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oath of oblivion

KHBbS my two new theories

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Ansem mentions "earlier reports" detailing his research into darkness, though he claims that he only wrote the first report, which merely posed his question. The earlier reports also chronicle experiences that were only his, such as his meeting with King Mickey. While some of this can be explained by Xehanort's assumption of Ansem, which may have led him to pretend to have Ansem's memories as well, it does not explain Ansem's mention of earlier reports. Especially because the pages in Kingdom Hearts were called simply the "Ansem's Report", it is possible that there were other side reports that Ansem wrote between Ansem's Report 1 and Ansem's Report 2.

A further inconsistency appears with the mention of Ansem's disciples working with Xehanort to study the Heartless. No mention is made of them in the original report, and indeed, it seems to imply that Xehanort was working completely alone.also in the days reports xaldin mention the apprentices all became nobodys to escape the feelings of humanity(human emotion and impulse)sooo im guessing that xehanort accedentaly became a heartless and nobody and soon the others followed on purpose(the apprentices)being garunteed(sp?) everlasting life...BUT others where forced to become nobodys(do you really think demyx had a strong willed heart)....this also explains how they kept there human form(well it does a little)


MF theory:in the days reports there is evidence that ther where more than two replicas made and riku and xion where the prototypes...also different people and there skills can be mixed together in one replica-aka xion(a mix of sora,kiari,and namine).so i can conclude that MF is terra-xehanort mixed with terra,ven,and aqua and posibly(sp?) other aprentices ect. from radient garden


well i hoped you liked my two theories....PLEASE COMMENT/REPLY AND RATE BOTH THEORIES!!!!!

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Honestly, for that first bit with all the details of the reports on them. It wouldn't have hurt you to say which are from the KH1 game, and so on.

As for the actual therories, go back through the games KH2, Days and BBS especially!

The reports we saw in KH1 were written by Xehanort. Ansem's apprecentice. You can tell because Ansem the Wise says that his name has been stolen. And the reports are about the darkness in people's hearts, a subject (shown in KH2) that Ansem did not want to touch.

After that, Ansem the Wise was banished to the Realm of Nothingness somehow by Xehanort and the other five apprecentices who had turned. While Ansem was in the realm of Nothingness, he took on the name DiZ, as Xehanort had taken on the name Ansem. DiZ then wrote another report, which is the one you find in Kingdom Hearts 2. It covers his time in the realm of Nothingness and also what he was doing during CoM and Days. Because of this, it's doubtful he wrote another report, although he always could have. We don't know yet. Something like that might be revealed in KH BBSVol2.

Concerning the first Ansem reports, Xehanort wanted people to believe him to be Ansem and also wanted Ansem the Wise's name to be dragged through the mud. So he made it so that people thought Ansem the Wise created the heartless manufacturing machine and studied Heartless. After 10 years, people thought this to be the truth. He did not mention his fellow disciples, because he had a true plan and did not want to be discovered.


After that, Xehanort and the other five disciples were investigating the darkness in people's hearts. They tested on themselves and became heartless, unintetionally. Because each of them had a strong heart, Nobodies were created as well. These Nobodies were stronger than other Nobodies and had taken form. If there's an actual reason, that has yet to be confirmed, but it was an accident. The thing with Xaldin's report suggests that maybe Xehanort did have a theroy and was investigating Nobodies as well as Heartless but it may also be a mistake or a mistranslation.

Xehanort and the apprentices all turned into Nobodies at the same time though. It is thought that Isa and Lea turned when Maleficent attempted to take over Radiant Garden. But that is uncomfirmed.

It's not clear when 9-12 changed yet, but I don't think you can say that they were forced into it. For all we know, Demyx's somebody may have been a great person with a strong heart. But lost his charismaticness when he turned into a Nobody deviod of emotions.

Now here's a bit you are really messed up on. First of all, I have no clue where you think that there is two other replicas. Vexen made loads of replicas when trying to create Xion. Even after she was created, Vexen was trying to make more. Oh and she's SORA's replica. She's made up of his memories, everyone just sees her differently. Kairi and Namine have nothing to do with her. As for MF. WTF?! I've heard some pretty wierd theories about MF, but that one takes the cake.

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Wow. You sir have no idea how ridiculous that sounds. That's NOMURA logic (which, if it really turns out that way in KH3, I'll give up Square Enix for good).


The dude above said all the real KH facts, so I won't post any more of it. Besides the fact that the days reports only mentioned TWO replicas, which we know as Xion and Riku Replica.

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