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Who do you think will pass the Mark of Mastery test in KH3D?


118 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will pass the Mark of Mastery test in KH3D?

    • Sora
    • Riku
    • Neither
    • Both

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I say riku because he has no fear of darkness and can easily harness it without being consumed. Plus he can also use light to a certain extent. Sora, on the other hand, can only use light. Also, it seems like a sneaky thing that Nomura would use to throw us off.

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I say neither, because no one has voted for it, and because if neither of them passed it, that would be a great plot twist! No one would see it coming. It'd be like "Ok, we finished the test!" "Yup, you finished alright. But neither of you passed. :P "

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I say neither, because no one has voted for it, and because if neither of them passed it, that would be a great plot twist! No one would see it coming. It'd be like "Ok, we finished the test!" "Yup, you finished alright. But neither of you passed. :P "


if they both lost then that would make me pissed xD

and Nomura will just be sitting in his room hearing people cry out in angst as he wears his troll face

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Pass or fail, Yen Sid needs to pass on important knowledge to them and its kind of just protocol to see if they're ready for it. To show that they can defend themselves and not fall prey to their own ambitions, and do whatever task is at hand while looking out for others, not themselves. If they are to be judged as harshly as Terra was, they'd both fail.


Sora had anti!form issues all through KH2. That might be a real problem, if his darkness can be tampered with by an outside source. Sora's also quick to jump to conclusions and fight what he's told is bad and side with whatever appears good. He could be fooled too easily by an enemy pretending to be a new friend.


In Riku's case... well that poor boy needs therapy forever. Whether he's too afraid to think or too pissed to think, 'Ansem' appearing at all is only going to set him off into an emotional extreme. That and he has major issues with forgiving himself.


Both have their obvious imperfections, and they'd both fall short. But they need to be passed on anyway, because it no longer matters if they're the best the worlds have to offer: They're the only ones the worlds have.


Sora's reaction to a mark of mastery test? What? I just saved the worlds twice over, I thought I already was one.

Riku's reaction? Not interested. I've had enough crazy stuff happen.


Both will continue to want to defend people who need to defending. Neither should feel they need a master's title.

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I think they'll both make it just cause both are so powerful and have come so far. And riku learned how to control the darkness so well. There is no doubt in my mind they will both make it.

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I don't see the point in Nomura deciding for them to take the Mark of mastery and both of them fail. I would usually go for both passing, but I'm going with a different approach. I have a feeling Riku is going to pass and Sora will fail. Usually, in some shows(forgot which) they have the main character failing in something, but when the main character faces the bad guy they find a way to win. I think Nomura will use this approach.

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fool.i think both will pass besides terra aqua and ven (i guess)will be back on kh3

not kh3d fool -cross-


fool. It might be a surprise twist. You don't know if Terra will be in KH3D. We know Xemnas will be in it. So Terra is already kind of in it.

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Both would be so boring and predictable. I'll be disappointed if they both pass. There's just no exciting conflict with that.


I voted Riku, btw. I think that result would be the most jaw dropping xD I love Sora, but you don't need to be a master to do great things.

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Both would be so boring and predictable. I'll be disappointed if they both pass. There's just no exciting conflict with that.


I voted Riku, btw. I think that result would be the most jaw dropping xD I love Sora, but you don't need to be a master to do great things.


What I said in my post. lol

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I think sora passes and riku fails because both are skilled fighters, like aqua and terra but terra ended up failing because he uses darkness,as does riku

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