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oath of oblivion

xigbar-xemnas reports

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trust me you can get alot out of these reports--(there all from xigbar and xemnas)



Roxas is maturing at an impressive rate. His face, the way he handles the

Keyblade, it's all exactly the same.

The worlds seem so divided and alone, but there's always that steady thread

there to connect them. And we Nobodies can never escape the things we did as

humans. So it goes.



Xion's appearance should vary based on the relation of the viewer to her.

Saïx sees her simply as a puppet. The program approaches completion. Through

Roxas, Xion is assembling a copy of the hero of the Keyblade. As proof, she

sometimes appears to take on his form to my eyes.



Xion's dissaperance is fascinating. If she really is breaking from our control,

it's a sign of her approaching the essence of the hero. It seems Saïx doesn't

truly "see" her. I'm curious to know how she appears to the others. I see her

as... him, though I suspect that Xemnas sees entirely something else in her.


None of us really know everything that's going on in Castle Oblivion. Some

rooms even Xemnas doesn't know about. Not many are ever aware that Xion was

born there. I wonder if the truth about that place will ever surface.



Be they a puppet or the hero's Nobody, we merely need a functional Keyblade

master. The details are unimportant. The puppet has developed to a point where

the hero of the Keyblade may be entirely redundant. Indeed, perhaps we ought

never allow Sora to awaken. He cannot be controlled. He will rise up against

us. We must move our agenda ahead with that firmly in mind.



The gears of Xemnas' plans have begun to spin wild since the loss of half our

membership at Castle Oblivion. The results are there, but can this state of

affairs fairly be called a success? If Kingdom Hearts can be said to possess a

mind of its own, it is surely rejecting Xemnas - no, rejecting Xehanort. Roxas

left the Organization today.



With luck, we can bring Roxas back into our fold, but even if Sora should

awaken, as the hero of the Keyblade, he is bound to keep unlocking hearts.

If he should come to target us, we need simply subdue him and use his powers

ourselves once more. I must become one with Kingdom Hearts. I will become a

higher existence. All of my true ambitions begin there

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