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Ultimate Oblivion

Text Xehanort's Life

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i didn't bother to read this but i love the idea <3 <3 <3 but we allready know what happend to xehanort he actually was a fan of ansems and decided to help him and when ansem betrayed him saying we shouldn't investigate hearts any more he got turned in to a heart less and that is what you fight in KH 1

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Bonus chapter

warning:swear words


It's is an awesome day said xehanort

yeah said yen sid and luna

ding dong

Who's there said xehanort

i am a burglar. said the stranger and he smashed the door

luna, turn on the security system said yen sid

a meteor crashed

wtf said the burglar

megatron came out

who the f**k called me. said megatron

xehanort said: that guy wants to kill me

megatron grabbed the burglar

u 1 a piece of me you s**t head

optimus prime came out

megatron, stop, remember what u did to the last guy. said optimus


megatron put the head of the previous burglar in to a toilet bowl and flushed it

ends flashback

megatron threw the burglar to the lanes between

took care of the thrash said megatron

yay. said every1 except megatron

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