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possibility of kh3 final mix

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Kingdom hearts 3 is going to come later in 2014 in Japan possibly.We know that this is the game that finishes the xehanort saga. We will get new worlds in kingdom hearts 3 possibly. Kingdom heart 3 will be a great game, also in 2015,2016, or 2017 we might see kingdom heart 3 final mix information on kh13. like other final mix games they reveal games that are coming from the kingdom hearts series,So what might be revealed in kingdom hearts 3 final mix most likely another saga.Also kingdom hearts 3 could have some information for an upcoming saga, so do you think we will get a lot of information about an upcoming saga in kingdom hearts 3 final mix also leave a response of what you think will happen in kingdom hearts 3 and another upcoming saga

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What makes you think it'll be out in 2014? They still have to finish Versus 13, which won't be out until 2012 at the earliest. Then they'll start working on it. It takes longer than two years to fully make a good game, especially on the PS3. At the earliest it may be out in 2015. I don't know why you're worried about a Final Mix for it yet, when it hasn't even started to be made. Besides, it won't be outside of Japan anyways.

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who told u thoes years its unconfermed (gosh ur worse then that guy who tried to predict the end of the world even thow it says u cant)ANYWAY! ITS VERY HIGH IN POSIBLITY!

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Well like Azure said there is stil FFVersus 13 wich is or will be a pretty big AAA game and the release its about early or mid *i dont know* 2012 so with that said KH3 will problaby be an over the top AAA game since its the end of the Xehanort saga and will probably take some time to release so 2015 may be *possibly* pretty accurate

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