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when exactly at the game do the flashbacks appear??


You get them at different times as you continue with the story. Think of them as the cutscenes that answer lots of stuff.

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You get them at different times as you continue with the story. Think of them as the cutscenes that answer lots of stuff.


this is the time where nomura confuses us the story with this back and forths :P

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this is the time where nomura confuses us the story with this back and forths :P


I don't think its purpose is to confuse us even more, but to help us figure out what a certain character is talking about during that point in time. They are very useful.

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Hey everybody!


Here is Part 34 of my LP.




I'll be uploading 2 more Parts in the next hours. ;)


EDIT: And here is Part 35.


Hope you like it! :)


EDIT2: Part 36 is ready!



Edited by AirbagVII

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so i created a playlist with the cutscenes I'm only up to destiny islands but tomorrow i will start to upload sora's side of traverse town so here is a link to the playlist

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And now, it's time for Riku to revisit Traverse Town.

Here is Part 39 of the LP.


Just one more episode of Traverse Town and then we'll start playing in Country of the Musketeers. ;)

EDIT: Part 40 is up!

Hope you like it! ;)

Edited by AirbagVII

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And here is Part 41 of the LP.


In this episode, we finally reach Country of the Musketeers.


Hope you like it! ;)


EDIT: Part 42, 43 and 44 are already up!





EDIT2: And here is one more episode (Part 45).


Edited by AirbagVII

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Ok so i finished recording the cutscenes for the first visit to traverse town and added them to the playlist. Here is the link to the playlist

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