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oath of oblivion

if this happens kh can go to hell

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sorry abou the title but right now i am pissed that most ps3 titles are shooters or online mutiplayer in general.I am ok with shooters on the ps3 and i am a big call of duty fan but now the ps3 (and xbox)are obsessed with them but it works perfectly when shooters/fps's have multiplayer because(in my opinion)that is the best thing about them ; but how long has it been since we have had a very long single player game like kh or better (in my opinion)kh2,where the story mode is compleatly immersive with many secrets and hard-ish to get (but awsome) unlockable's (like final form in regular kh2 or the fenrir keyblade),and having multiplayer makes most single player stories ''very short -who-cares-about-this- CRAP!!!'' .It is my complete and utter belief that if kh 3 (or any other kh game) had an online multiplayer it will do/be the same grade of crap as other games now.I sincerly hope the kh series will upgrade a little in kh3 but mostly stay the same as it is. THANKS FOR READING!!! :lol: :D:P

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yea ik right most multi players i have i never finished the story i just said the hell with it and played multiplaer with my friends

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So let me get this straght, You are upset due to a lack of immersive single-player titles on the PS3 and the Xbox360? Because, Dude, Like, Elder scrolls, Portal 2, Fallout: New vegas, GTA 4, and Dead Rising are all big single player titles and are very fun. As for secrets, Fallout: New vegas is twice as big as KH2. And I forgot to mention Mass effect 2. Mass effect 2 is also massive. If the longest single player game you have is KH2, your collection leaves something to be desired.

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I said most games,but there a few good single player games but of those almost all of them dont have multiplayer,and if they do its not as baised and not well put together like (in my opinion) bbs.anyways the point i was getting at was most games with ONLINE multiplayer have short suck-ish stories(i said most).In the case of fallout,that game (among others) are -do-what-you-want- games and does not have dead-on greatly put together stories like kh series.fallout to me has a bunch of crappy weaved in PLOT SEGMENTS and not a one-way COMPLETE STORY

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"if this happens kh can go to hell"

Are you doubting Kingdom Hearts' ability to be awesome?! WHAT is wrong with you...?! :angry:


Anyway, I'm sure KH3 will be like KH1 and KH2, with the awesome single player and stuff. Hopefully, it'll have the fun gameplay that BBS and 3D have, along with being typically challenging. In truth, I wouldn't mind if there was an online mode, where you could team up with players around the world to fight Heartless in a specific area, or battle other online players with your Keyblade. But if they DID do that, I don't want them to capitalize on it like it's SO huge (like a certain FPS series I know). Focus mostly on the main game, and rather, treat the online thing like a bonus feature, like they have with BBS and Days. ;)

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I agree with J.

Let's hope to have a KH3 like KH1 and II with a big single player.

And yes, you may not enjoy it (neither I do), but the online thing may be considered a bonus feature.

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