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Real sea salt icecream

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I've made some. It's really quite nice. Just so you know, sea salt ice cream comes from a special treat Noruma came across while he was in Disney Land Japan, I believe. He liked it so much, he put it in his game.

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Stardustblade358 gave me this recipe a long time ago:






2 eggs


2 c. milk


1/3 cup sugar


1 t. vanilla


1 c. heavy whipping cream


sea salt to taste


blue food coloring (optional)


ice pop molds (optional)








Separate the eggs into two good sized bowls and beat the egg whites until stiff. Mix the egg yolks and sugar until thick. Slowly bring milk to boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Pour hot milk into yolk/sugar mixture and mix well. Pour milk/yolk/sugar mixture back into pot and heat on medium until thicker to make a custard. Do not boil. Pour custard in with beaten egg whites and mix well. Add sea salt (keeping adding salt until it tastes salty sweet). Put mixture in fridge to cool. Once cool, add cream, vanilla and coloring to mixture. Freeze, following your ice cream maker’s instructions. If you wish, get some ice pop molds. Spray the inside of these with very little PAM spray (or something similar). Then pour the ice cream into the molds right after it comes out of the ice cream maker. Pop the lid on and the sticks in and freeze for at least two hours.

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