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Guest cal_blueboy

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I got a haircut, and made a shocking discovery... I look like my brother, who is two years older than me o-e.


It's not really noticeable with glasses, but without my glasses, it's really noticeable (blargh, my face is starting to break out Dx! Do I look pale to you? o-o)


I was like, "...Holyshiz...". I guess it's because that people thought my brother and I were twins when we were little, and some people still think we're twins if we're side by side, but I never really saw it before o-o.

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My computer is being mean so I can't post a pic of myseld : But I can discribe myself.

I'm 5 ft 6 to thin for my own good (you can everyone of my ribs) I have waist lenght blood red hair. Black eyes and skin the colour of snow. I usally wear all black and shose that go to my knees

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No make up + tired = uglier than usual Koko.

Seriesly, I look exhausted here ._.

Yes I wear some make up ._.

But not in this picture. My skin looks bleh o-o

Koko also looks bored because she was IMing Coded on MSN when she took this picture [:

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I was browsing through my old computers harddrive, when I found some old pictures of me.



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We were at Disney land and my mom told me to sit on the big chair. But I couldn't sit properly cause it was too big I kept sliding off. So I put my legs up.


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Best picture evar!

Me and Winnie :)


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Older version (7-9 I forget)

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