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Guest cal_blueboy

Post a picture of yourself!

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Lookie what came in the mail. :))




And with the hood up. (and wearing a sport scarf on my face) lol



I want that hoody.

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So I'm really not photogenic and I'm super embarrassed by showing these pictures but my friends convinced me I should.



Love the glasses ;3

My sister took a picture of my nephew and me wearing matching sweaters on our birthday. I think it's a cute picture so I thought I'd share ^^[img=http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/7679/bdaybostonme.jpg]

D'awwwww, you guys look adorable! :3

[img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/189989_413781858693758_822612350_n.jpg]Me with my sister, and a friend of mine, at Plano B (A club).Got a pretty rough hangover after that ~.~

You have all the ladies. xP

Here is picture of me (duh) I know that I suck at photography, but at least I got something. I also cropped the picture little bit. Also: I have been sick for sometime so my nose is kinda red from all sneezing and my skin is more pale than usual. 

Not bad at all. ;D


Heh. Thought so ;)You have that cute voice too ;-; EDIT: I just finished eating chocolate after my TT practice :3 I couldn't get a pic though >.< maybe tmrw 83 In the meanwhile... ME WITH MY TEAM TRACKSUIT: 


 IT'S COLD SO I HAS JACKET. ITS STILL COLD. [img=http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif] Picture 042.jpg 



 That's all folks :3


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Been a while since I posted a picture.


Me serving as "MI6 Security" at a James Bond Casino Royale themed school event. 



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You look really good! :)

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koko goddamn you look just amazing o-o





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Me at the Christmas Party. :3



you look adorable :3






Been a while since I posted a picture.


Me serving as "MI6 Security" at a James Bond Casino Royale themed school event. 



Posted Image



There is also a horrible picture of me without the sunglasses standing by some of my friends. It was done with the craptastic Iphone camera, the lighting is bad, and I look odd because I just had a fake fight with one of my friends (not pictured) that resulted with me causing myself to fall on my rump and back, rustle up my suit, and leave me dazed and in pain for half the night. xD


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you look really good =D

Edited by Shana09

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Been a while since I posted a picture.


Me serving as "MI6 Security" at a James Bond Casino Royale themed school event. 



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There is also a horrible picture of me without the sunglasses standing by some of my friends. It was done with the craptastic Iphone camera, the lighting is bad, and I look odd because I just had a fake fight with one of my friends (not pictured though the friend that took the top picture is on the far right.) that resulted with me causing myself to fall on my rump and back, rustle up my suit, and leave me dazed and in pain for half the night. xD


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You look good without the mask ;)

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