food was clearly hesitant to give him a metal tray. Eric sighed and showed that he was wearing gloves. He recieved his tray and sat down by himself.

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Aurora got her tray of food and walked around. She could feel the aura all over. There some normal,some sleepy,others,meh,wierd. Then she noticed the stranged spicked up aura again. She walked around following the aura and soon realized it was that kid again. "Oh yeah. Eric."Aurora says. She walks over to him and noticed the rubber gloves. She could feel his aura was spikced up. But was glumpy also. She walked over to him. "Morning Eric. Can I seat here with you?"Aurora asks politetly.

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