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TIME OF OUR LIFES (sigh ups-

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Story,5 teens come together to save the world from evil.But they all have a power and a keyblade so they all have to take a test to see who the chosen one.But do they want to wast there summer? Can they even come together to save the world and to see who the chosen one?



Here mine.


Nickname,Fire killer




Keyblade,guitar keyblade

bio,She grow up in a small town with her big bro Timmy.There mom and dad died when she was 7.She ready for fun in the sun.




1) obey the KH13 rules

2) No killing off other rp'ers withouth their permission

3) no Godmodding

4) okay to swear, but don't over do it

5)keep it to a pg-13 rate

5)HAVE FUN!!!!!



If you want you can make your own keyblade

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Heres mine





Keyblade is like a katana its long and rigid

Like kenpachi zaraki


Bio- Preparing for his last summer before college and only wishes to relax and hangout with his friends one last time in the huge city they live in


Appearance- He wears black shoes with a faded gray sole on them, he wears black khaki shorts and a black shirt with gold lines runing up and down in zigzags across it and a dark gray jacket with a long hood, he has long hair and bangs that cover up his eyes almost completely. 6 foot 2 inches

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Heres mine





Keyblade is a large yellow key with a bolt of lightning on the top

It has a static shock when it hits enemy


Bio:Can't wait for summer for the fun in sun and beaches and tan but will miss friends for they are all going on trips for the summer so he won't have anything to do.


Appearance:Has blonde hair with brown outlining of hair and green eyes and sometimes shocks people and can see sparks coming out of his body when hes really happy or really sad or really mad. 5 feet 10 inches.

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(I love Kenpachi! He's my fav!)


Name: Elena Karoy, "Ellie"

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Power: Holy

Weapon: Keyblade, "Heartguard". A slender Keyblade in the form of a rapier. The hilt is adorned with golden latticework that twists around the silver blade to the tip. The handguard is a twisting trellis of golden vines, each ending with brilliant gemstones. The keychain is a silver cross, and there is no edge on th end of the blade, unlike ohter Keyblades.

Appearance: (http://aquassentiment.deviantart.com/art/Taylor-Swift-reference-pic-209875122 My reference pic) At about 5'10" and 120 lbs, Elena's your average 18 year old. She has short blonde hair that she always keeps up, and often wears a light blue eyeshadow to match her blue eyes. She doesn't care much for fashion, and usually just wears whatever's comfortable. However, she always wears her charm bracelet on her left wrist, which bears a silver cross.

Bio: The "popular girl" at her school, Elena quit cheerleading her sophmore year for the fencing team. Now that she's graduated, Elena plans to go to University.


Do we post Abilities? (Apparently not...)

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Name: Arc

Nickname: Archie

Power: Darkness

Age: 15

Keyblade: "Past Ties." A keyblade with the blade being a heartless insignia. Connects down to the Nobody symbol as the hilt with the Unversed symbol behind it with the handle protruding down the middle of it.

Appearance: messy dirty blond hair. Blue eyes. A kind look on his face


Bio: Looking foward to summer. Wants to relax and make memories he will remember.

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Power:Nature and Earth


Keyblade:Short, Green looking, Has an appearance as a vine fused with torns, Flowering handle and a clover symbol on the between the blade and the handle

Appearance:5'9, Black straight hair pushed back, Green headband, White coat, Green T-Shirt, Yellow scarf, Black jeans, and a lucky charm hanging from his neck

Bio: Friendly, Nice, Strong willed, High endurance, Brendan has lived with his rich parents as a lone child, currently living by himself while his parents are away on a business trip, Not used to being alone for a long time. He actually loves making new friends, and will stay aside with his friends and family in dire times, He is known to sacrifice his own life and well-being for his loved ones.

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Name: Frost


Power:ice and snow

Keyblade:Long, Sky blue looking, Has an appearance of Ice with a snow symbol on the between the blade and the handle

Appearance:5'10, short Black straight hair , Blue headband, Black coat, Blue T-Shirt, red scarf, Black jeans, and a tatoo of a dead family member on his left arm

Bio: Dark , Kind, Strong willed, High endurance, Frost has lived on his own in the artic, surviving only using insticts. Don't get him angry or he will go crazy on you

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Srry i couldnt think of wat to write for my character.









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Yeah, it's kinda hard to do this on the spot. It's a lot of work, so I don't have an appearance for description. I haven't had time to That's why I'm taking my time creating my character's appearance.


EDIT: Well, it's not turning out the way I want, so I'm typing my appearance entry.

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"Ah! How great the sun feels" said Arc from the top of the Twilight Station Tower. "Nothing in the world compares to this! Thats enough!" said Arc getting up and streching. He leaves the Tower and heads towards town to get some Sea Salt Icecream. When Arc purchased his ice cream, he started to wander around town enjoying his ice cream. "I dont want this world to change" thought Arc with a small smile. "Wouldnt trade it for anything."

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"Draz!" yells out too his bestfriend Vante(Vante is a short blue-haired boy with deep red-eyes and he wears a black jacket and blue pants and shoes) from across the street. Draz looks over happily and is happy to see his best friend Vante across the street. "Wait There Vante, I'll be right over yells out Draz running across the street, hoping that the rode is clear. Draz makes it across the street and he gives Vante a quick handshake" "Ya really got stop doing that man or you'll kill yourself one of these days" says Vante hitting Draz on the back. "Whatever man where is everyone, else at we need to go back to the spot" Says Draz pointing toward a small red observatory with a vines ripping threw it and a telescope, where the lens has a terrible crack running through it in a zig-zag pattern located on the top of a very high hill. "Alright,they should be on there way there after all today is the day it happens" says Vante happily, walking in the direction of the tower. "Wait up man!" says Draz, running over to Vante

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