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Guest cal_blueboy

Post a picture of yourself!

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I'm going to convince myself you are all mythical creatures 'cause no human being could be that beautiful or handsome and bewitch me the way you guys did. Dx You're all making me feel so unpretty and self-conscious. I'd like to post a picture but my parents are paranoid when it comes to privacy on the Internet. Maybe on my 17th birthday, I'll post a picture. o3o I'm planning to dye my hair black with purple and/or blue streaks so maybe it'll be possible then. That is, if I get away with without my parents knowing.

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Hey guys look at my moirail she's pretty


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I look weird without my glasses.



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Much better.


Also guys look who's on my sweatshirt


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Could you guys take your discussion elsewhere? A picture thread isn't the place to have it ._.


Sorry, but you can make comments of the photos people post... Sice it's a picture tread, I think you can talk about it, right? (Last comment wasn't exactly about it... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png)

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This is a post a picture of yourself thread not a post a picture of yourself and have a conversation thread. You two can keep discussing whatever on chat or through private messages. One or two comments is fine but after that it becomes spam

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