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What random song can you picture various Kingdom Hearts characters randomly singing??

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I'm serious...Like, what song can picture each character randomly jumping up on a surface of some sort and start singing at the top of their lungs??

My thoughts:


Xigbar- Fergalicious

Organization 13- We Are Family

Kairi- I'm A Supergirl

Riku and Sora- I'm A Gangster

Zexion- ...actually, he'd probably be banging his head against his book by now...

Saix- *evil glare* Me: *backing away*

Axel- I'm Bringing Sexy Back (cue the insane, screaming *cough*paid*cough* fangirls)

Demyx- I've Got a Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts (or whatever that song's called...)

Luxord- 99 Bottles of Rum on the Wall

Marloosha- Anything that mentions "Flower Power" http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png

Larxene- The Electric Slide (actually...that's more of a dance, but whatever.)

Roxas- ...actually, he'd be banging his head against Zexion's book, too.



i lost my train of though there...

in other news: there's a really loud motorcycle outside!!! And I know this because I now have a headache from it!!




:) :) :D :D :D :D

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Xigbar & Luxord: We Are The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Zexion: he's probably hiding....

Mickey, Donlad, Goofy, and Sora:Theme song to the Mickey Mouse Club House ( My little sister's watch that all day:@ it's annoying)

Axel: Burn, Baby, Burn

Demyx: I have a Jar of Dirt!

Marluxia: Making his own song about flowers

Roxas: *Running away*

Riku: You Are My Sunshine O_o


can't think of anymore

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Kairi - Teenage Superstar. [i saw an AMV about her with that song once. =__=; Now I can always imagine her singing it like at a kareoke!]

Sora - White and Nerdy [o___o;]

Marluxia - Perfect

Xemnas - I Will Always Love You [He's singing it to Kingdom Hearts. http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png]


lol. Actually, the Xigbar one isn't my idea. I read it in a fanfiction (everyone was singing random songs in Atlantica @.0) and Xigbar was singing Fergalicious. xD

I read the fanfic monthes ago, but it won't stop haunting me!!!!

*Xigbar jumps around and sings Fergalicious at the top of his lungs in kairi's head, driving her further into insanity*


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Xigbar & Luxord: We Are The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

Zexion: he's probably hiding....

Mickey, Donlad, Goofy, and Sora:Theme song to the Mickey Mouse Club House ( My little sister's watch that all day:@ it's annoying)

Axel: Burn, Baby, Burn

Demyx: I have a Jar of Dirt!

Marluxia: Making his own song about flowers

Roxas: *Running away*

Riku: You Are My Sunshine O_o


can't think of anymore


LOLZ! Yeah, Marluxia would sing anything that sounds gay.

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Actually I see Marluxia as more of a serious character more than a flamboyant one... :/ that just me though. Also one of my friends role plays him and she does perfect being serious Marluxia.

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Xemnas: Hare Hare Yukai

Xigbar: Seven Deadly Sins

Xaldin: The Hampster Dance

Vexen: Salty Dog

Lexeaus: Macho Man

Zexion: Emo kid song

Saix: Sexy Boy

Axel: Caramelldansen

Demyx: My Sitar

Luxord: Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Marluxia: I Feel Pretty

Larxene: Bumble Bee

Roxas: Crazy Frog

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I think I'm scarred for life o.o


I would always think Sora, Donald, and Goofy would be singing 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road' when they walked xD I would always picture Kairi singing 'Baby Come Back' o.O And Riku would be singing with Mickey 'It's a Small World'


Xemnas: What is Love?

Xigbar: A Pirates Life for Me

Xaldin: Crazy Cake (Don't ask.)

Vexen: I can't think of anything. Right now, I'm trying to kill him in Re:CoM so all I want to do it watch him die than picture him sing.

Lexaeus: Sanctuary...I don't know why. Just picture him in the Castle Basement randomly sing it while Zexion just walks in and stares at him.

Zexion: Sexy Back. It must be done. Also, thanks to a fan fiction, I would picture him dancing to 'Soulja Boy'. -____-;

Saix: U-G-L-Y. He has AWESOME hair! So he has to go up to people flipping it and singing this song xD

Axel: Hot in Here. I saw a video once. I died...

Demyx: Part of Your World. But it'd be reversed. Instead of the original lyrics being that Ariel wants to go to the land, he'd wanna go to the sea. Ariel and Demyx duet! xD

Luxord: Poker Face. I don't wanna talk about it xD

Marluxia: Probably rocking back and forth in a corner from all the madness.

Larxene: Glamorous by Fergie


Roxas would be hiding with Namin

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Lexaeus: Sanctuary...I don't know why. Just picture him in the Castle Basement randomly sing it while Zexion just walks in and stares at him.

LOL Zexion: :dodgy:



Demyx: Part of Your World. But it'd be reversed. Instead of the original lyrics being that Ariel wants to go to the land, he'd wanna go to the sea.


Cool water fountain effects!!



kinda have this in mind,thanks to a fan fic..

Larxene:Pokemon,gotta catch' em all!

Axel: Team Rocket's team song* with a torch in hand,dragging innocent Roxas along*



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