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it's not because of anyone on this site, i like most of you guys.

it's also not because of the recent changes to the site, i liked those.


it's just that i'm really not interested in being on this site anymore, it seems like a chore to check through the forums i go on.

i've gotten everything i can out of this site.


i might come back in the future, who knows?


it's been fun guys :)


btw, I have one thing to say before i go: for all you newbies on the site, IMPROVE YOUR GRAMMAR.

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I agree with you ObsidianEagle about a lot of users using bad grammar. But you don't even use capitals when their needed.


We've had our issues but their all hopefully resolved. Perhaps you will come back, but it's fine if you don't.


Enjoy your life ObsidianEagle!

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Adios American eagle.


I feel that i should point out the fact that i'm from England


Wait, didn't DC tell us to post happy stuff in here?


yeah i know, sucks that i'm adding to the group of threads that i always complain about :P

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I agree with you ObsidianEagle about a lot of users using bad grammar. But you don't even use capitals when their needed.


We've had our issues but their all hopefully resolved. Perhaps you will come back, but it's fine if you don't.


Enjoy your life ObsidianEagle!


It's not bad grammar some people are using, it's just text speed

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