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Guest cal_blueboy

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Me passed out after a hiking trip with the Boy Scouts back in August. My little bro knew I was carrying someone precious for the lulz and decided to have a little fun with it. Showed the picture to me later and I said "It looks... kinda funny actually. I like it! KEEP IT!"




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Me passed out after a hiking trip with the Boy Scouts back in August. My little bro knew I was carrying someone precious for the lulz and decided to have a little fun with it. Showed the picture to me later and I said "It looks... kinda funny actually. I like it! KEEP IT!"

Kairi's going: " I'll protect you! " 



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This was an accident one, but I'm posting 'cause I'm wearing my rocking headphones, and because it's a rare non-glasses pic. ( Pushed wrong button on DS, so NO I'm not smiling in it. ) 


Dude...now tht I see a clear picture of you and without your glasses, you REALLY look like a guy in my school. Is your name Brandon or something? Actually scratch that, I don't even know his firetruckin' name lol.

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I've been debating this for a while now and I've decided it's time to show my face in KH13.  I've been here for a year plus.

Posted Image

Here's a photo of me at my Anime Club at college.  I'm the cool looking one with the cool hair, sitting on the table.  The only one sitting on the table.  I'm a sexy Asian, so if you swoon, sorry, I'm taken.   :P  The right side of my hair is shaved here (not anymore) and I'm sitting in front of my girlfriend, sitting on the chair, not the standing one for anyone who cares.  I think we were watching anime at the time.  Anyways, I look like a high school student, I know. >.>  Also I'm writing this in Comic Sans MS because this font is the shit.  Green cause green IS a creative color and it's my favorite :3  Ask Ducky, she knows why.  Yup I'm wearing a green wristband, favorite color as I said.  Anyways, I digress.  Enjoy my very first pic on KH13.  I wanted to post one while I was still Sky Heart.  I might dye my hair green.  You think I can pull it off?

I know what you look like. I will hunt you down m8. I. Will. Hunt. You. Down.

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Holiday Hair? xD You should ask for your hair back. As well as a refund.  :P


Yeah, Briana's parents recommended it and since I'm fairly new to the area I was like why not xD Yeah I don't think it works that way :P Oh well, it'll all be back in less than 6 months.

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