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oath of oblivion

KH3D a little dream i had about ddd

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Last night I had a dream about KH3D. it wasn't a very long one. Basically I was watching a commercial for KH3D and this is how it went:


It started off with the Square Enix logo and then sanctuary started to play. Sora and Riku were shown standing before Yen Sid and Mickey at Mysterious Tower with a surprise look on their faces. After that Esmarelda was shown speaking to someone in the court of miracles is what it looked like. Zeus was shown speaking to Sora and Riku at a coliseum on mount olympus. Riku was shown sliding down the side of mount olympus attacking heartless on his way down. A boss battle between Sora and Sheer Kahn was shown in Jungle Book, Sheer Kahn did a lunging attack which made it look like he was jumping out of the screen at the player.


Next was shown Sora fighting a man in a hooded organization coat on the surface of the water at the dark meridian. The man was able to bring blocks of energy out of the water and shoot them at the screen which again had a 3D effect.


Next Kairi was shown being confronted by someone in an organization coat inside the pod room at the old mansion in Twilight Town. She summoned her Keyblade and she was with Hayner, Pence, and Ollete.


Terra was shown in Riku's awakening with a sad face, then Ven and Xion was shown in Sora's awakening with a sad face. Namine was shown in Kairi's awakening with a sad face. Aqua was shown with a hooded Ansem the wise at the dark meridian, she too had a sad face. Finally Lea was shown staring down at the ground with a sad face in what looked like Radiant Gardens.


Finally the logo of KH3D was shown and the narrator said rated E10 and up.


Since this was a commercial the scenes went by kinda fast and the whole commercial was about a minute long.


So yeah thought it might be interesting to post this and see what everyone thinks.

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That is an awesome dream to say the least, and it really feels like it could have been a real trailer. It reminds me of how much potential a game can appear to have in a trailer which I have not seen in a long time.

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Dude come on, why would you steal this?

This is exactly the same thing as what Memory Master posted at KHInsider: http://forums.khinsider.com/future-kingdom-hearts/161247-little-dream-i-had-about-kh3d.html


Of course it could be that you are Memory Master and that oath of oblivion is your username at KH13. Except, there is a difference, Memory Master is capable of writing properly, I've read through some of your earlier posts and you don't write like him.

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  On 5/9/2011 at 4:18 PM, 'JTD95' said:

Dude come on, why would you steal this?

This is exactly the same thing as what Memory Master posted at KHInsider: http://forums.khinsider.com/future-kingdom-hearts/161247-little-dream-i-had-about-kh3d.html


Of course it could be that you are Memory Master and that oath of oblivion is your username at KH13. Except, there is a difference, Memory Master is capable of writing properly, I've read through some of your earlier posts and you don't write like him.



But it was an awesome dream of... Memory Master...

I can totally picture that!

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  On 5/9/2011 at 5:09 PM, 'Kinode' said:


But it was an awesome dream of... Memory Master...

I can totally picture that!


Yeah, the dream seemed like something that actually could have been shown in a trailer. The only thing with his dream that seemed a little goofy and unlikely to appear in a trailer was the Xion, Ven, Terra sad face thing.

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  On 5/9/2011 at 5:43 PM, 'Rob' said:

I haven't dreamt about KH for a couple years.


i dreamed about kh one time and in my dream i was in destyni island and soraa diied i was sooooooooo sad :(

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i dreamt once about kh but my fream wasnt that epic it was epic but not too far i was sitting with sora and the others then we got a message from king mickey saying:that one of us is going to use a keyblade and that was me-ofc- and the one that was going to train me was the one and only keyblade master Sora

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