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What's Your Nobody Name?

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My real name is Teresa (just took of the 'sa' on my last name and threw on a z) and my Nobodies name is Xeresa... I had no idea what to do with the 'T' of my first name, so I just ditched it. xD

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My names Osei (Pronounced O-say)


So Something like... Iexso....Oh! Or maybe....Xeios.


M'kay, definitely going with Xeios. :)


Pronunciation: Zay-os.

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Hmph. If I had to make a name for myself, since people do call me, "Pyro"(You can blame me for enjoying the power and beauty of fire), I can only suspect to be called...Pryox(Pri-ux). Never underestimate the power of the flame.

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Lets see i will have to go with my Full name so

Xirakaz (Zirakaz)


Axizark (Ax-eh-zark)


Karixaz (Car-ex-as)

I dont know... I like Xirakaz though it is just my name backwards with an X...

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Well my first name is chris.... I can't do chris. Ill do my last name. Yexgad. Whoever can guess my last name, will get a rep point from me. A little thing, but still its for fun


*looks at sig*



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