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The Last Keyblade Weilders!

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Quentin rolled his eyes.

"I'm not trying to betray anyone, I'm trying to keep us all alive." He said. he put the pictures away, the people watching already saw Kristor, as that thing, they all thought Kristor was hiding something. But that could wait for later, Quentin walked oout of the room, one of them sighwed.

"That boy's ego is so inflated because of his parents." They said, Quentin chuckled.

"HE practically thinks he's god, if he trully believes his own bullshit." Quentin said, the others nodded, he walked out off the room to the tech room. The technitions seemed to be having problems.

"Anything th ematter?" He asked. One of them sighed.

"Part of our motherboard has a virus, we need a new one, or we'll have trouble adjusting to the virusses." He sai, quentin sighed.

"Alright, I'll head into town and try to find something." Quentin said.

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Xaphille runs after Quentin.

"HEY! Dont just leave me here! i dont want to get attacked again" she says flying to him not relising it.

"sooo... im still confused where am i and what were those things that attacked me, they werent nobodies cause those vanished when i turned ten, they werent heartless cause they didnt have the same darkness as them..."

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Quentin looked to her.

"Alright, I'll tell you on the way." Quentin said, the technitions gave him a piece of paper on the exact model, he put it in his pocket, they walked out of the walkway to Twilight Town.

"Alright, thiose things are called anti-blades, threy appeared like Five years ago, they are atracted to keyblade weilders, and are the reason why there are so few of us. We don't know much about the Anti-blades, so the best we can do is survive." Quentin said, he then thought about Kristor.

"However, our 'leader' is obsessed with killing they're leader, but we don't haqve the resources to look into this." Quentin said, she nodded. They continued on the way.

"SO I suppose your a new member, what's your name?" he asked.

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As Kristor wakes up he feels a sharp pain in his head and a voice comes in saying "Reptile!"

Kristor falls to the floor screaming in pain then his teeth start to go sharp, and his hair turns back into that dark Greeen colour then the blood still leaking from his arm turns green and with it his sking starts to turn green with scales. The his tounge turned into what looks like a snakes tounge then his eyes start to turn red and the pupil goes long and thin like a cats eye, his toes were then painfully replaced with two spikes and one at the heel of his foot then his the nails on his hand went hard and bone like and were claws, all he can think about is too kill but his normal half breaks through the kill side and when he woke up he wondered why he was green he looked in the mirror and screamed. But his scream was more like a roar suddenly a light appears around him and he teleports to Twilight Town and he is infront of Quentin.

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"ok i think i get it" she said thinking.

"Yea im a new member... so... im really out of date here if they appeared five years ago, well im Xaphille but just call me Zeph..." she said still walking with Quentin.

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(wtf is happening? D:)

Jackie ran infront of Kristor. "Quenton what the hell happend? I heard screaming." She said in a concern way. She looked at Kristor. "Kristor are you ok? You look very sick." She started pacing back and fourth.

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"alright, Zeph, well I'm Quentin, I've been part of the team for a long time now." He said,t he girll nodded, he walked into Twilight Town, he suddenly saw Kristor there, he was changed again, he looked to Zeph.

"Head to the nearest computer store and try to find a motherboard with these specifications." Quentin said handing her the piece of paper, she nodded an dhurried away, he walked towards Kristor.

"Something on your mind?" HE asked.

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"Well thank you for ignoring me." Jackie said angry. "Im going back to base. I think you should too, its really dangerous out here especially with lizard boy. When you guys get back can you please tell me what happend?" She went to walk away. When she got back to base, she went to her room and jumped on her bed. "What a long night. She said as she sighed. "What ever is wrong with Kristor, i hope he gets well soon." She said as she stared at the ceiling.

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Jason took a Rider to Twilight Town. He began to walk around the streets, not seeing anyone or anything. If there's anything I've learned about these monsters, it's that whenever you think you're safe... Jason slowly looked up. On top of one of the buildings were dozens of Anti-Blades, gazing down on him. ...you're not. "Well, you just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to come down and fight?"


Dozens of Anti-Blades jumped down from the building, all of them surrounding Jason. Jason barely turned his head to see all the monsters around him. He drew his Keyblade and cracked his neck, smirking under his hood. "Alright, you freaks. Let's go..." All the Anti-Blades charged at Jason.

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Kristor felt weak and couldnt easily stand up, when he finally stood up spikes started to grow on Kristors back and he grew a tail with sharp spikes on it and the tip was sharper than a sword. "Reptile..." Kristor said then fell unconcious again as a few Anti-Blades started to run in and grab me...

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"uhhhh... ok" Zeph runs throgh the town and sees a computer town. she looks back...

"crap now i dont know my way back... well i guess ill look for this computer." she said looking down at the paper. she walks in the store and the first computer she sees is the one with the same discription.

"now what to i do drag it to him?"

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(Don't be afraid from FFVIII plays in the backround.)

Quentin immediately lunged towards one of the ABs, and then kicked at anothewr, one jumped him, he ducked and immediately fired a Firaga spell. it hit it, and the thign fell to the ground. He hurried to Kristor. He was still knocked out.

'I need to get you out of here.' he thought to himself, quentin slowly picked him up, and carried him on his back, Kristor was strange and scaley. he saw Zeph.

"You found it... we just needed the motherboard." Quentin said, she shrugged.

"It's fine, now we just gotta find th eportal out of here." Quentin said. he saw more Anti-blades.

"Hurry." He said, going faster.

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"OKAY IM HURRING!!!" she summons her keyblade and throws it up.

"Dark power lend me your strength!" her keyblade turns black. she throws it at the anti-hearts and it obliterates a couple. they go faster.

"Umm... quentin i think i made them mad" she dashes.

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Several Anti-Blades were charging at Quentin and Zeph. They were running at full speed, but the Anti-Blades were gaining. A large group of them lunged at Quentin and Zeph.




A wall of black flames shot out of the ground and pushed the Anti-Blades back. They kept trying to go through, but to no avail. Jason landed in front of them, holding his Keyblade in his right hand, and an Anti-Blade's head in his other. He slowly stood up, facing away from the group. "I wasn't aware any other Keyblade wielders were alive, let alone fighting..."

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"Good work." Quentin said, Zenn fiollowe dbeside them, he summoned his keyblade, they fired Blizzaga spells., Quentin used reflect, it sent them back.

"Gravigra." Quentin said, a black ball went from the end of his blade, it hit them and stopepd them for a moment.

"anything to slow them down." Quentin said, they reached the portal, it was in the usual spot, Quentin hurried in, and then looked back carefully.

"Alright, nobody followed us." Quentin said, Zeph and the others used the portal, Kristor was now back at the base. Quentin then walked out.

"Alright, who was that guy?" He thought in his mind, he wlaked out and saw someone fighting the Anti-blades, Quentin hurried out beside him. His keyblade appeared.

"Need some help?" HE asked.

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Kristor wakse up while Quentin is carrying him, Kristor then turns invisible and jumps out of Quentins grasp, Quentin watches as he strangely sees the Anti-Blades dying somehow as if a ghost is killing them. Kristor then turns Visible and spits acid at one of the Anti-Blades faces and the face burns off with the flesh revealing its skull, Kistor turns to Quentin and sees that Quentin has a confused face on him. Then an Anti-Blade runs up to Kristor turning its hand into a blade then trying to stab him but instead gets his hands (blades) caught in the ground and is struggling to pull them out then Kristor impails the monster with his hand then pulls out its heart from its chest then shoves the heart down its throatand spits acid down its throat too. Kristor watches as the monster burns up then explodes into pieces and blood was splattered everywhere.

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"ill help too" she summons her keyblade again.

"FIRE! WIND! COMBONATION!" once again her keyblade was cloaked with bursts of fire and gusts of wind which then shot out of the keyblade. it only got a few.

"ARRRGGG! ill just charge at them" she runs after the creature but the imediatly jumped onto her trying to devour her.

she went blank. she was cloaked in darkness and couldnt control herself she killed every single one of them and left the trance then passed out.

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The guy nodded and kept fighting, they went for a while until Kristor randomly re-apepared.

He swtared at Quentin, then lunged towards the Anti-blades, starting his rampage, Quentin sighed and fought against the other Anti-blades, after an hour they were all gtone, atleast for the time being.

"Well, that was good." quentin sighed, the jason guy nodded.

"I'm Quentin, me and, well him are part of this resistance group of keyblade weilders, you should consider joining." Quentin said, the guy nodde,d quentin then handed him a card with information. The guy took it.

"Just take the Portal in the room we ran into." Quentin said, the guy nodded, He looekd to Zeph. He put his hand over her mouth, without touvching it.

"she's still breathing." HE said, she was knocked out, he should probably get her to the portal as well.

Quentin then looked to Kristor, he seemd more bloodthirsty then ever. Quentin walked towards him.

"are you alright?" HE asked.

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Xaphille woke up to the guy leaning over her, and Quentin standing next to him.

"wh- what happened i remember going through the portal but... i dont remember what happened afterwards" she trys stand up but intantly fell back down.

"did i lose control again, quentin?"

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Kristor looked at him "I.." he was about to continue but he turned invisible and ran into the portal back to base, Kristor got into his room and looked in the mirror again.

He was still reptile looking and he has blood all over his hands.

"Why is this happening!?" Kristor shouted the spat acid at the mirror, Kristor lay on his bad then the spikes on his back pearced through the matress "Oh you've got to be kidding me!?" Kristor said then saw Quentin come into his room.

"So...Are you going to make a cage for me and call me Lizard Boy from now on?" Kristor asked sarcastically.

He walked to the sink to wash the blood from his hands.

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Quentin sighed looking at her.

"I guess, yuo need to be careful." Quentin said, she sighed, he helped her up, then Kristor dissipeared.

"C'mon, let's ehad back to base." Quentin said, Quentin looekd to Jason.

"Will you come along?" HE asked, the guy said he was busy with somethign else."

"Oh... alright, see you around." Quentin said, they got to the portal. They re-appeared back in base, Quentin walked into Kristor's room.

"So...Are you going to make a cage for me and call me Lizard Boy from now on?" he asked sarcastcly, Quentin sighed.

"Kristor, I'm not the enemy, we have so many problems, and your making it so difficult." HE said, Kristor rolled his eyes then looekd at the mirror.

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Kristor scrached the mirror with his claws "I know I'm making trouble lately" He says in an apologising voice "But I just can't let go of the death of my parents its like I want them alive...Fate sucks" He said examining his claws. "And umm..sorry for the trouble I've caused you I know on my first day of leading all I really did was sit in my room and keep the door locked so no one would come, the second year when I was twealve do you remember when I accidentally let in the Anti-Blades and they nearly destroyed the whole place?" Kristor asked Quentin.

Quentin nodded

"Then.." Kristor said.

"After last year I mix two of those feelings the feeling of stupidity and bossiness and the feeling of sorrow and torture in my heart" Kristor said.

"I'd be better dead than stay as a monster like this and to have these feelings curse my life and our team" Kristor said then he tore off a smashed piece of the mirror then looked at his face.

"I'm a freak..." Kristor said then crushed the small piece of mirror in his hands.

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